Yahweh's PEACE!
(find your level)!

Yahweh promises peace, true peace!

Are you radical enough?
I am just crazy enough
to take Yahweh {God}
at His word!
Are you?

Are you in peace today?
Right now?
True peace…

Even while:
(Read Galatians 1:4)
or in someone you love?
“stuck in your head?”
to people-please?
learn forgiveness, TRUE forgiveness?
of hurting yourself... or worse?
Want to find out
for real?

How at peace are you... right now?

Are you ready
for freedom?
To find freedom, one thing must be true about you:
- If you feel that something just isn’t right, but you are not quite sure what…
- If you are going along with everyone else’s views, people-pleasing and peace-keeping, when deep inside you want to shout out what you truly feel…
- If you are lost in a fog of hypocrisy and want to cry out for help, to get beyond it, to get out of it…
...there is a reason.
That emptiness, that palpable feeling boring a hole in you, appears when your spirit is not in agreement with the holy spirit… and your Heavenly Father is trying to get your attention.
Here's the thing...
You do not have to stay stuck, locked in that prison. It was never meant for you. That is no place for a child of Yahweh {God} to be. You have been there so long it has become your normal, even your comfort zone. You no longer see the way out or you may not even have thought to look until now.
You can cry out for help, right now...
The doors to captivity are open and the path is in front of you. You might just need a guide to help you take your next step, (I know I did).
Your Father in Heaven is holding His hand out to you.
So... are you ready for the truth?

There is not in the world a kind of life more sweet and delightful than that of a continual conversation with GOD. Those only can comprehend it who practice it; yet I do not advise you to do it from that motive. It is not pleasure which we ought to seek in this exercise; but let us do it from a principle of love, and because GOD would have us.
The Practice of the Presence of God
by Brother Lawrence.

Yahweh {God} sends us angels, along our path, when we need help. And now He has guided you here to find help. There is no happenstance, all things are directed from above and you are here because you are meant to be. I am here to help you on your journey… to freedom!
Yahweh {God} sent me angels to help me along my path…
I was SO touched, with tears of gratitude, that I have since desired to help others… to help you.
You can learn all about my journey here:

Where are you right now?
What if you have just been guided to this place, right here, a place to receive a helping hand…
beaten you down…
turn against you…
at the end of yourself…
to answer the questions deep inside...
just does not feel right…
has to be MORE to life than this…
You have been led here by Yahweh {God}.
What you do from here
is up to you…

(Just as I was… years ago! Praise Yahweh {God}!)
Choose to be chosen.
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Blessings beyond…
Tamra Jean