
Walking in the
Apostolic Faith TODAY!

Clear and simple.
No opinions.
No traditions.
No lies.
Scripture is the final authority.

Be Healed Today!


  • Cancer. HEALED!
  • Back problems. HEALED!
  • Autism. CURED!
  • Dis-orders of any kind. HEALED!
  • Depression and anxiety. HEALED! REJOICING!
  • Any disease. HEALED!
  • ALL pain. GONE!
Heaven's View - Where the Spirit of the Lord is
“Now these signs shall fully follow in those who believe: In My name they shall be casting out demons… they will be placing hands on those who are ailing, and ideally will they be having it.”
Mark 16:17-18
(Concordant Literal Version)

I myself am living proof of YAHWEH’S INSTANT MIRACULOUS HEALING!

  • Constant excruciating back pain.
  • Used crutches to hold myself up.

I lived believing their lies for 11 long and painful years.


I can now do somersaults on the floor again! PAIN-FREE!


Yahweh will heal you also.

Join me and be healed today!

Tamra Jean

Invitation for YOU and anyone you know who desires to EXPERIENCE MORE of the POWER of YAHWEH!

Heaven's View Ministry - Revelations and Teachings - Did you know, MIRACULOUS INSTANT HEALINGS occur... today?

How at peace are you... right now?

Heaven's View - Where the Spirit of the Lord is

27 “Peace I am leaving with you. My peace I am giving to you. Not according as the world is giving to you, am I giving to you. Let not your heart be disturbed, neither let it be timid.”

John 14:27
(Concordant Literal Version)

Living in Yahweh’s peace...

(40 questions, takes 15-20 minutes)

Yes, you are worth it!
Change your life today!
Live in Yahweh’s peace!

Teachings from correct Biblical translations:

Endeavor to present yourself
to God qualified,
an unashamed worker, correctly cutting the word of truth.

(2 Timothy 2:15)
How to live according
to the Bible every day! Hear of living and practical examples to obeying Yahweh in today’s world!
DO the Word (not only listen to it)! AMEN!

All content provided
is based on beliefs,
all backed up by the Word of Truth in the Scriptures,
exactly as it is written.

DIVINE Appointments

Helping & Healing
in Yeshua's Name
at Heaven's View Ministry

Read about some of those whom Yahweh had us meet to give HIS help and healing to… on our journey serving Our Glorious Father!

Heaven's View - Where the Spirit of the Lord is

7 “Now going, herald, saying that ‘Near is the kingdom of the heavens!’ 8 The infirm be curing, the dead be rousing, lepers be cleansing, demons be casting out. Gratuitously you got; gratuitously be giving.”

Matthew 10:7-8
(Concordant Literal Version)

KEEPING THE FAITH through the UN-thinkable...

Are you ready to close the door behind you on the lies you've been taught
and dare to walk through the open door
leading to the truth?

If you are still searching for a true, closer relationship with your Heavenly Father, then stop looking for the answers to your nagging questions where they are not
to be found:

How do you live by faith and by the
Word of the Living God,
in today’s world?
How do you stand true to The Father in Heaven
when everything seems stacked against you?
How do you forgive… the unforgivable? (Not just with words, but truly deep in your heart.)
What do you do
when family turns against you?

Do miracles still happen,
or did they die 2000 years ago, along with Yeshua?

Start looking where the answers are to be found. And many more questions are answered in this book also.
Hear it from one who has climbed out of the box of lies and broke through UN-thinkable hardships:

  • Raped at knifepoint
  • Incurable dis-ease
  • Untenable marriage
  • Child stolen
  • Enemies in Family
  • Fight for justice
  • Defamation of character
  • Yahweh’s instruction to leave the lies of religion

Read the SCRIPTURES that SAVED me, learning to TRUST YAHWEH through EVERYTHING! 

KEEPING THE FAITH through the UN-thinkable - How to live in gratitude, forgiveness, and in Yahweh’s true peace: Breaking through the UN-thinkable to the UNSTOPPABLE! - By Tamra Jean
A TRUE, real life account
…not “my” truth but the truth. The unthinkable things I suffered and the life-changing difference it made
when I learned to obey Yahweh.
Learn how to live in gratitude, forgiveness,
and in Yahweh’s true peace:

Break through the UN-thinkable

Biblical Discipleship

FREE One-on-One Guidance

The Apostolic Faith IS ALIVE TODAY!

BE a sold-out disciple and DO His will!
Signs and wonders will follow you up!

(Live out Mark 16:17-18)

Invitation for YOU to have a FREE helping hand as we walk through the cramped gate and on this
narrowed way…
Heaven's View - Where the Spirit of the Lord is
12 …become a model for the believers, in word, in behavior, in love, in faith, in purity… 15 In these be, that your progress may be apparent to all.
1 Timothy 4:12, 15
(Concordant Literal Version)


REMAIN faithful till the end to receive the Wreath of Life!

(Revelations 2:10b)

Our Beliefs

Beliefs determine thoughts, words and actions.

At Heaven’s View, our beliefs are determined by the Scriptures.

“In the beginning was the word, and the word was toward God, and God was the word.”
(John 1:1)

“So Elohim created humanity in His image; in the image of Elohim He created it: male and female He created them.”
(Genesis 1:27)

We receive the Word exactly as it is written. Therefore, in “His image,” our purpose is in accord with His purpose,
our will is in accord with His will, and our beliefs line up with His Word.

At Heaven’s View, our beliefs are determined by the Scriptures.

We believe every word of the Bible, literally.
No man-made ideas, no explanations, no misinterpretations,
no misapplications,
no changes, no myths and no opinions… only Truth. All Truth.

Walking the narrow way… walking holy before Yahweh! Faithful to the end to receive the wreath of life! Amen!

Where are you right now?

What if you have just been guided to this place, right here, a place to receive a helping hand…

when life is tough...
when the world has
beaten you down…
when those whom you trust
turn against you...
when you feel you're at
the end of yourself…
when nothing else seems to answer
the questions deep inside...
when something just
does not feel right…
when you know there just
has to be MORE to life than this…

You have been led here by Yahweh {God}.

What you do from here
is up to you

You are chosen… from the over 7 billion people on this earth.
YOU are the one, chosen by the Creator of the entire Universe.
YOU are the one whom Yahweh led to be here!
(Just as I was… years ago!
Praise Yahweh {God}!)

Choose to be chosen. 

How can we help you?

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View additional information using the main menu!

May you find and fulfill the purpose for which you were created by Yahweh!

Blessings beyond…
Tamra Jean