
1. POST TEMPLATE (Content) Revelations & Teachings Post


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Heaven's View - Where the Spirit of the Lord is


(Concordant Literal Version)

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Heaven's View - Where the Spirit of the Lord is


(Concordant Literal Version)

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Time 0.00 minutes

  • Speaking in tongues IS THE PROOF of the baptism of the holy spirit!
  • 3-day fast from speaking to people (to hear Yahweh alone)!
  • Yahweh said to me, “Connect the dots.”
  • No religion. No lies of the world.
  • Yahweh’s proof of  current day healings, miracles…
  • Yeshua will baptize in holy spirit and fire (Luke 3:16).

Time 5.13 minutes

  • The Apostle Paul concerned of others, “Did you obtain holy spirit on believing?”
  • Why focus on the Apostle Paul’s question.

Time 9.58 minutes

  • All sin, even the Apostle Peter and others…
  • Go TO the nations!
  • Familiarity with Yeshua.

Time 15.05 minutes

  • Again, ALL sin. Moses, King David, the Apostles, God’s Generals, myself… ALL.
  • Yahweh directed me to share my sins also… in KEEPING THE FAITH through the UN-thinkable (others may learn from my own mistakes, Praise Yahweh!).

Time 19.59 minutes

  • IF you find yourself resisting this revelation, may I suggest you get with Yahweh…
  • Light Up the Scriptures studies by Dr. Tom Taylor, diligent study of these revelations.
  • Expecting Pentecost myself… Acts 2:1-6.

Time 25.12 minutes

  • Tongues… you cannot babble until you speak in tongues. No Biblical proof for this!
  • The spirit gave languages to DECLAIM!
  • Prayer to Father.
  • Tarry for Pentecost in your own life. Yahweh IS faithful! Amen.

Time 28.11 minutes

  • The truth will be making you free. John 8:32
  • MORE revelations and teachings of Yahweh:
  • >>> Miraculous Healings TODAY!
  • >>> Baptism of the Spirit!
  • >>> Plus MANY more…
  • Test the spirits! Are YOU truly living in Yahweh’s peace today? REALLY?
  • Find out on the Peace~O~Meter
  • BE FREE! Climb out of the box of lies!
  • Repent! The kingdom of heaven is near!
  • Live in the Apostolic faith… TODAY!
  • ARE YOU RADICAL ENOUGH to believe every word of Yeshua?
  • Blessings…
  • I look forward to ALL the future holds! MIRACLES! SIGNS! WONDERS!
Heaven's View Ministry - Revelations and Teachings - Where The Spirit Of the Lord Is - Icon - Audio-Headphones-Tineline


“Video/Preaching Title HERE >”



Heaven's View - Where the Spirit of the Lord is


(Concordant Literal Version)

NOTE: Other Scriptures block if required:

(Read also Matthew 8:5-13, Matthew 14:34-36,
Matthew 15:21-28, Matthew 17:14-20,
Mark 9:15-27, Mark 10:46-52, Luke 18:35-43, etc.)

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KEEPING THE FAITH - WHITE BUTTERFLY - Where the Spirit of the Lord is

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KEEPING THE FAITH - WHITE BUTTERFLY - Where the Spirit of the Lord is
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(Time ?:00)

Where the Spirit of the Lord is-  HEAVEN'S VIEW - BUTTERFLIES DIVIDER (Purple)
ONE - “< TITLE of advert to another video HERE >” < Sub-title/introduction text HERE >



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Thank you for joining us here at Heaven’s View Ministry!

Find more revelations and teachings from Yahweh, including:


Miraculous Healings TODAY!

Heaven's View Ministry - Revelations and Teachings - Did you know, MIRACULOUS INSTANT HEALINGS occur... today?
Preachings and Teachings - Heavens View Ministry - through Tamra Jean - New Testament Scriptures on healing - 4 Part Series - Matthew to Revelations

Baptism of the Spirit!

Can you rise up and meet Yeshua in the clouds when He comes, if you do not speak in tongues? - Heaven's View Revelations & Teachings - Tamra Jean - Feb-18-2023

Plus many more…

Heaven's View Ministry - Revelations & Teachings - NO CONDEMNATION - Are you truly living every day in Romans 8.1 - through Tamra Jean, Where The Spirit of the Lord is
  • Miraculous Healings TODAY!
  • The importance and truth of the baptism in the spirit!
  • Plus many more revelations and teachings as and when Yahweh and His spirit are revealing them to me to herald and declaim. Praise Yahweh!


Miraculous Healing Services and Broadcasts TODAY!

Heaven's View Ministry - Revelations and Teachings - Did you know, MIRACULOUS INSTANT HEALINGS occur... today?
Heaven's View Ministry - Revelations and Teachings - Personal testimonies - Living proof of YAHWEHs INSTANT HEALING POWER today - through Tamra Jean, Where The Spirit of the Lord is - Heaven's View Ministry
Preachings and Teachings - Heavens View Ministry - through Tamra Jean - New Testament Scriptures on healing - 4 Part Series - Matthew to Revelations
Be Healed TODAY! - Heaven's View Ministry - MIRACULOUS INSTANT HEALINGS "Greater than these will you be doing" - LIVE Broadcast through Tamra Jean - June 21st 2023
Be Healed TODAY! - Heaven's View Ministry - MIRACULOUS INSTANT HEALINGS "Yahweh's BREATH of LIFE!" - LIVE Broadcast through Tamra Jean - July 25th 2023
Be Healed TODAY! - Heaven's View Ministry - MIRACULOUS INSTANT HEALINGS "The BLESSING and the CURSE." - LIVE Broadcast through Tamra Jean - August 23rd 2023 -
Be Healed TODAY! - Heavens View Ministry - MIRACULOUS INSTANT HEALINGS "Worship El Shaddai! Praise Him!" - LIVE Broadcast through Tamra Jean - September 26th 2023 -
Be Healed TODAY! - Heaven's View Ministry - MIRACULOUS INSTANT HEALINGS "Peace! TRUE PEACE!" - LIVE Broadcast through Tamra Jean - October 25th 2023
Be Healed TODAY! - Heaven's View Ministry - MIRACULOUS INSTANT HEALINGS "Become Thankful" - LIVE Broadcast through Tamra Jean - November 29th, 2023
Be Healed TODAY! - Heaven's View Ministry - LIVE HEALING Service Broadcast - Yahweh is waiting on us! We are NOT waiting on Him" 1 Samuel 10:7 - LIVE Broadcast through Tamra Jean - March 13, 2024
Be Healed TODAY! -LIVE HEALING Service Broadcast - Heaven's View Ministry - "GOOD is not good enough to enter into the kingdom of Heaven!" - LIVE Broadcast through Tamra Jean - April 30, 2024
Be Healed TODAY! - MIRACULOUS HEALING Service Broadcast "GLORIOUS Psalms of Praise!" - REPLAY - May 29, 2024 - HEAVEN'S VIEW MINISTRY - through Tamra Jean
Be Healed TODAY! - MIRACULOUS HEALING Service Broadcast - REPLAY - "FORGIVENESS ...the path to FREEDOM" - June-25-2024 --- HEAVEN'S VIEW MINISTRY - through Tamra Jean
MIRACULOUS HEALING SERVICE - HEALING comes from YAHWEH! Seek healing from HIM alone! No drugs. No doctors - Jul-31-2024 - HEAVENS VIEW MINISTRY - through Tamra Jean
Be Healed TODAY! - Heavens View Ministry - MIRACULOUS INSTANT HEALINGS "Leaving the lies of religion to find YAHWEH" - Healing Service Broadcast through Tamra Jean - August 30, 2024
  • Be healed today through our Yahweh-led miraculous healing services and broadcasts!
  • The Apostolic Faith IS ALIVE TODAY! Yahweh heals… TODAY!
  • Receive your own personal healing from Yahweh! (Our Glorious Father works through replays also! HE IS YAHWEH! ALL IS POSSIBLE WITH HIM! Amen!)

Receive your own personal healing from Yahweh!

Where the Spirit of the Lord is-  HEAVEN'S VIEW - BUTTERFLIES DIVIDER (Purple)
Test the spirits (read 1 John 4:1)… fact check and spirit check everything you see, hear and read. INCLUDING the heraldings and teachings here at Heaven’s View Ministry!
Also, test your OWN spirit:

Are you truly living in Yahweh's peace?


Answer the 40 questions on the Peace~o~Meter… and get FREE tips and help to increasing your TRUE peace in Yahweh!
Peace-O-meter - Where The Spirit Of The Lord Is - Heaven's View Ministry - RESULT 3 (without number)
(Takes 15-20 minutes)
Yes, you are worth it!
Change your life today!
Answer the 40 questions on the Peace~o~Meter… and get FREE tips and help to increasing your TRUE peace in Yahweh!
Where the Spirit of the Lord is-  HEAVEN'S VIEW - BUTTERFLIES DIVIDER (Purple)
Come and BE FREE!
Live in FREEDOM!
Live in TRUTH!
The Kingdom of Heaven is near! Get ready!
Remain Ready!
Be committed!
and receive the wreath of life!
Be healed! Today!
Live in the
Apostolic Faith… TODAY!
Yahweh heals…
Yahweh sets the captives free…
Yahweh binds
the broken of heart…
Yahweh raises the dead…
Praise His Holy Name!

You are invited to BE RADICAL as Yeshua is calling us to be! 

LEARN THE TRUTH in the Bible, not from any mis-translations, nor human interpretations leading to misapplications of the truth…

Just as when Yeshua walked the earth and healed others!

I myself was miraculously healed of a “depleted disk in my sacrum.” Excruciating back pain for years! (Sitting, standing, lying down, I was UNABLE to find comfort… living with pain like a knife in my back constantly…) “No cure,” the doctors said. Well, Yahweh instantly healed! PRAISE HIS HOLY NAME!

Be baptized in the spirit…
KNOW Yahweh and walk in His power.

Join us in obeying His every word, living radically and completely SOLD-OUT for YAHWEH, EL SHADDAI, the CREATOR of everything… 

Are you radical enough?

I am just crazy enough
to take Yahweh {God} at His word!

Are you?

Join us at Heaven’s View Ministry, today!

I am called by Yahweh, to be His conduit, for Him to work miraculous healings through my prayers for you (like Peter, Paul, as well as Stephen). Just as Yeshua Himself stated:

Heaven's View - Where the Spirit of the Lord is

12 “Verily, verily, I am saying to you, he who is believing in Me, the works which I am doing he also will be doing, and greater than these will he be doing, for I am going to the Father. 13 And whatever you should be requesting in My name, this I will be doing, that the Father should be glorified in the Son.”

John 14:12-13
(Concordant Literal Version)
I am called to comfort, to speak, and to serve you!
How may I help you?
Come JOIN US at
Heaven’s View Ministry!
Amen and Amen.
See you soon!
 I look forward to
ALL the future holds!
Miracles, signs, and wonders!
Praise His Holy Name!
Where the Spirit of the Lord is-  HEAVEN'S VIEW - BUTTERFLIES DIVIDER (Purple)

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WATCH what
you speak!

Yahweh spoke and CREATED the world!

3 And Elohim said: Let light come to be! And light came to be.

Genesis 1:3
(Concordant Literal Version)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

26 And Elohim said: Let Us make humanity in Our image and according to Our likeness.

Genesis 1:26
(Concordant Literal Version)

Be ambitious to be quiet…

11 and that you be ambitious to be quiet, and to be engaged in your own affairs, and to be working with your hands, according as we charge you,

1 Thessalonians 4:11
(Concordant Literal Version)

Speak ONLY what Yahweh directs you to speak!

49 “…seeing that I speak not from Myself, but the Father Who sends Me, He has given Me the precept, what I may be saying and what I should be speaking. 50 And I am aware that His precept is life eonian. What, then, I am speaking, according as the Father has declared it to Me, thus am I speaking.”

John 12:49-50
(Concordant Literal Version)

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28 Jesus, then, said to them again that “Whenever you should be exalting the Son of Mankind, then you will know that I am, and from Myself I am doing nothing, but, according as My Father teaches Me, these things I am speaking. 29 And He Who sends Me is with Me. He does not leave Me alone, for what is pleasing to Him am I doing always.”

John 8:28-29
(Concordant Literal Version)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

18 For I am not daring to speak any of what Christ does not effect through me for the obedience of the nations, in word and work, 19 in the power of signs and miracles, in the power of God’s spirit, so that, from Jerusalem and around unto Illyricum, I have completed the evangel of the Christ.

Romans 15:18-19
(Concordant Literal Version)

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18 “He who is speaking from himself is seeking his own glory, yet He Who is seeking the glory of Him Who sends Him, this One is true, and injustice is not in Him.”

John 7:18
(Concordant Literal Version)

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45 “The good man out of the good treasure of his heart is bringing forth that which is good, and the wicked man out of the wicked treasure of his heart is bringing forth that which is wicked, for out of the superabundance of the heart his mouth is speaking.”

Luke 6:45
(Concordant Literal Version)

Request in Yeshua’s Name, believing, and it will occur!

22 And answering, Jesus is saying to them, “If you have faith of God, 23 verily, I am saying to you that whosoever may be saying to this mountain, ‘Be picked up and cast into the sea,’ and may not be doubting in his heart, but should be believing that what he is speaking is occurring, it shall be his, whatsoever he may be saying.”
24 “Therefore I am saying to you, All, whatever you are praying and requesting, be believing that you obtained, and it will be yours.”

Mark 11:22-24
(Concordant Literal Version)

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7 “Request and it shall be given you. Seek and you shall find. Knock and it shall be opened to you. 8 For everyone who is requesting is obtaining, and who is seeking is finding, and to him who is knocking it shall be opened.”

Matthew 7:7
(Concordant Literal Version)

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12 “Verily, verily, I am saying to you, he who is believing in Me, the works which I am doing he also will be doing, and greater than these will he be doing, for I am going to the Father. 13 And whatever you should be requesting in My name, this I will be doing, that the Father should be glorified in the Son. 14 If you should ever be requesting anything of Me in My name, this I will be doing.”

John 14:12-14
(Concordant Literal Version)

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7 “If ever you should be remaining in Me and My declarations should be remaining in you, whatever you should be wanting, request, and it will be occurring to you.”

John 15:7
(Concordant Literal Version)

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23 “Verily, verily, I am saying to you that whatever you should be requesting the Father, He will be giving it to you in My name. 24 Hitherto you do not request anything in My name. Request and you shall obtain, that your joy may be full.” 

John 16:23-24
(Concordant Literal Version)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

19 “Again, verily, I am saying to you that, if ever two of you should be agreeing on the earth concerning any matter, whatsoever it is they should be requesting shall be coming to them from My Father Who is in the heavens. 20 For where two or three are, gathered in My name, there am I in the midst of them.”

Matthew 18:19-20
(Concordant Literal Version)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

21 Now, answering, Jesus said to them, “Verily, I am saying to you, If you should be having faith and not be doubting, not only that to the fig tree will you be doing, but if you should be saying to this mountain also, ‘Be picked up and cast into the sea!’ it will be occurring. 22 And all, whatsoever you should be requesting in prayer, believing, you shall be getting.”

Matthew 21:21-22
(Concordant Literal Version)

No joking. (No tainted words… and no stupid speaking… etc)

29 Let no tainted word at all be issuing out of your mouth, but if any is good toward needful edification, that it may be giving grace to those hearing.
30 And do not be causing sorrow to the holy spirit of God by which you are sealed for the day of deliverance.

Ephesians 4:29-30
(Concordant Literal Version)

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4 …and vileness and stupid speaking [silly talk, buffoonery, foolish talking – Strong’s definition] or insinuendo [joke, jesting, witticism – Strong’s definition], which are not proper, but rather thanksgiving.

Ephesians 5:4
(Concordant Literal Version)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

36 “Now I am saying to you that, for every idle declaration which men shall be speaking, they shall be rendering an account concerning it in the day of judging. 37 For by your words shall you be justified, and by your words shall you be convicted.”

Matthew 12:36-37
(Concordant Literal Version)

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33 Be not deceived: evil conversations are corrupting kind characters.

1 Corinthians 15:33
(Concordant Literal Version)

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5 … and leading into captivity every apprehension into the obedience of Christ,

2 Corinthians 10:5b
(Concordant Literal Version)

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9 And this I am praying, that your love may be superabounding still more and more in realization and all sensibility, 10 for you to be testing what things are of consequence, that you may be sincere and no stumbling block for the day of Christ,

27 Only be citizens walking worthily of the evangel of Christ,

Philippians 1:9-10 and 27
(Concordant Literal Version)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

Read also Proverbs 10:8 and 10, 2 Corinthians 5:16-17, 1 John 2:15-17, Philippians 4:8, Proverbs 4:23-24, 1 Timothy 6:20-21, Colossians 3:9 (jokes are lies not truths), 1 Timothy 1:5-11 (anything opposing sound teaching), James 1:5 (double souled, serious and then joking), Proverbs 3:34, James 3:1-13, Ephesians 5:7-13, 1 John 2:21, 1 Timothy 6:3-4a (sound words), Colossians 2:8 (human tradition is to joke), Hebrews 11:14 (holiness), etc…

No logical reasoning or complaining!

14 All be doing without murmurings and reasonings…

Philippians 2:14
(Concordant Literal Version)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

10 Nor yet be murmuring even as some of them murmur, and perished by the exterminator.

1 Corinthians 10:10
(Concordant Literal Version)

Speak TRUTH!

22 False lips are an abhorrence to Yahweh,
Yet those who hold to truth are dear to Him.

Proverbs 12:22
(Concordant Literal Version)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

8 For the rest, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is grave, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is agreeable, whatever is renowned — if there is any virtue, and if any applause, be taking these into account.

Philippians 4:8
(Concordant Literal Version)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

14 And, coming, they are saying to Him, “Teacher, we are aware that you are true, and you are not caring about anyone, for you are not looking at the face of men, but, of a truth, the way of God are you teaching…”

Mark 12:14a
(Concordant Literal Version)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

44 “You are of your father, the Adversary, and the desires of your father you are wanting to do. He was a man-killer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, for truth is not in him. Whenever he may be speaking a lie, he is speaking of his own, for he is a liar, and the father of it. 45 Yet I — seeing that I am speaking the truth, you are not believing Me. 46 Who of you is exposing Me concerning sin? If I am telling the truth, wherefore are you not believing Me?”

John 8:44-46
(Concordant Literal Version)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

28 Jesus, then, said to them again that “Whenever you should be exalting the Son of Mankind, then you will know that I am, and from Myself I am doing nothing, but, according as My Father teaches Me, these things I am speaking.”

John 8:28-29
(Concordant Literal Version)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

18 For I am not daring to speak any of what Christ does not effect through me for the obedience of the nations, in word and work, 19 in the power of signs and miracles, in the power of God’s spirit, so that, from Jerusalem and around unto Illyricum, I have completed the evangel of the Christ.

Romans 15:18-19
(Concordant Literal Version)

Speak about Yahweh only!

18 Hence you will place these my words in your heart and in your soul, and you will tie them as a sign on your hand, and let them come to be as brow-bands between your eyes. 19 You will teach them to your sons, speaking of them when you sit in your house, when you walk on the road, when you lie down and when you arise. 20 You will write them on the jambs of your house and on your gates,

Deuteronomy 11:18-20
(Concordant Literal Version)

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1 And I, coming to you, brethren, came not with superiority of word or of wisdom, announcing to you the testimony of God, 2 for I decide not to perceive anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified. 3 And I came to be with you in weakness, and in fear, and in much trembling, 4 and my word and my heralding were not with the persuasive words of human wisdom, but with demonstration of spirit and of power, 5 that your faith may not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God.

1 Corinthians 2:1-5
(Concordant Literal Version)

How at peace are you...
right now?

(Takes 15-20 minutes)
Yes, you are worth it!
Change your life today!

How at peace
are you...
right now?

(Takes 15-20 minutes)
Yes, you are worth it! Change your life TODAY!

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