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  • Concordant Literal New Testament with keyword concordance
  • Concordant Version of the Old Testament

A. E. Knoch, an Ancient Greek scholar, researcher and author, desiring to understand the word of Yahweh {God}, found within all versions of the Bible there were numerous errors in translation and some blatant additions and omissions that were edited after the inspired word was created in its completion. He deemed it important to start anew, rather than revise incorrect versions already published, in order to “do it right to be worth doing at all.” Hence, the Concordant Literal versions of the Old and New Testaments were born.

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New Testament for purchase | Old Testament for purchase

God’s Generals – Why They Succeeded and Why Some Failed

by Roberts Liardon


The Apostolic Faith, including Yahweh’s {God’s} instant miraculous healings, occur TODAY!

Increase your faith hearing the COUNTLESS accounts of miraculous healings in this book. Yahweh’s obedient children, “God’s Generals,” will inspire you and your faith to NEW HEIGHTS! Praise Yah!

God’s Generals – The Healing Evangelists

by Roberts Liardon

Learn to walk in THE WAYS OF THE FAITHFUL and OBEDIENT of El Shaddai… today!

Yahweh is THE SAME yesterday, today and for the eons! His spoken words to believers are THE EXACT SAME for us today, as they were 2,000 years ago!




Yahweh directed me to study THESE books! The accounts of current day, faithful followers, whom our Father in Heaven works HIS will through! SUCH dedicated and obedient lives of inspiration!

Miracles, signs and wonders occurring through the hands of modern-day followers… the same miracles as Paul, Peter and Stephen in the New Testament!

As it is written: 

John 14:12-14 (Concordant Literal Version)
12 “Verily, verily, I am saying to you, he who is believing in Me, the works which I am doing he also will be doing, and greater than these will he be doing, for I am going to the Father. 13 And whatever you should be requesting in My name, this I will be doing, that the Father should be glorified in the Son. 14 If you should ever be requesting anything of Me in My name, this I will be doing.” 

Also, it is written:

Mark 16:17-18 (Concordant Literal Version)
17 “Now these signs shall fully follow in those who believe: In My name they shall be casting out demons; they will be speaking in new languages; 18 they will be picking up serpents; and if they should be drinking anything deadly, it should under no circumstances be harming them; they will be placing hands on those who are ailing, and ideally will they be having it.”

Caution: guard your spirit when reading these books. Be as the Bereans and read the Bible, making sure ALL of these “God’s Generals” actions and teachings line up with the Word. (Fact check and spirit check ALL that you hear and read from anyone, including us here at Heaven’s View Ministry.)

There are quite a few actions that these men and women do which they say are from Yahweh, but are NOT and are of the world. Also, there are even a few of the “God’s Generals” that I do not even read about, because their actions of attention seeking are nothing even close to how Yeshua walked while on the earth. (One of them is Amy Semple McPhereson.)

We do point you (and others) to these books and teachings, but with a warning to GUARD yourself as we do, and extract only the precious from the worthless.

David Hogan

The spirit of Elijah IS ALIVE… today!

This man is obedient to Yahweh!

He LIVES the Bible.

He TRUSTS in Yahweh.

He KNOWS Yahweh!

Increase your own faith today, learn from this obedient, mighty man of Yahweh! We here at Heaven’s View Ministry listen to his teachings and increase our faith in El Shaddai! We are inspired to come UP to the next level with Yahweh!


The Apostolic Faith, including Yahweh’s {God’s} instant miraculous healings, casting out demons, raising the dead, drinking anything deadly with NO symptoms… occur TODAY!

YOU AND I can walk with Yahweh also, JUST LIKE THIS!

Miracles, signs and wonders, in Yeshua’s name, occurring through the hands of modern-day followers… the same miracles as Yeshua, Paul, Peter and Stephen in the New Testament!

It is written:

Matthew 10:7-8 (Concordant Literal Version)
7 “Now GOING, herald, saying that ‘Near is the kingdom of the heavens!’ 8 The infirm be curing, the dead be rousing, lepers be cleansing, demons be casting out. Gratuitously you got; gratuitously be giving.”

John 14:12-14 (Concordant Literal Version)
12 “Verily, verily, I am saying to you, he who is believing in Me, the works which I am doing he also will be doing, and greater than these will he be doing, for I am going to the Father. 13 And whatever you should be requesting in My name, this I will be doing, that the Father should be glorified in the Son. 14 If you should ever be requesting anything of Me in My name, this I will be doing.” 

Mark 16:17-18 (Concordant Literal Version)
17 “Now these signs shall fully follow in those who believe: In My name they shall be casting out demons; they will be speaking in new languages; 18 they will be picking up serpents; and if they should be drinking anything deadly, it should under no circumstances be harming them; they will be placing hands on those who are ailing, and ideally will they be having it.”

Warning: guard your spirit when watching his preachings. Be as the Bereans and read the Bible, making sure ALL of this man’s teachings line up with the Word. (Fact check and spirit check ALL that you hear and read from anyone, including us here at Heaven’s View Ministry.)

There is one thing we do not agree with throughout David Hogan’s teachings, which is how he disregards Luke 10:17-20. As far as we have seen from his videos, he not only disregards but also completely dis-obeys this command of Yeshua {Jesus} in Scripture, Luke 10:20, for David Hogan does rejoice that spirits are subject to him. He is thrilled and obsessed with conquering wickedness and rejoicing in it, instead of simply rejoicing that his name is written in the Scroll of Life.

We do point you (and others) to his teachings, but with a warning to GUARD yourself as we do, and extract the precious from the worthless.


compiled by Robert’s Liardon

MIRACLES occur today!

Proof from thousands upon thousands of living, breathing, real account examples of instant, miraculous healings! Cancer. CURED! Tumors. CURED! Sickness and disease. MIRACULOUSLY HEALED!

Scriptural fact: Yeshua is the SAME yesterday, today and for the eons! Amen! (Read Malachi 3:6a and Hebrews 13:8

Bold, straight-forward teaching. NO lies. NO religious traditions. No personal opinions. Facts!


My spirit SOARS reading this book! Praise the Living Yahweh!

John G. Lake was a LIVING EXAMPLE that the Word is alive today! Miracles, signs and wonders OCCUR in those who believe. JUST as the Bible declares!

“Now these signs shall fully follow in those who believe: In My name they shall be casting out demons; they will be speaking in new languages; they will be picking up serpents; and if they should be drinking anything deadly, it should under no circumstances be harming them; they will be placing hands on those who are ailing, and ideally will they be having it.”

Mark 16:17-18

I was raised in religion, being taught that miracles died when the original apostles died.



Read this book of teachings by JOHN G. LAKE, all based on Scripture and Biblical truths, to find TRUTH… and refreshment to your spirit! Increase your own faith! Receive your own miraculous, instant healing! Amen!


Curry Blake

Another living “God’s General!” Amen!

This man is obedient to Yahweh!

He LIVES the Bible.

He KNOWS Yahweh!

Increase your own Biblical knowledge and faith today, learn from this obedient man of Yahweh! We here at Heaven’s View Ministry have listened to his teachings (New Man, DHT, etc) and increased our wisdom and faith in El Shaddai! We came UP to the next level with Yahweh!


He is a wise teacher of the Word! He obeys the commission to disciple all the nations, not just get them saved and walk away. His heart of that of Yeshua’s to disciple others all the days of their lives! To TEACH others to KNOW Yahweh and to walk in ALL we are given! Amen!

Also, the Apostolic Faith, including Yahweh’s {God’s} instant miraculous healings, casting out demons, raising the dead, drinking anything deadly with NO symptoms… occur TODAY!

YOU AND I can walk with Yahweh also, JUST LIKE THIS!

Miracles, signs and wonders, in Yeshua’s name, occurring through the hands of modern-day followers… the same miracles as Yeshua, Paul, Peter and Stephen in the New Testament!

It is written:

Matthew 10:7-8 (Concordant Literal Version)
7 “Now GOING, herald, saying that ‘Near is the kingdom of the heavens!’ 8 The infirm be curing, the dead be rousing, lepers be cleansing, demons be casting out. Gratuitously you got; gratuitously be giving.”

John 14:12-14 (Concordant Literal Version)
12 “Verily, verily, I am saying to you, he who is believing in Me, the works which I am doing he also will be doing, and greater than these will he be doing, for I am going to the Father. 13 And whatever you should be requesting in My name, this I will be doing, that the Father should be glorified in the Son. 14 If you should ever be requesting anything of Me in My name, this I will be doing.” 

Mark 16:17-18 (Concordant Literal Version)
17 “Now these signs shall fully follow in those who believe: In My name they shall be casting out demons; they will be speaking in new languages; 18 they will be picking up serpents; and if they should be drinking anything deadly, it should under no circumstances be harming them; they will be placing hands on those who are ailing, and ideally will they be having it.”

Warning: guard your spirit when watching his preachings. Be as the Bereans and read the Bible, making sure ALL of this man’s teachings line up with the Word. (Fact check and spirit check ALL that you hear and read from anyone, including us here at Heaven’s View Ministry.)

There are a few things we do not agree with throughout Curry Blake’s teachings, the first of which is how much he jokes throughout his Biblical preachings and teachings, including joking about communion, disregarding “no tainted words” from Ephesians 4:29-30, no “vileness and stupid speaking or insinuendo (joke or jesting)” from Ephesians 5:4, also for all “idle declarations” each will give an account, as it is written in Matthew 12:36-37. When pointed out, he defended himself stating that God gave him a sense of humor. (We find no Scripture to back this up.)

The second thing which we do not agree with is how he disregards Luke 10:17-20. As far as we have seen from his videos, he not only disregards but also completely dis-obeys this command of Yeshua {Jesus} in Scripture, Luke 10:20, for Curry Blake does rejoice that spirits are subject to him. He seems a little obsessed with conquering wickedness and rejoicing in it, instead of simply rejoicing that his name is written in the Scroll of Life.

We do point you (and others) to his teachings, but with a word of caution to GUARD yourself as we do, and extract the precious from the worthless.


by John. G. Lake

Living proof that MIRACLES occur today!

This is John G. Lake’s personal account of Yahweh working miracles, signs and wonders THROUGH his life! Lake was such a sold-out, faithful, faith-FILLED, radical servant and obedient friend of Yahweh! I PRAISE YAHWEH for examples of His followers today! Amen!

Scriptural fact: Yeshua is the SAME yesterday, today and for the eons! Amen! (Read Malachi 3:6a and Hebrews 13:8

Inspiring, bold accounts of his life, sold-out for Yeshua.


My spirit SOARS reading this book! Praise the Living Yahweh!

John G. Lake was a LIVING testimony  that the Word is alive today! Miracles, signs and wonders OCCUR in and through those who believe. EXACTLY as the Bible declares!

“Now these signs shall fully follow in those who believe: In My name they shall be casting out demons; they will be speaking in new languages; they will be picking up serpents; and if they should be drinking anything deadly, it should under no circumstances be harming them; they will be placing hands on those who are ailing, and ideally will they be having it.”

Mark 16:17-18

I was raised in religion, being taught that miracles died when the original apostles died.



Read this book of real life accounts by JOHN G. LAKE, all based on Scripture and Biblical truths, to find TRUTH… and refreshment to your spirit! Increase your own faith! Walk in the realm of the miraculous… in HEAVEN’S VIEW! Amen!

God’s Eonian Purpose

by Adlai Loudy

Proof from example…

Does the Bible translation you read include the word “Grace” in Romans 7:24?

Here is the Concordant Literal Versions direct translation from the original writings:

A wretched man am I! What will rescue me out of this body of death? Grace!

I (personally) was raised on the King James version of the Bible, and, thus, SHOCKINGLY… I found that the word “Grace” has been left out! OF THE BIBLE! WHAT?!?

This error in translation creates a dramatic difference to the meaning of the complete context they came from. Adlai Loudy reveals that the above example is only ONE of MANY MANY mis-translations and mis-interpretations of most Bible translations around the world…

THANKFULLY… there is NOW a new, more correctly translated Bible from Concordant Publishing Concern… and they GENEROUSLY GIVE an ONLINE version for FREE!

Read this book to find an explanation of the method of translation, the most accurate Biblical translation of the original Hebrew and Greek texts in the world.

This is only one piece of the valuable information revealed in this book.

The Practice and
Presence of God

by Brother Lawrence

Upon reading this lovely lovely book… I feel a gushing of Yahweh’s {God’s} love through the newly opened floodgates of heaven, with such grace (and no anger nor condemnation), in a way that I had never before seen nor known in religion. His grace and spirit emanates out of the book and into your heart, literally!

Brother Lawrence’s belief and countenance is so calm, overflowing with grace, love, kindness and patience! He holds the most gracious view of life, one lived entirely in Yahweh {God} Who created him! My muscles relax when I read this due to its encouraging nature!

Actually, my favorite choice amongst his publications is: The Brother Lawrence Collection – An Christian Classic – Practice and Presence of God, Spiritual Maxims, The Life of Brother Lawrence by Brother Lawrence

The Tongue

A Creative Force

by Charles Capps

One of the most insightful books I have ever read, I would even say it literally changed my speech! It changed my life! The lesson I instantly saw and have since learned, kept close to my heart, fixed forefront in my mind, and on the tip of my tongue… was:

“Words are the most powerful thing in the universe…
We must learn to use our words more effectively.
The words you speak will either put you over or hold you in bondage.”

The Tongue, A Creative Force by Charles Capps

As I think and say often, “Words create! Yahweh {God} spoke and light came to be in the world.” (Read Genesis 1:3-5) When we speak positively, we create positivity in our lives. When we speak negatively, we create negativity in our lives. Which would you prefer MORE of?

and We Are Not

by Barbara Brown

Barbara Brown shares her “wild and crazy ride” of her journey with Yahweh {God}. She is refreshingly straight talking, jumping right into the big middle of subjects like purity and sin, marriage and divorce, tithing, hearing Yahweh {God} and everything else in-between! 

She has complete, unmovable trust in Yahweh {God}, and always says “Yes” to our Father in Heaven, as you will read in her book. Her life is radical proof that miracles still occur… as Yahweh {God} works His wonders through her prayers!

I am grateful to our Father in Heaven for placing me on Barbara Brown’s path. Her zest for life, her unique connection with Yahweh {God}, and her radical and dogged determination to do ALL the Father asks her helped me personally out of the miserable and dis-ease ridden life I had created for myself. She helped open my eyes to see the REAL Yahweh {God}, not of religion but ALIVE and the One True LIVING YAHWEH {GOD}! She sees ALL events and experiences in life as “no problems” and wakes each morning in anticipation of the new days adventures with her Daddy in Heaven! Her joy and excitement of life is contagious!

You Think YOU
Have it Tough?

by Dr. Tom Taylor

Dr. Tom Taylor recounts a personal vision he had with Yeshua {Jesus}, step by step through the last few days of His life, helping express the depth and personal nature of the love Yeshua {Jesus} gives to each of us. 

This incredibly moving book helps me to always remember that whatever I go through bears little weight in comparison to Yeshua’s {Jesus’s} beyond horrific and unimaginably painful last days of His life. His life that He gave up for me, and for you. THANK YOU YESHUA {JESUS}! Bless You!

This book is truly anointed, the words come alive… every time I read it, I am RIGHT THERE WITH them. This book truly changes your view of any “complaining” in your life… if YOU THINK YOU HAVE IT TOUGH?

Light Up the Scriptures

by Dr. Tom Taylor

Dr. Tom Taylor had an alarmingly fresh perspective of the Bible, not “taught to him” by religion, literary experts nor the many, many books by the same, but instead, as part of a small dedicated group, he took a rigorous, fourteen year deep dive into the original Greek and Hebrew texts of the Scriptures with the sole purpose of finding the truth and sharing Yahweh’s {God’s} message that had been, and still is to a large extent, so lost in today’s teachings and religious doctrines, a truth within the Scriptures which has been “misinterpreted, misunderstood and misapplied.

Years following his deep dive, he held 183 weekly eye opening, ear opening if you will, “non-religious” Bible studies (which are all recorded on audio) for all truth seekers hungry to “hear and heed.” 

He had a deep personal relationship with Yahweh {God}, one so close and lovely, I myself am practicing to duplicate in my own walk with our Father in Heaven. His passion for Yahweh’s {God’s} word and for ONLY the truth reminds me of the Apostle Paul. An honest and humble teacher, an angel whom Yahweh {God} had me cross paths with, he helped me more than words can describe along my journey. 

I am entirely grateful for all the wisdom imparted from these studies. No matter your level of knowledge (or lack) of the Bible, dear reader, I encourage you to join me in benefitting from the revelations within these audio studies… repeatedly.

(Please note, I do not agree with all he taught. So, with ALL teachings, spirit check and Bible check all that you read or hear,
as I do myself. Be diligent as the Bereans! Amen!)

The Biology of Belief

by Bruce Lipton, Ph.D.

  • The Biology of Belief, Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter & Miracles by Bruce Lipton, Ph.D.
  • The Frontier Sciences: Evidence-Based Practises & Principles Guiding You To Transform | Bruce Lipton – Guy Lawrence

This powerful book cemented in the learnings of bio-energetics and mind-over-matter in all of my “new learnings.” The details here explain how quantum physics (FAITH!) works… and gives credence to subconscious trainings being different from conscious learnings. This book flings open the door of “new science” and calls the con on “flat earth, old world” beliefs and what I call the “medical model box” (that I had held myself… along with much of the world still today, sadly).

Please note, we disregard his teaching of evolution and other non-Biblical beliefs. However, Yahweh {God} works through anyone, and has revealed to him much wisdom regarding DNA, our cells, quantum physics and more!

Additionally, this interview of Bruce Lipton, by Guy Lawrence, is eye-opening and full of new, proven scientific truths… along with the reasons why NOT MANY people know this critical information!

Your Personal Roadmap to Whole Body Cleansing

by Barbara Brown, MSE and Dr. Tom Taylor

The wisdom in this book changed my life. Enlightening secrets that helped me become grateful for everything, including unthinkable acts committed against me (years in the past). The precise steps I followed to free myself from past chains are in the “Heart, Soul and Spirit Cleanse” section of this book!

Barbara Brown, MSE and Dr. Tom Taylor discuss the mind-body-spirit connection, teaching of bio-energetics (also known as energy healing) and explaining the wonderful and simple ways our bodies were truly designed to work!

I have personally followed all of the cleanses in the book, and felt a clarity of mind surpassing anything ever experienced in life! Cleansing the insides of our bodies is beyond refreshing… and so comforting knowing there are no chemicals used, no “secret medicinal potents” needed, only items from your local grocery store, grown from the ground as Yahweh {God} intended!

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It has been proven in various studies that phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals contained in fruit and vegetables, are important for a healthy life. Experts recommend five portions of fruit and vegetables a day. However, it’s not always easy to manage that everyday. 

We know how important a balanced diet is for our lives. So that is what we want to offer you. 

We have developed Juice Plus+ so that the ingredients processed are of the highest quality possible, that you get the best of 30 different fruit, vegetable and berry varieties, so you can get through the day with renewed energy and vigour…

Juice Plus+ helps you take control of your life and keeps your diet balanced and healthy!

The Dream Giver

Following Your God-Given Destiny

by Bruce Wilkinson with David and Heather Kopp

What a wonderful and easy read… a new “timeless classic” in my library! A perfectly penned description of the journey when leaving any “normal worldly” habits and every-day-life (as we may have constructed ourselves), conquering ALL to follow our spirits in finding our TRUE life of purpose for which we were created, with and IN Yahweh {God}!


The Mental Causes for Physical Illnesses and the Metaphysical Way
to Overcome Them

by Louise L. Hay

The fantastic book IS my new “medicine cabinet!” 

Any time I feel any dis-ease, any dis-comfort, I look to this book! It has helped me greatly, to live in ease and peace! Head-ache, pain in my shoulder, or pain in my neck… healing the WHY, deals with the emotion BEHIND the pain, and thus eliminates the pain itself altogether! No medications required!

Louise Hay healed herself of cancer by doing deep mental work of releasing and forgiving, (see the Introduction in her book, HEAL YOUR BODY)! She explains simply how to free yourself from doctor labels of “incurable” anything… and I myself am living proof IT IS TRUTH! From “incurable depleted disk in my sacrum”… to doing summersaults and jumping on trampolines!

Please note, any that are not in alignment with Biblical Principles, we either disregard, or we actually cut them out and create an edited version of her audio… in alignment with Yahweh’s {God’s} word.

Also, her audio recordings of affirmations to Heal Your Body are excellent. I listen to them myself, filling my mind with positivity, power and healthy, healing presence in the now!

It Happened, It’s Over,
It’s OK Now!

How to Let Go of the Past and Heal Your Mind, Memories and Emotions

by Barbara Brown, MSE and Dr. Tom Taylor

How to Let Go of the Past and Heal Your Mind, Memory and Emotions

You’re not crazy! The problems that make you feel like you’re broken and can’t be fixed, stem from “negative memory engrams.” You can’t see them or touch them, but you can feel them, and they’re running you today!

Negative memory engrams can aid your progress or limit it severely! They determine your fears, phobias, and cravings. They’re behind they ways you relate to other people, especially those closest to you. They can even determine how fast you learn and your level of success.

When you heal negative memory engrams, illness can’t find you, and dysfunction can’t hold you hostage any more! Your physical, mental and emotional health can improve almost miraculously and even permanently! Experience the kind of freedom, peace, and joy that may seem just out of reach today. Follow the steps in this groundbreaking audiobook and go free today with a surefire process you can use right away! Learn how to identify and remove the roadblocks between you and your purpose.

Discover the secrets of how to stop pain, illness, and dysfunction. Master powerful steps to re-activate your original design. Uncover and Unwind old patterns, break through your history, and rewrite your future! Learn how to live glitch free! Break the chains of the past! Heal the wounds of old memories! Unlock the patterns of limiting beliefs!

Rescuing God From
the Rubble of Religion

by Dr. Tom Taylor and Barbara Brown, MSE

Dr. Tom Taylor and Barbara Brown, MSE, join together to bring a refreshingly fresh perspective to the Bible.

They answer head-on age-old questions of church and religion (where Yahweh {God} is in neither of those), good and evil, and many religious taught lies. This book even answers the question “How can Yahweh {God} be in charge if there is so much evil in the world?”

This is a definite read for anyone seeking the TRUTH about Yahweh {God}, and especially to those who see through and beyond, or who have gotten stuck in, the many lies of religion.

Now, I do not agree with everything taught in this book, so please follow the leading of the spirit, and seek discernment. Amen! Read the Scriptures yourself! Be like the Bereans and study the Scriptures… seek ONLY TRUTH! AMEN!

He That Has An Ear

by Harold Smith

Harold Smith, has found himself living off and on in Israel as a testament to the faithfulness of haEl haNeAman (Hebrew for “the Faithful One”), to bear witness to the “Truth of Who He Is” and to be a support to His People (in Israel). Harold has learned the Hebrew culture, and thus assimilates it into the meaning of the Scriptures (instead of the “Western Culture” that I and so many others bring into our mis-understanding of the Hebrew writings).

Harold reveals that the teachings of the “birth of Yeshua {Jesus}” that I received as a child had many flaws… (Not too great a surprise, considering the mistranslations of many Bible versions now rectified by revelations in the Concordant Literal translation!) Yeshua {Jesus} was NOT born in a stable, and not because there was “no room at the inn.” No. By “correctly cutting” the word of the Truth, Harold Smith writes the truth in his article regarding the birth of Yeshua {Jesus}.

It is well worth checking out Harold Smith’s article (HeThatHasAnEar.com/Birth.html) to discover the exact place where the flawless, unspotted sacrificial lambs were born and the true account of the events that occurred in and around the period of Yeshua’s birth! Only Yahweh {God} looks into so many details! Praise His Holy Name!