Helping & Healing
at Heaven's View Ministry
Meeting Yahweh's children!
The work with Yahweh begins... living in the motorhome!
See below for a few of the people
whom Yahweh had us meet and give HIS help to...
on our path:
Start with one!
Let us speak to ONE person! At the grocery store! When filling up with gas! Pray with ONE person! Encourage ONE person! Begin with ONE! AMEN!
To go to yet...
Connecticut ~Deleware ~ Georgia ~ Hawaii ~ Illinois ~ Indiana ~ Iowa ~ Kansas ~ Kentucky ~ Maine ~ Maryland ~ Massachusetts ~ Michigan ~ Minnesota ~ Mississippi ~ New Hampshire ~ New Jersey ~ New York ~ North Carolina ~ North Dakota ~ Ohio ~ Oklahoma ~ Pennsylvania ~ Rhode Island ~ South Carolina ~ South Dakota ~ Tennessee ~ Vermont ~ Virginia ~ West Virginia ~ Wisconsin
Driving with Yahweh in Alabama!
Alabama, USA
Photo coming soon!
Walking into a large gas station, I looked for some people to encourage and share with about Yahweh’s MARVELOUS WORKS! AMEN!
There were two young girls at one of the counters. I stood in line and waited to speak to them! I began speaking to one of the girls… and the other one joined in the conversation when the customer she was helping left. PRAISE YAHWEH!
I shared with them about how I learned the ways of Yahweh! How I lived through UN-THINKABLE hardships, (though only because I had not listened and not obeyed the leading of the spirit of Yahweh). But, I was determined to keep YAHWEH FIRST in my life. I shared how I was raised in religion, but then around age 30+ I realized that I was taught both TRUTH and LIES in the church. (I had thought it was ALL TRUTH!) So, I went on a journey to let go of the lies, and receive and live in TRUTH! AMEN!
Also, I shared how when I was 17 years old I was raped at knifepoint. BUT YAHWEH showed me how to truly forgive, just like Yeshua did on the cross. He said, “Father, forgive them, for they are not aware what they are doing!” (Luke 23:34)
Then, following forgiveness is gratitude. The Bible says to become thankful (read Colossians 3:15), in ALL things! NOT just the easy things in life. No. ALL THINGS! I shared how I had become angry when someone first told me this. BUT, when I got over that emotion, and obeyed the Bible, gratitude was THE KEY TO MY FREEDOM FROM THE PAST! It completely changed my life! TRUE FREEDOM! WOW! PRAISE YAHWEH!
One girl was wide-eyed and enthusiastic to hear about my walk with Yahweh, and to then receive a card for a free download of a book of my journey with Yahweh, KEEPING THE FAITH through the UN-thinkable… She took it, scanned it onto her phone RIGHT THEN and THERE and said to the other girl, “I downloaded it!” (She then had to leave. Her shift was over.) BLESS HER FATHER! GUIDE HER INTO ALL TRUTH! AMEN!
Yahweh’s timings are PERFECT! Because, then, the other girl shared with me (angry and hurt still), complaining how a pastor had badly and sinfully treated her mother and her family. Judging them. Speaking bad about their past to others, etc. I encouraged her to forgive just as Yeshua did, and to walk on… and to find one thing she can become grateful for. REMAIN FAITHFUL TO YAHWEH, no matter what. Even when other humans are not faithful to Yahweh. FOCUS ON YAHWEH ALONE!
I also shared how I ONLY read my Bible, and OBEY YAHWEH! No man-made traditions. No lies. No misinterpretations of the Word. The Bible says, “For where two or three are, gathered in My name, there am I in the midst of them.” (Matthew 18:20) I do not go to places, even churches, that do not TRULY LIVE the entire Word! (Remembering no one is perfect. Correct. BUT ALSO guarding my own spirit, being around others who live PURELY FOR YAHWEH! AMEN!)
She then shared that she also was sexually abused, when she was young. I spoke HEALING and PEACE and FORGIVENESS over her and into her, in Yeshua’s name. I gave her my contact details and told her if I can do ANYTHING for her, talk, pray, study the Word and help her learn to live in HIS true peace, true gratitude, TRUTH… to please contact me.
The next morning… I went back to see the two girls. I felt bad that I had not given them a printed copy of the book, only a card for a downloadable copy, and so I went to repent and change. Amen. PRAISE YAHWEH the girl whom I had spoken with at length the day before was working there again, early that morning! FATHER SET THIS UP! BLESS HIM!
THIS TIME when I spoke to her, she was SO much more positive! She was joyful! Her whole attitude had COMPLETELY CHANGED! No more negativity and complaining of all the bad and hard events of life. NONE! PRAISE YAHWEH! His peace, His freedom, His power and love are SO GOOD! AMEN! It was SUCH A JOY to see her SO CHANGED in a few hours. YAHWEH IS SO GOOD! SO GLORIOUS!
I gave her a book, and asked if she would please give a copy also to the other girl. She thanked me, and agreed to give the other book also. I again encouraged her that she can contact me, any time! I said, “We met for a reason!” She smiled and thanked me!
Alabama, USA
Photo coming soon!
After staying overnight in the HUGE parking lot of a large gas station… we forgot to get gas! So, we pulled in at the next gas station! It was strong on my heart to go inside and speak to the cashier, as I usually do. PRAISE YAHWEH!
Two women were behind the counter, working and speaking to each other. I boldly began speaking to them both! PRAISE YAHWEH! I shared a little about my journey in life, how I was raised in religion, (just like Little House on the Prairie, in Minnesota also), and how I LOVE YAHWEH {God}! But, when I was 30+ years old, I realized that I was taught both truth and lies in religion. (Which I had THOUGHT was all truth!) I was confused, and it took me time to let go of the embedded lies, and to truly receive ALL and ONLY TRUTH!
I shared also of some hardships I experienced in life, how Yahweh TRIED to guide me down a different path, but I did not hear and heed HIS guiding. (I did not even know it was Him, when I was younger.) I shared how I desire to HELP others to live an easier life than I did, and to encourage others to KEEP GOING, to remain FAITHFUL TO YAHWEH, no matter what! AMEN!
They both just STARED at me… the older woman nodded when I spoke of being raised in religion, but that it teaches both truth and man-made lies, instead of ALL TRUTH that is clearly in the Bible. (She nodded, smiling, understanding as she had experienced this also!)
They shared how they were SO GRATEFUL that I had come in to speak to them. I offered them each a book, and they both joyfully received it. They are related… mother and daughter, and were speaking of THIS EXACT subject previously! They LOVE and FOLLOW YAHWEH, but do not go to a church. I encouraged them to read the Bible, slowly, believing EVERY WORD, and throwing out any teachings and man-made-up “explanations” of the Bible. Just read it! JUST DO IT! Grace. Forgiveness. Love. Gratitude. Rejoicing. Kindness. Serving. Heralding. Healing. AMEN!
Yahweh said in my spirit, "Will you go to Alaska... for the one?"
Of course my answer was...
"Yes Father!"
Finding that we had given almost all of the “Miraculous Healing Broadcast” flyers away, we went to a chain store to get more printed. The self-printer was not cooperating, so I spoke to a young woman behind the printing counter for help. She smiled and printed one to see if I liked the outcome, before printing all I desired. As we were waiting, I shared about some of my life, how Yahweh had brought me to learn and live in TRUE GRATITUDE, DEEP FORGIVENESS and HIS PEACE, even after many many hardships (which I had made my own bad decisions for these events in life, sadly, in disobedience to Yahweh), YET when I repented and obeyed His leading in my life, He so kindly gave me TRUE, REAL INNER FREEDOM! PRAISE HIS HOLY NAME!
She just listened to me. Looking intently at me.
I asked if she would like a copy of the book Yahweh had me write, sharing 500+ Scriptures and practical experiences of how I hold to them and live them out in my life. She said “Yes” and “Thank you.”
I just kept talking, for she was staring at me, hungry for truth and help. I kept sharing how KIND Yahweh is, how TRUE PEACE IS HERE for us to live in, HIS PEACE! TODAY!
We printed only 50 fliers. When I asked her how much they cost she said, “Nothing. They are on me.” BLESS HER FATHER!
Now… weeks later, back through this same town, I returned to see how she was doing, and to print more fliers. I believe I got 100 fliers printed, and she said again, “Free.” She leaned into me, over the counter, and said in a whisper, “You do not know how you helped me last time. I was…” (She did not complete her sentence. In my spirit, I felt that she was seriously disturbed the last time I had seen her, possibly suicidal.) BLESS HER FATHER!
Alaska, USA
While in Alaska, Yahweh allowed us to go to Denali National Park, a deep desire of my heart, since I was a little girl. BLESS FATHER! THANK YOU FATHER! We even took a bus ride into the park as far as you could go at the time, into Yahweh’s GLORIOUS UNTOUCHED NATURE! PRAISE YAHWEH! We visited the park on a few different days. (And, it was SUPPOSED TO RAIN, but Yahweh held it off the week we were in Denali National Park! It rained the day after we left.)
One morning at the visitor center we spoke to a young man, (early 20’s possibly), sharing about LIFE and PURPOSE and TRUE PEACE… IN YAHWEH! Sharing the joys and blessings of Father, as well as hardships and the cramped gate on the narrow way. He just stood there, listening, almost drinking in every word spoken. He shared he was looking for PEACE, true peace! I told him I had found it! BLESS FATHER! We encouraged him, and gave him our contact details. We said we are here to serve him in any way we can. He thanked us for our time, and for the encouragement, and for the book. BLESS HIM FATHER! GUIDE HIM INTO ALL TRUTH and TRUE PEACE! AMEN!
Alaska, USA
As we were leaving Alaska… at the beginning of some road construction, a woman holding a SLOW/STOP sign turned the sign to “STOP” JUST as we pulled up. She walked up to the window and said it would be about a 15-minute wait.
So, I stuck my head out the window and asked if she would like a book! I shared about Yahweh, His ways, His miracles, His Scriptures… she just looked at me and cried. She said, “I can’t believe you are speaking to me… I just prayed THIS MORNING and told Yahweh that He HAS TO SEND SOMEONE to speak to me! Today!” PRAISE YAHWEH FOR HIS GLORIOUS AND PERFECT WAYS AND TIMING! BLESS HER FATHER!
She shared some of the health problems her family was having, and I gave her a flyer and shared of Yahweh and HIS MIRACULOUS HEALINGS that HE GIVES! TODAY! NOW! (Mark 16:15-18) She was so happy! She smiled! She cried! I gave her my phone number, and said if she needed ANYTHING, to please call me! I said, “I am here to serve you and help you. Bless you!”
Alaska, USA
On the road with Yahweh... in
Arizona, USA
Just before Thanksgiving Day I called and asked the manager at a small RV park if I could please have 2 boxes of books arrive for me in a few weeks. They were SO KIND and said, “Yes, of course!” PRAISE YAHWEH!
Well, one box arrived on time! AMEN! The 2nd box, however, “got lost” according to Amazon. Now, by this time in life, I had learned that this meant that YAHWEH HAD PLANS for this other box of books. We had to go on in our travels… and the box had not shown up yet. So, I asked the RV park manager that WHEN the books show up in the next few days, would they please give EVERYONE at the RV park a book, for a Thanksgiving Day gift! They agreed! PRAISE YAHWEH FOR HIS PURPOSE, HIS WAYS, HIS WILL IN ALL THINGS IN MY LIFE! AMEN!
They shared with me that they were having a special Thanksgiving Day gathering for everyone at the RV park, and this would be a wonderful addition. I had given the manager a book, and shared a bit about Yahweh and how He is not in “dead churches” but that He lives IN US! They nodded in agreement and smiled. BLESS THIS CHILD OF YOURS FATHER… bless ALL at this RV park! Amen!
Learning the ways of Yahweh! Amen! PRAISE HIS GLORIOUS NAME!
Arizona, USA
One day, at a Walmart, I was looking for a cauliflower, and the woman working there showed me the last one on the shelf! THANK YOU FATHER! Since I had told Yahweh that I will give a free copy of the book HE led me to write, KEEPING THE FAITH through the UN-thinkable… to every single person who helps me, I began sharing with this woman who had helped me find a cauliflower about how Yahweh had taught me to give true forgiveness, living in true gratitude and deep inner peace of His even after horrendous pain and horrific hardships in life. I offered her a copy of the book for free, and continued sharing how it also included 500+ Scriptures that helped me to keep my eyes on YAHWEH through life, and how I learned to hear Yahweh’s voice and to follow HIM and Him alone! She looked at me in awe. She said, “I was just praying this morning…”
I continued to share how Yahweh sent angels (I call them angels, the kind, helpful and selfless people into my life to help me) into my path when I was struggling greatly. She placed her hand into her pocket, took out her wallet, and gave me a $100 bill. I looked at her, in shock, and could barely say in a whisper, “Bless you.” Again, she said she had been praying, and she wanted to give…
This money, this gift was so holy. Her heart SO PURE! (I felt in my spirit as if she had been looking for a selfless and purposeful work for Yahweh to support.)
Arizona, USA
One day, at Yahweh’s BEAUTIFUL CREATION… the Grand Canyon! (One of my favorite places on the entire earth! GLORIOUS! GLORIOUS PRAISE TO YAHWEH!)
While walking on the rim here, I KNEW I was here for more than PRAISING YAHWEH and the mighty AWE of His creation! I knew I was here to meet HIS CHILDREN and encourage and bless them. Amen!
While walking around alone for a bit, a couple stopped me and asked if I could take their picture. I did. Then, I asked if I could give them something… I shared about my journey with Yahweh, of being miraculously healed, of my journey of hardships (from my own choices), and REMAINING strong with Yahweh. They were SO GRATEFUL! I gave them a book, KEEPING THE FAITH through the UN-thinkable… and prayed over them. I spoke LIFE and HEALING into her, into them both, in Yeshua’s name. (She was in a wheelchair at the time.)
She gave me her card as well. The husband asked if he could take a picture of me and his wife. (I do NOT like pictures, for it is NOT about me, it is ALL ABOUT YAHWEH! However, I did end up agreeing to a photo.)
Traveling with Yahweh... in Arkansas!
A few days ago, in Little Rock, I met a kind woman of Yahweh. The moment she walked into the house we were in, she said, “I can feel Yahweh here.” PRAISE THE LIVING ELOHIM! AMEN! (For her to feel this, SHE has Yahweh’s spirit also IN her! AMEN!)
In the middle of reading the Bible and speaking of Yahweh’s GLORIOUS ways… someone shared that this woman had had a stroke, and the entire left side of her body was affected. I immediately stood next to her, placed a drop of oil on her head, and placed my hands on the top of her head and on her shoulder. I spoke LIFE and HEALING and Yahweh into her cells! Then, I commanded any spirit not of the holy spirit to leave and never return in Yeshua’s name.
Right after I spoke LIFE into her, in Yeshua’s name, she immediately placed her hand on her cheek and excitedly said, “I can feel my cheek!” Yahweh was HEALING HER IMMEDIATELY! And, she spoke out loud that she KNOWS she will be completely healed… arm and leg, just like her cheek, ALL! AMEN!
A few minutes later, standing outside together and talking, I kept moving my hands up and down, pointing towards her… from her head to her legs. I just kept doing it. Slowly. Moving my hands up and down. She told me when I did this she FELT Yahweh, she FELT HIS POWER going into her.
She lifted her hand to her cheek again, and said joyously that her cheek was BETTER ALREADY!
I said, “PRAISE YAHWEH!” And, I shared with her that I have prayed and trained myself for years to be YAHWEH’S CONDUIT. None of me, (like an empty straw), and ALL OF HIM! HIS LOVE! HIS WISDOM! HIS POWER! HIS LIFE! HIS HEALING! HIS GLORY! AMEN! AMEN! AMEN!
Before I left that day, I encouraged her to STOP using a cane. I encouraged her to DO what she could not do before. WALK IN FAITH! LEAP AND RUN IN FAITH! SHE IS HEALED! YAHWEH HEALED HER! AMEN!
Just like Yeshua said when He healed others, to the man with the withered hand He said, “Stretch out your hand.” And the man did! HEALED! AMEN! (Read Matthew 12:9-13)
So, the woman listened, and IMMEDIATELY stopped using the cane. She nodded and agreed whole-heartedly! AND, most importantly, she DID what she said. She carried her cane high off the ground, took it to her house, and STOPPED USING IT! PRAISE YAH!
Weeks later, she shared with me that she is walking between 1 and 1.5 miles per day!
Arkansas, USA
On our travels through Arkansas, I saw a beautiful lake and lovely flowers in Yahweh’s GLORIOUS NATURE HE CREATED that I desired a picture of… so we slowed down and pulled into the lakeside park with a nice large parking lot for some pictures of Yahweh’s creation! PRAISE HIS GLORIOUS NAME! An older car pulled up near our motorhome and we spoke to the man. He saw “Heaven’sViewMinistry.org” and “BeHealedToday.org” written on our motorhome, and asked if we were traveling evangelists and asked where in town we were preaching that night?
We shared with him that we were actually not stopping to preach in town this evening, and were just driving through on our way north. We gave him our “MIRACULOUS HEALING” flier and shared with him about our journey with Yahweh. We offered him a copy of KEEPING THE FAITH through the UN-thinkable… as well.
He was SO EXCITED and OVERJOYED to meet us! He himself was an evangelist and was SO EXCITED to meet others on a similar path in Yahweh! And, he also gave us a few of his evangelistic flyers!
He told us how when he was younger, he was personally prayed over by R. W. Shambach. (We knew this name from the book God’s Generals – Why They Succeeded and Why Some Failed, by Roberts Liardon. He was a preacher who was trained by the late A.A. Allen.)
This man we had just met was SO full of energy and zeal for Yahweh! He spoke a mile-a-minute, and shared all about his journey, the preaching he does, the people he meets! And all about his message in bringing people to Yahweh!
It was after dinner time, and I was tired and ready to continue on our journey. So, we all prayed together, and went on our separate paths with Yahweh… spreading the GOSPEL OF YESHUA! AMEN!
Arkansas, USA
After driving through the state, and about to go into the next state, we needed something for the motorhome and stopped at an Ace Hardware store. We ended up not finding what WE were looking for… but Yahweh showed me a woman at the check-out counter, and impressed on my spirit to speak to her. I obeyed, ALL GLORY TO YAHWEH!
I said hello and offered her a card for a free book that Yahweh led me to write, an account of my journey through life… including hardships (from my disobedience to Yawheh) as well as blessings (from my obedience to Yahweh)! She stared at me and said, “Thank you!” I was led to continue speaking, sharing specifically of some of the hardships I lived through, including when I was 17-years-old and raped at knifepoint. But, I continued, Yahweh SHOWED ME HOW TO NOT EXPERIENCE THAT horrific event, but I did NOT know it was Him! I now have learned (am learning) to hear HIS VOICE, and to obey HIS LEADING! Life is SO GLORIOUS with HIM leading! AMEN!
She just looked at me. She shared that she has two older teenage daughters, and asked if they also could each have a copy of this book, KEEPING THE FAITH through the UN-thinkable… “Yes of course,” I answered.
I shared with her how I am learning to hear YAHWEH’S LEADING and HIS GUIDING in every area of life! Just like that very day, slowly driving through town, it seemed that THIS Ace Hardware store “lit up” to me, or “jumped out” to me. And now, I have learned that THAT is one way Yahweh leads, one way He guides in where to go! Amen!
As we spoke, I also told her how the words we SPEAK are very important, and we should pay CLOSE ATTENTION to them… for words CREATE! AMEN!
She nodded, and excited told me that JUST THAT MORNING she said to Father, outloud, “I need help!” We just looked at each other. KNOWING that he sent me to BE help to her! PRAISE YOU FATHER! HE IS SO KIND! AMEN!
I wrote my phone number in her book and told her that if she needed ANYTHING, to please contact me! I am here to help her in any way that I can! Also, I wrote my phone number in the books for her daughters and told her to please let them know also that ANYTHING the girls need, I am here for them. THIS IS WHAT YAHWEH DOES! BLESS HIM!
So, having completed YAHWEH’S PURPOSE in the store… we left and continued on our journey! AMEN! Thank You Father for YOUR PURPOSE IN MY LIFE! AMEN!
Arkansas, USA
On our travels, stopping at Walmart one night, I was walking around speaking to people about YAHWEH and HIS GLORIOUSNESS! AMEN! I felt led to find another person to speak to… so I walked down the isle in the back of the store. I saw a girl working there WAY DOWN at the front of the store! Yahweh seemed to highlight her hair and head to me. I kept walking in the back of the store and thought, “Her? She is so far away! She is in the other end of the store!” However, seconds later I turned around, and headed towards her.
I walked up to her, held out a flier pointing to a free book download, and asked if she would like a free copy of a book that I wrote. I shared with her how I was raised in religion, just like Little House on the Prairie, and in Minnesota, and when I was 30 that I learned that there was BOTH truth and lies in religion. (I thought it was ALL TRUTH! So, it was a shock to me.) She nodded.
I continued sharing about the book, how I have lived through many hardships in life, but CLUNG TO YAHWEH! I told her that I worship Yahweh every day, I read His Word every day… I just do not go to a building with a steeple to find Him. HE IS NOT THERE, actually! UNLESS a church teaches ALL TRUTH, miraculous healings today, speaking in tongues, repent of sin, etc., then do NOT go to that church! ONLY GO WHERE YAHWEH IS! AMEN!
She just looked at me. She asked me gently and full of curiosity, “Why did you come and talk to ME? Why me?”
I told her exactly what I shared above… how I felt led to speak to ONE MORE PERSON, and that I had seen her WAY DOWN at the other end of the store, and that Yahweh seemed to “highlight” her to me!
She just stared at me. Then, she told me THIS IS YAHWEH! She shared how she believes in Yahweh, but does not go to church either! She shared with me hardships that she is going through right now and some from the past. She got pregnant and had a daughter at the age of 13. Her mother married her step-father, and then this man got her mother addicted to drugs. The mother was desperate for drugs, and so gave her daughter (the girl talking to me) to the step-father as “payment.” So, at age 13, this girl was raped and got pregnant by her step-father.
This girl is now AWAY from her family, PRAISE YAHWEH! She is now married, and her husband wants to adopt her daughter! AMEN! The girl cried, and just looked at me and asked again, “Why did you come and talk to ME?” I hugged her and told her YAHWEH LOVES HER! YAHWEH SHOWED ME TO SPEAK TO HER! She nodded!
She also shared with me how she is helping another woman, with a little baby girl, less than a year old. This woman has left the baby’s father who is into drugs. I offered to give this woman, her roommate, a copy KEEPING THE FAITH through the UN-thinakble… also. She was so happy!
Being fully aware that she was working right then, I asked the girl to please give me back the book that I had just given her. She did. I placed a $20 bill into her book, and gave the book back to her. I told her it is FROM YAHWEH! Then, I also placed a $20 bill into the book for her roommate and told her it is FROM YAHWEH! She looked at me and quietly said, “Thank you!”
I encouraged her to read her Bible, to STAND STRONG in the faith! I said what I say to more and more people, “My lamp is full of oil! I will not give you any of my oil, but I will encourage YOU to fill your own lamp FULL OF OIL ALSO! AMEN! The kingdom of heaven is near!” (Read Matthew 25:1-15 and Matthew 10:7-8) LIVE READY! AMEN!
She just stared at me. She said, “Thank you! Thank you for being so nice! Thank you for speaking to me! Thank you for doing what you do! Thank you for speaking to others and giving this book! Keep doing what you are doing!”
Dear reader, I share all of these accounts to help you learn all that I am learning… just speak to ONE PERSON! Yahweh ALONE knows what they are going through in their day, in their life! People are not always as open and thankful as she was… but even if they just turn and walk away and ignore me, that is ok. YAHWEH SAYS TO HERALD THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN IS NEAR! So… let us do this! AMEN!
Arkansas, USA
As we were…
Arkansas, USA
Driving with Yahweh in southern California!
California, USA
Shipping a package one day, in a very busy office, I felt led to speak to a cashier. (I felt bad, because the customers were constant, but by this time in life I had realized that PEOPLE and their SPIRITUAL LIVES matter more than offending a few customers waiting in line a little longer.) So, I walked up to the young girl and began sharing a little about my walk with Yahweh… how He had TRIED to stop me from going down a path that caused me UN-THINKABLE pain and hardships, and sadly I chose to people please others, instead of obeying Yahweh. Well, since HE works all out for the good of those who are loving Him (Romans 8:28-29), now I can help others who have lived through sexual abuse. I shared how I have now found TRUE PEACE IN YAHWEH!
I continued talking… sharing also how Yahweh MIRACULOUSLY HEALED ME, even when doctors had told me for 11+ years, “No cure.” YAHWEH CURED ME! 100%!
She just looked at me, intently and wide-eyed! She cried, wiping her running make-up. She said, “I said to myself that I was not going to cry.” I shared with her how much Yahweh LOVES HER! How Yahweh led us to THIS STORE, of ALL the stores in the entire STATE we could have gone to, we came to THIS ONE, and SHE was working today! She said to me, in almost a whisper, “You do not know what this means to me.”
That day, I did not ask her what it meant to her, what she was talking about. But I KNEW in my spirit that she needed healing, deep deep inside of her. BLESS FATHER! HE IS SO KIND! PRAISE YAH!
Grant her STRENGTH to receive ALL TRUTH! (She was wearing a mask… and it had been years since covid-19.)
California, USA
One day, at a small business, after finding what I needed… I spoke to the young man working there about the MARVELS OF YAHWEH! I shared how I was raised in religion, just like Little House on the Prairie. (HE KNEW what that was, and he was a YOUNG man, old teens I would guess!) He shared that his grandmother had raised him to KNOW the Lord! PRAISE YAHWEH! AMEN! I shared with him how when I was older, in my 30’s, that I learned that I was taught both truth and lies in religion. (Which I had thought was ALL truth!) As I was sharing this all with him, I felt spirit tingles, confirmation of my being there and having THIS conversation with THIS young man. AMEN! PRAISE YAH for HIS guiding and confirmation!
I shared this with him! And he responded, “I feel them also, tingles of the spirit!” He stood there calm, happy, joyfully speaking about the TRUTH of Yahweh! I offered him a book, KEEPING THE FAITH through the UN-thinkable… He excitedly said, “Thank you!” I asked him if he spoke in tongues? He responded, “Yes!” He shared a bit of his grandmother, teaching him of the ways of the Lord. AMEN! PRAISE YOU FATHER! I told him if he would like to meet in the next day or two, or talk at any time, I am here, and I live WHOLEY FOR YAHWEH! I live in a motorhome, travel around and encourage others in Yahweh, sharing TRUTH with all!
He smiled, thanked me, and blessed me. I spoke blessings and peace and superabundance over him and his family, in Yeshua’s name! AMEN!
California, USA
Leaving a store, waiting in line for my receipt to be checked, I spoke to the lady working there. I asked her if she would like a copy of this book, KEEPING THE FAITH through the UN-thinkable…, sharing a bit about my life. She was SO GRATEFUL, she gave me a hug! She shared with me that she was “luke-warm” and KNEW it was Yahweh that sent me to her. PRAISE HIS GLORIOUS NAME! HE IS SO GOOD TO US! AMEN!
I also told her about the book I was reading, God’s Generals – Why They Succeeded and Why Some Failed, by Roberts Liardon. I share how THIS BOOK changed my life! Because when I was raised in religion, I was taught that miracles and healing STOPPED when the original apostles died. WHAT?!? NO! That was a LIE! THIS BOOK helped open my eyes to TRUTH of miracles today! Mark 16:15-18 IS ALIVE TODAY! John 14:12-14 IS ALIVE AND OCCURS TODAY! AMEN! THROUGH BELIEVERS! ALL BELIEVERS!
She thanked me again. She asked me to write the name of the other book down for her. YES and AMEN! PRAISE YAHWEH! She hugged me again. ALL GLORY TO YAHWEH! AMEN!
California, USA
Driving to a State Park in southern California, we hoped to kayak at the lake! Looking for a close spot to the lake, a youngish man working there drove over near us and asked if we needed help. He advised us where to park, as there were a few different camping areas in this same park. (He even kindly told us where we could park for free further down at the other end of the lake. BLESS HIM FATHER!)
Since he was speaking to us… we asked him if he would like a copy of KEEPING THE FAITH through the UN-thinkable… We shared a bit about the book, about learning to hear Yahweh’s voice and learning HIS ways! I shared how I was raised in religion, and about both truth and lies being taught, but I thought it was ALL TRUTH!
I told him how it was my DREAM as a little girl to drive to ALL 50 STATES (and fly to Hawaii of course)! And now, THIS is what we are doing! Only, we are doing it FOR YAHWEH! We are speaking to those we meet on the journey about HIS MARVELOUS WAYS! (Read 1 Chronicles 16:9 and Psalm 105:2) Sharing TRUTH! Helping others! PRAISE HIS HOLY NAME!
The man responded, “That is cool!”
He spoke with us for a little while, and shared with us that there was a town further down the road that had Scriptures written on rocks and boulders! WOW! PRAISE YAHWEH!
California, USA
Searching for cooked chickens at a store, an employee kindly showed us that more were located at the back of the store! AMEN! After helping us… I shared with him my journey of learning to hear and obey Yahweh’s voice, learning the ways He communicates with us, TODAY! I shared a bit of my journey, hardships I lived through, MIRACULOUS HEALING and PEACE I have received since hearing and heeding YAHWEH ALONE! No longer people pleasing. No. ONLY YAH PLEASING! AMEN! We offered him a copy of the book that Yahweh led me to write, to help others learn from my mistakes, and prayerfully live an EASIER LIFE than my own! It includes 500+ Bible quotes and real-life accounts of putting Scripture into practice in life today! He kindly accepted. BLESS HIM FATHER!
We asked if we could pray for anything for him. He felt a little uneasy, but he was very open in speaking with us. He said he cannot say here, at his job, but prayer for healing please. I prayed RIGHT THERE, though I did not bow my head. I simply SPOKE HEALING into his body, in Yeshua’s name! AMEN! SIMPLE!
We offered to have coffee with him if he would like, to speak further. We gave him our contact details and said, “Now, it is up to you. You can contact us, but we cannot contact you. We can pray for you, though it is up to you any communication with us going forward…”
He smiled kindly, nodded and thanked us!
On the journey with Yahweh... in Colorado!
Shopping for food and other items in Walmart, I saw a young woman working there who caught my attention. She was talking to 2 or 3 other employees, all working near each other and stocking shelves. I waited, praying she would walk alone to the next isle. She did! Thank You Father! I walked over to her, shared a little about my journey with Yahweh, hardships I had lived through, determined to remain strong in Yahweh, and offered her a book as well as asked what I could pray for her for. She cried. She said she had miscarried a pregnancy recently, and was now pregnant again. Then she shared that just minutes before I spoke to her, she was in the bathroom crying, PRAYING to Yahweh to PLEASE have this baby live! (Bless Yahweh Who sent her encouragement. PRAISE YAHWEH!) I prayed for her and her baby. I asked if she would like me to anoint her with oil, like in the Bible, and pray for her… she nodded, crying. I did. In Yeshua’s name I spoke LIFE into her and her baby! And I spoke that THIS child WILL come to full term and be born, alive and completely healthy, in Yeshua’s name!
BLESS YAHWEH! HE IS SO KIND! Just as He sent others into my life, (when I was in the MIDST of miserable hardships, not knowing HOW to even take another step), HE sent people to hold out their hand to me, and help me. So, He is now allowing me to do this for others! THANK YOU FATHER!
Use them both for YOUR GLORY! AMEN!
Colorado, USA
One day, I was led to go to a Whole Foods store! Walking around the store I noticed a VERY HAPPY woman working in the deli-meat department. She was SO HAPPY! BLESS HER FATHER! I waited in line and when it was my turn, simply began speaking to her. (PRAISE YAHWEH there was no one behind me!) I shared some of my journey in life. How I was raised Lutheran, just like Little House on the Prairie, in a small church/school house. How I LOVED YAHWEH since a little girl… but then, around age 30, I learned that I was taught some lies and some truth in religion! (Which I had thought was ALL TRUTH!)
I shared how I left religion, BUT WALKED CLOSER WITH YAHWEH! Learning ALL TRUTH about Him! (Not man-made lies and traditions and explanations that were wrong!) TRUTH! AMEN!
I shared of some of the hardships I lived through in life, (from my OWN choices, which Yahweh had shown me NOT to do), and the Scriptures I held onto to REMAIN FAITHFUL to HIM! PRAISE HIS HOLY NAME!
She cried. She shared that she was raised Catholic and left religion also, and how she BELIEVES IN YAHWEH! BLESS HER! She asked for prayers for peace in the family. I boldly responded to her that Yeshua said your enemies will be in your household. (Matthew 10:32-38) She nodded. She knew that Scripture! I encouraged her that when she reads the book I just gave her, KEEPING THE FAITH through the UN-thinkable…, that I share how I walked away from family members who did not follow Yahweh! Yeshua said, “Who is My mother, and who are My brothers?” And stretching out His hand over His disciples, He said, “Lo! My mother and My brothers! For anyone whoever should be doing the will of My Father Who is in the heavens, he is My brother and sister and mother!” (Matthew 12:46-50)
Let us all OBEY the Scriptures! Not “family” and worldly traditions. Amen!
Colorado, USA
Driving through Colorado, I called an RV park owner to ask the price of parking one night on the lot? (I shared that we do not need any hook-ups. No electric. No water. No dump.) She was SO VERY KIND, she said that since we needed NO HOOKUPS, just a place to park, she said there is NO CHARGE! BLESS HER FATHER!
I called her the next morning and asked if she was there at the park, (because I desired to personally thank her for her kindness). She said she was in church. I left a book for her on top of the mailbox, KEEPING THE FAITH through the UN-thinkable…
Colorado, USA
One day, speaking to a young woman and sharing a bit of my journey in life… how when I was young, I did not know that Yahweh speaks to us and directs us! Also, how I did not follow His leadings, but chose to people-please instead, and ended up in UN-THINKABLE hardships! But, I held onto Scriptures and KNEW Yahweh works ALL for the good of those who love Him, who are called according to HIS purpose! (Romans 8:28-30)
She was very interested… she said she JUST picked up a Bible to read it for the first time a few weeks ago!!! PRAISE YAHWEH! Then, when I asked what I can pray for her, she said she had a kidney problem and wanted to go OFF medication to lead a “normal life” but her blood pressure went up and so she returned to medication. I prayed MIRACLES over her, in Yeshua’s name! AMEN!
I gave her a book, my phone number, and encouraged her to let me know if I can do ANYTHING for her! Anything. Yahweh had us meet for a reason! AMEN!
Colorado, USA
On the road with Yahweh... in Connecticut!
Conneticut, USA
Traveling with Yahweh... in Delaware!
As we were…
Delaware, USA
On the journey with Yahweh in Florida!
Florida, USA
We were SO VERY EXCITED because we finally found a whole-hearted, sold-out, live-every-day follower of Yahweh! They spoke and preached often against sin, (instead of only focusing on grace and love). They LIVED Mark 16:15-18, they preached, they healed the sick, they cast out demons, they set captives free! PRAISE YAHWEH! Plus, they spoke in tongues! AMEN! They shared how it was their desire to find others as radical, as faithful, to walk with, “iron sharpening iron.” (Read Proverbs 27:17) We desired to learn as much as we could from this faithful believer, so we followed them to hear them preach!
We traveled to almost the southern tip of Florida, to a small town, to a small church actually. Now, this church had an international television station, streaming around the world. I was not too sure about going to this, for I had seen only a FEW TV evangelists in the past, and there was SO MUCH to discern that was NOT truly of Yahweh. (Dyed hair to look younger or more attractive, suit and tie, expensive shoes, well-practiced wording and talk, and ALWAYS included telling people repeatedly to GIVE MONEY. Also, all of the preachers would joke, seek attention, be sure to make the audience laugh and enjoy themselves. WHAT!?!) Now, there were some (a few) things we did learn that day, points of Bible learnings that were revelations to us. Amen! However, we had planned on staying for 4-5 days, attending a special gathering of this church; but my spirit could not stay beyond the first day. My spirit was grieved. So, we left. We obeyed the leading of our spirits! We followed Yahweh… out the door!
It grieves my spirit to see how Yahweh IS NOT WELCOME in churches today. Almost ALL churches. Yes! (Read chapter 2 of KEEPING THE FAITH, when Yahweh SPOKE TO ME during one such church service and He said, “Everyone here is dead.”) Preachers talk about famous sports teams. IDOLS! Preachers joke and are NOT pure, truth-telling, serious, grave, etc. WORLDLY! (Rejoicing and being joyful is Scriptural, but it is completely different from joking. FAR from it!) People in church dress inappropriately, even those who are married, trying to attract others! And causing others to SIN! (Mostly woman here. Cover yourselves completely! Do not wear tight clothing! Cause NO ONE to sin. Care MORE ABOUT YOUR HEART, than showing your body to everyone, including other single and married men. Any men. This sin/blood of others will be on your own heads.) The Bible says Yahweh looks AT THE HEART! Let us all spend our time PURIFYING OUR HEARTS, and not dressing up and doing hair and painting make-up on faces. Also, greed is in churches, focusing SO MUCH TIME in every single service on giving money and giving more money. Now, giving IS correct. Yes! BUT NOT manipulation for blessings or miraculous healing from Yahweh. Paul writes to support those who feed you spiritually. (Galatians 6:6) Amen! Yeshua said, FREELY you have been given to… freely give to others! (Matthew 10:8b) Amen! (You will find Scripture references for ALL of these points above on our “Beliefs” webpage.)
GUARD YOUR SPIRITS! Read the Word yourself! YOU DO THIS! Make sure what you are hearing or reading is TRUTH! Including anything here at Heaven’s View Ministry! Be like the Bereans! BE of noble character! SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES! (Acts 17:10-11) AMEN!
Father, forgive us for allowing, for BRINGING the world into YOUR holy place. I REPENT! I repent for all churches, for all people, just as Daniel prayed and repented for his nation (read Daniel 9:1-19), I do as he did. Forgive us Father. In YOUR kindness and compassion, turn us back to YOU! TO YOUR GLORIOUS NAME! AMEN!
Florida, USA
Praise Yahweh for Cracker Barrels Old Country Store restaurants! Many of them across the USA allow motorhomes to park overnight in their parking lot. (They do ask for you to eat a meal there…) One night, finding all the BLM’s full, and not seeing another place to park, we decided to do this. While we were eating, I noticed a woman with a back support brace, cleaning the tables. I went over and spoke to her. Having myself been SO KINDLY healed MIRACULOUSLY from excruciating back pains, (horrific pain for 11+ years), I felt compassion for her. I shared with her how Yahweh had HEALED ME! I shared about
Mark 16:17-18, and how HE HEALS TODAY! ANYONE! AMEN! I spoke HEALING and LIFE over her, in Yeshua’s name! I encouraged her to do something she was not able to do before, bend, move, etc. She said excitedly, touching her lower back, “I already feel better!”
I gave her a Miraculous Healing Broadcast flyer, linking to our website with MANY Biblical teachings on Yahweh’s MIRACULOUS HEALING TODAY! She was SO HAPPY! She hugged me and thanked me… I replied, “PRAISE YAHWEH! HE DID IT!”
The next day before leaving town I went back in to see if this woman was there, she was! PRAISE YAHWEH! I encouraged her again to “Do SOMETHING you have never done before!” (Meaning, bend down further than you had before, or jump up and down if you had not been able to do that recently, etc.) Also, I continued, “I suggest you take off that thing. YOU ARE HEALED! PRAISE YAHWEH!” She stated again, “Yes, I already feel better!”
Florida, USA
It was a COLD winter… (snow in Arizona, snow in Texas, snow!) so we decided to remain in Florida, where it was WARM! PRAISE YAHWEH! Of ALL the hundreds of RV parks in north Florida, I contacted a few. One in particular I chose, the kind lady said yes there was an opening for us for a month. PRAISE YAHWEH!
I went into the office to check in with the same kind lady. Bless her!
Days later, I went into the office and ended up speaking to the (same) kind, sweet lady. I shared how I live my life for Yahweh. Sold out. Focused. Blessed. PRAISE YAHWEH! I shared of some hardships I lived through, and how Yeshua taught me, when He was on the cross and forgave those hurting Him, so now I can forgive anyone who is not kind. Including evil. I shared how Yahweh has taught me to keep my eyes ON HIM and on HIM ALONE! How I have learned and trained myself to obey Scriptures, rejoicing in ALL things! ALL THINGS! (Not just the happy and easy things. No. ALL!) Amen. She shared some hardships she was living through. I prayed over her. I spoke YAHWEH’S LIFE over her, commanded anything not of the holy spirit to leave, in Yeshua’s name. I spoke LIFE and JOY and PEACE into her heart. AMEN! PRAISE YAHWEH!
Also, I offered her a book, KEEPING THE FAITH through the UN-thinkable… She accepted and said thank you! She knew Yahweh. She knew the Bible. So, I encouraged her to REMAIN FAITHFUL until the end! “Keep your lamp full of oil. Mine is! And I will not share my oil with you. BUT I will encourage you to get your own, NOW, and keep it full! KEEP EXTRA!” (Speaking of the parable in Matthew 25:1-13.) I shared with her how I do not OWN a television, no hook-ups for cable, etc. NONE! I do not watch the news. I do not listen to ANY negativity. I read no newspapers. Nothing. I READ THE BIBLE! I am serious, sold-out, DETERMINED to remain faithful until the end! DETERMINED! PRAISE YAHWEH!
Days before, I had noticed a book on the shelf in the laundry room by the office. (As if a “take one and read” library I have seen on our travels.) I asked if I could place 3 books in there as well. She joyously said, “YES!” AMEN! SHARE HIS TRUTH and HIS PEACE and HIS WAYS with all! AMEN!
Towards the end of our stay, I went in to visit her. There were three of us talking, and she kindly shared with another woman how Yahweh sent me into this RV park, at a time of darkness in her life and Praise Yahweh I brightened her life. (IT WAS YESHUA IN ME! AMEN!)
Florida, USA
We were SO VERY EXCITED as we finally found a serious, whole-hearted, sold-out follower of Yahweh! < ADD REST OF EDITED CONTENT HERE >
Florida, USA
Following the above account at the RV park… one day I went into the office, expecting to see the same kind lady as before. However, a man was sitting there. I had seen him around the park previously and felt it on my heart to share with him also the GOODNESS and WAYS of Yahweh! I told him just this (including that it had been on my mind to speak to him before). I admitted that I am learning to NOT say to Father, “Maybe tomorrow,” but to ALWAYS SAY, “YES FATHER!” AMEN! I shared with him a little of my journey, the ways I learned to hear Yahweh’s leading and His voice, and I offered him a book also. He said yes. I told him how special he was to FATHER. He said, “Me? Father wanted you to speak to me before?” “Yes,” I embarrassingly responded, remembering how I had disobeyed and said to Father, “Maybe tomorrow.” He was so encouraged to know that Yahweh desired to know HIM.
I encouraged him to read his Bible, to get to KNOW the Creator who loves him, and to read the book I just gave him. Again, I told him of how Yahweh showed me to speak to him, how much Yahweh loves HIM.
Later, I was in the laundry room, and spoke to his wife, (NOT knowing it was his wife). I showed her the book and she said her husband has one and they will read it together! AMEN! PRAISE YAHWEH! HE KNOCKS… will we open the door?
Florida, USA
Following the above two accounts at the RV park… when we felt led to leave, we were waiting for a package to arrive in the mail. According to USPS, it got lost. I asked Father what was going on? What was He up to? A Word came to us in the spirit, “Unfinished business.”
I kept going to the office to check for the package to arrive. Finally one day, when speaking to the kind lady, asking about the package again, another woman was sitting there. So, I began speaking to them both. (Now THIS other lady I had seen before, but had not spoken to her. Forgive me Father.) After speaking for a bit, sharing about the GREATNESS and GLORY of Yahweh, about my walk, as well as how Yahweh miraculously healed me, (PRAISE HIS HOLY NAME!), this woman shared she had MS (Multiple Sclerosis).
I felt led to share about what Yahweh is doing with and through me today… the people He places on my path, the MIRACULOUS HEALINGS He does, when I obey Mark 16:15-18. (I shared multiple of the accounts on this same webpage with her/them. PRAISE YAHWEH!)
I asked if I could pray for her. She said yes, with tears in her eyes. I spoke LIFE and HEALTH over her, and spoke COMPLETE HEALTH into her, in Yeshua’s name! I commanded any spirit not of the holy spirit to leave and never return. LIFE! HEALTH! In Yeshua’s name! AMEN!
Then, I shared with these two ladies… that SHE was the “unfinished business” that Yahweh had showed. Yahweh would NOT let us leave, until I spoke to BOTH of these ladies. PRAISE YOU FATHER FOR YOUR GOODNESS!
Then, walking back to the office AGAIN, I saw this woman again, as she was walking back to her RV. I showed her a Concordant Literal New Testament Bible, and she said, “THIS is one we have in our house!” I just HAD to share this also here on our website with you dear reader. THIS is the Bible that we read EVERY DAY! It was translated from the Original Writings and Scrolls of the Bible! (NOT translated from any other mis-translation out there, and there are MANY!) We have a link to Concordant.org on our “Resources” page on this website also. This is one of the FIRST PEOPLE I have met that knows of this translation! WOW! PRAISE YAHWEH FOR PURE TRUTH! AMEN!
On the journey with Yahweh... in Georgia!
One day,
Georgia, USA
On the journey with Yahweh... in Hawaii!
Hawaii, USA
Traveling with Yahweh... in Idaho!
Shopping for food and necessities one day… I was walking around a large store near the camping isle. A young couple were there also, in the camping isle. I began speaking to the young woman, (she was wearing a sweatshirt that said “Washington” on it… the place we were heading to at that very moment!).
I shared some of my journey in life with Yahweh, how I was raised, some hardships I lived through and the Scriptures I HOLD FAST TO, strengthening and encouraging myself in Yahweh! PRAISE HIS HOLY NAME! I shared of HIS TRUE PEACE that I now live in today. AMEN!
HOW KIND Yahweh is, that I LIVE MY DREAM today, driving around the country, meeting and helping HIS CHILDREN! Just as He sent others into my life, to help me… now I get to do this with others! PRAISE YAHWEH! I LOVE IT!
She was a very happy and bubblingly joyful person! She was very interested in all I shared about Yahweh, she was seeking MORE, more of Yahweh! She said she just got married 2 weeks ago… and she desired to include Yahweh in their lives! AMEN! PRAISE YAHWEH!
I shared my phone number with her, and offered her a copy of the book, KEEPING THE FAITH through the UN-thinkable… She was SO GRATEFUL! She asked if she could hug me. BLESS HER FATHER!
Idaho, USA
Getting ready to continue on the journey… I felt I could NOT leave this town yet, that I MUST speak to someone else there. “Who, Father?” I began walking around the town, not sure where to go? (NO ONE was outside on the sidewalks or in the park. NOT ONE PERSON!) So, I walked into a local community college and began speaking to one of the ladies behind the desk, there were three women in total.
Such a lovely woman! I shared about my journey in life with Father, how I was raised in religion, just like Little House on the Prairie, and how I LOVE FATHER! I have since I was a little girl! THANK YOU FATHER! PRAISE YOU! I then shared how I learned later in life of the lies I had been taught when younger, and had chosen to continue believing as an adult! PRAISE YAHWEH FOR TRUTH! AMEN! I shared a bit more about some of the hardships I lived through, holding FAST to the Scriptures, and that I included 500+ Scripture quotes in a book Yahweh led me to write of my journey in life… IT IS ABOUT YAHWEH, not me. ALL GLORY TO HIM! AMEN!
She stood there, quiet, staring at me, listening intently to me. She said she would show this to many others in a Christian group there at the college. I told her I am happy to share and encourage, even via Skype with any person or group. “My life is YAHWEH’S! AMEN!” She told me she would read the book and contact me. I said to her, “It will change your life, if you let Yahweh! IT IS ALL HIM, not me.”
I stayed there talking for quite some time! I shared accounts of the MIRACLES Yahweh was doing in my life, the people HE brings on my path, those also lost in lies, or hurt and in pain… I shared some of the accounts on this same webpage. Now, all 3 women (as well as a student who had walked in when I was speaking) were ALL listening to me share the GOODNESS and WAYS OF YAHWEH! PRAISE HIS HOLY NAME!
I spoke with them all, each one personally for a minute. I gave them each a card for a free book download on their phone or computer. Each person SO VERY SPECIAL TO YAHWEH! (WE ALL ARE! THANK YOU FATHER! AMEN!)
Idaho, USA
Walking around ShoShone Falls park, the GLORIOUS BEAUTY of YAHWEH’S CREATION, I noticed a woman quite a ways away and felt led to go and speak to her. So I did! I shared how I LOVE NATURE… PURE, UNTOUCHED CREATION OF YAHWEH! I asked if she had a relationship with Yahweh {the Hebrew name of God}? She nodded. I shared with her how I was raised in religion, but found that some of it was lies. I shared how Yahweh SPOKE TO ME! (I did not even realize that He DID this anymore! I had been told that he STOPPED speaking to people after the Apostle Paul.) Yahweh spoke to me in the beginning of a church service that I was attending in my early 30’s, He said, “Everyone here is dead!” (It was the Sunday before Resurrection Sunday!) Even though everyone sang JOYFULLY, and did read the Bible… they were ALL spiritually dead. HELP ME FATHER! THANK YOU FOR TELLING ME FATHER!
So, the next Sunday I went alone to the ocean and worshipped Father. Crying. Scared. Fearful of the uncertainty of walking ALONE with Him! BUT I DID IT! And I KEPT GOING! PRAISE YAH!
I learned that MIRACULOUS INSTANT HEALINGS still occur… today! AMEN! I was truly grateful still for my upbringing, for I was taught to LOVE YAHWEH with ALL OF MY HEART, at a young age! AND I DID! I extracted the precious from the worthless (read Jeremiah 15:19), and studied the Bible, learning ONLY TRUTH, seeking ONLY YAHWEH!
The woman just stood there, listening to me. She did not say a word. But she was listening, intently. I could feel in my spirit she was hurt, inside; shy and quiet. She seemed to feel very loved that I was led to speak to her! BLESS HER FATHER! HEAL HER!
I offered her a copy of the account of my journey learning THE TRUTH about YAHWEH and HIS WAYS! AMEN! She said thank you! I offered her my contact details and told her that Yahweh is into the details, that He had me speak to HER for a reason! AMEN! (There was another woman near-ish to her, I think they were together, possibly related? I believe I was to speak to them both, Yahweh alone knows.)
Idaho, USA
On the journey with Yahweh in Illinois!
Illinois, USA
One day,
On the road with Yahweh... through Indiana!
< Testimony Story HERE >
Indiana, USA
On the journey with Yahweh... in Iowa!
Iowa, USA
One day,
Traveling with Yahweh... in Kansas!
As we were…
Kansas, USA
On the journey with Yahweh in Kentucky!
Kentucky, USA
One day,
On the road with Yahweh... through Louisiana!
Shopping and sharing our faith one day… right when I walked into a store, Father showed me a cashier and strongly put on my heart to speak to her. I walked up to her and shared just that, how Father impressed upon me to speak to HER! She smiled and stared at me. She was young, older teens possibly! I shared some of my journey, the hardships I lived through at age 17, and the ways Yahweh had spoken to me or guided me, but I did not know it was Him. I shared how HE ALWAYS desires to guide us and help us, but we MUST learn His ways, learn about Him!
Her name is the SAME as my daughter! Spelled the exact same! (I shared a bit about my daughter with her.) Then, I spoke of Moses, that he was raised by his parents only a few years at most, he grew up in a heathen family. And, Yahweh used him to set HIS PEOPLE FREE! An entire nation!
This young lady I was speaking to, she had SUCH a pure and clean spirit, a kind and gentle soul! I shared that I would like for her life to be EASIER than mine! She looked at me and nodded… her too! AMEN!
I asked her what I could pray for her for. She paused, thinking… and looked at me and said, “What do YOU suggest I ask for in prayer?”
What a humble and wise heart! That was the FIRST TIME EVER that someone asked me that. And I told her so. I said, “KEEP that humility. KEEP that wisdom in you!”
I spoke over her WISDOM beyond human understanding… WISDOM of Yahweh, HUMILITY in Yahweh, PROTECTION of Yahweh, PEACE of Yahweh, and STRENGTH in Yahweh! I spoke LIFE and HEALTH and continuous PURITY over her, in Yeshua’s name!
I gave her my phone number, offered to help her in any way I can. I gave her a copy of the book, KEEPING THE FAITH through the UN-thinkable…
She thanked me. I hugged her. She is SO LOVELY Father!
Louisiana, USA
Later, in the same store… I saw a young family a few different times, young parents and two little kids under 3. I walked up and started talking to the young woman. The father walked closer to us with the kids in the kart, so I kept talking, now to both the parents. I shared about Yahweh and HIS ways and HIS KINDNESS and help He offers us! I shared about some hardships in life, some bad decisions that I made, but how I KEPT GOING on the narrow walk IN Yahweh, and how the Scriptures that I held onto strengthened me! PRAISE YAHWEH! They both listened intently and talked to me. She shared she had just been baptized a week ago.
I encouraged and cautioned how I look CLOSELY at the Bible to make sure that anything ANYONE is speaking is TRUTH! I shared how I left church, and read my Bible EVERY SINGLE DAY! How I follow HIS WORD and believe EVERY SCRIPTURE for what it says… not traditions, not ideas of men, and not mis-translations. (Those are all LIES!)
I offered them a book. They gladly accepted! They were SO ENCOURAGED! I gave them my phone number and said if there was ANYTHING they needed, to please contact us! I shared that we travel around the states, (and North America), encouraging those whom Yahweh places in our path! When I walked away they said, “Thank you for speaking to us!” And, “Keep doing what you are doing!”
(It does help and bless us, when others encourage us! PRAISE YAHWEH for those strangers He encourages us with! THANK YOU! PRAISE YAH!)
Louisiana, USA
On the journey with Yahweh... in Maine!
Maine, USA
One day,
Traveling with Yahweh... in Maryland!
As we were…
Maryland, USA
On the journey with Yahweh in Massachusetts!
Massachusetts, USA
One day,
On the road with Yahweh... through Michigan!
One day,
Michigan, USA
On the journey with Yahweh... in Minnesota!
Minnesota, USA
One day,
Traveling with Yahweh... in Mississippi!
As we were…
Mississippi, USA
On the journey with Yahweh in Missouri!
Missouri, USA
Here at a campground, the owner drove over to let me know that the public bathrooms and showers will be closing in a few days. (She kindly asked if I will be ok with this. Bless her Father.)
However, the REAL reason Father had her stop by, was because she had cancer, and was going in for tests and surgery in a few days. I encouraged her in Yahweh and in TRUTH! I placed my hand on her shoulder and spoke HEALING and LIFE and MIRACLES into every cell of her being, in Yeshua’s name!
I handed her another MIRACULOUS HEALING flier (as we were standing right next to the picnic table that I have a stand with fliers in it for others who walk by)! I had previously given one to her, but handed her another and encouraged her again to learn ALL about Yahweh and HIS MIRACULOUS HEALINGS and HIS WAYS! AMEN!
She was so grateful. She had tears just beginning in her eyes. She placed her hand on me and thanked me.
Also, I encouraged her to WATCH the words that she speaks, for, just as Yahweh spoke and created the world (read Genesis 1:3), and we are created in His image (read Genesis 1:26), so OUR WORDS CREATE! Regarding health… SPEAK HEALING over herself in Yeshua’s name! Do not speak anything that can be seen with her eyes, or anything she hears doctors speak. NO! SPEAK LIFE! SPEAK HEALTH! SPEAK HEALING OF YAHWEH into herself! AMEN! I was led to say… “You will receive what you say!”
I gave her a copy of the book The Tongue – A Creative Force, by Charles Capps, and again impressed upon her the UTMOST IMPORTANCE of our words! She nodded and said she would read it! She was HUNGRY for truth, and for help.
She shared that her church also lays hands on people and sees Yahweh’s miracles occurring today! AMEN! PRAISE YAH!
Yahweh led me to send her a few messages once in a while… an encouraging Scripture, and another time a picture of a flower I took right here near the campground.
Weeks later… still at the same campground, I went into the office one morning and SHE was sitting there! She was her normal self! Smiling! She was FULL OF LIFE! She did not look ill at all. She was not frail and sickly. No! She was COMPLETELY FULL OF LIFE! From my excitement to see her, I loudly and joyously asked how she was! She said all went GREAT! She said the doctors told her that she was “The BEST on the floor. The healthiest and completely fine!” I said… “Of course you are fine! THE SPIRIT OF YAHWEH IS IN YOU!” And I said, “YOU ARE HEALED! ALL PRAISE AND GLORY TO THE LIVING ELOHIM!”
Her ankles had bandages on them and I bent down, placed my hands on them and spoke HEALING AND LIFE in Yeshua’s name!
After first speaking life over her in Yeshua’s name weeks prior, she would come to my mind often, and I would THANK FATHER FOR HEALING HER! OFTEN!
And, Father SO KINDLY let me see her again, and showed me that HE HEALED HER!
Then, she told me that the doctors told her they are going to do chemotherapy anyway?!?
I said almost shouting, “NO! Don’t do it! YOU ARE HEALED! YAHWEH HEALED YOU!”
The next day, while praying for her, the thought came to my mind (from Yahweh)… Doctors are like used-car salesmen. Greedy. Liars. Frauds.
Listen, the cousin of a previous nurse told me that this person (the previous nurse) saw with their own eyes the evil and lies of doctors, and how they get paid for diagnosing each person with certain diseases. WHAT!?! And, that is only one small piece of the whole truth. (Plus, this previous nurse is now in hiding, for they blew the whistle on such evil. Good for them! Amen! BLESS THIS PERSON FATHER! STRENGTHEN THEM! GUARD AND PROTECT THEM! Reveal Yourself to them, Father!)
Oh, such a wicked and evil world this is. The Bible states this also, 1 Timothy 6:10a, “For a root of all of the evils is the fondness for money…” (Also read Matthew 6:24, 2 Timothy 3:13 and 1 Corinthians 1:21a.)
And, He protects me! He takes care of me! BLESS HIS HOLY NAME!
Father, THANK YOU for healing this owner of the campground, this child of Yours! BLESS THEM! Open their eyes to ALL TRUTH! PROTECT THEM! AMEN! Strengthen them IN YOU! Use them for YOUR GLORY! YES AND AMEN!
Missouri, USA
At a campground one day, I was walking to the trash, and another lady was ahead of me, also walking with a bag of trash. I slowed down. The lady was a nurse, (dressed in her work uniform). I kept slowing down, but she also kept stopping with her dog. She threw her trash away, and waited for me, to say hello to me. She asked how my day was, and I replied, “Fantastic! How about yours?”
She asked if I was the lady with “Be Healed” written on the motorhome. I paused, prayed, and boldly said, “Yes I am, Praise Yahweh!” She asked what it was about… the healing.
I thought “oh boy,” a medical nurse is asking me about MIRACULOUS HEALING OF YAHWEH!?! However, she was asking, so of course I shared all with her! I said, “It is about MIRACULOUS HEALING! Doctors told me for 11 long years that I had a depleted disk in my sacrum, and they said there was no cure. Well YAHWEH HEALED ME LIKE THAT (and I snapped my fingers)!” She smiled and said excitedly, “God has healed me also!”
We talked for quite a long time, over 1/2 an hour! She shared that she is a nurse, but she herself does not go to the doctors! “GOD is my doctor!” she said!
I joyously smiled (quite surprised), clasped my hands together and said, “PRAISE GOD! AMEN!”
She is so kind, such a giving heart. She loves Yahweh and lives for Him and desires to walk deeper WITH Him! PRAISE THE LIVING ELOHIM!
I shared with her about my life, about how I learned to hear Yahweh, to follow Him radically and wholeheartedly… no TV, no gossip, no wasted time. None. Reading the Word. Studying the Word. Listening to the Word. Sharing with others about the Word! DOING THE WORD! LIVING THE WORD! (Deuteronomy 11:18-20, Mark 16:15-18, Romans 2:13 and 1 John 2:6) AMEN! I gave her a card for a free download of KEEPING THE FAITH through the UN-thinkable… She thanked me. She took $20 out of her pocket and gave it to me and said, “God told me to give this to you.” I blessed her, thanked her, and told her that she will be blessed for giving this! The Bible says that when you receive a prophet, you get the prophet’s reward! (Matthew 10:40-42) BLESS HER FATHER! AMEN!
I saw her again only a few hours later! We stood outside and spoke for probably another hour! Sharing how WONDERFUL YAHWEH IS, and how to live EVERY BREATH FOR HIM! Hear Him alone! Place Him FIRST in life! (Matthew 22:37-38) Dress modestly and appropriately! Yahweh looks at the HEART, not outward appearances… so do not dress for others in the world, dress for YAHWEH! (Exodus 20:1-6, 1 Peter 3:2-4 and 1 Samuel 16:7) Amen. Place NO ONE else above HIM! Etc. PRAISE HIS GLORIOUS NAME! AMEN!
I confessed to her how uncomfortable I feel sometimes, pointing out others’ sin. (People-pleasing on my part, instead of looking to Yahweh alone and pleasing Him alone!) She thanked me for speaking to her, both encouraging and confronting.
She shared about her life, and encouraged me to not worry… in anything. Anything in life! AMEN! Yahweh provides for all our needs, in every area! (Matthew 6:24-34) Amen! (Yahweh knew I needed to be reminded of this that day, in all that was going on in life.) BLESS FATHER! HE IS SO KIND! AMEN!
Yahweh put on my heart to give her a Concordant Literal New Testament Bible, so I messaged her and asked to see her before she left at the end of the week. Days later, we spoke for quite a while again. Father had shown me some things to point out to her, to warn her about in her life. She nodded, and said the Father had been telling her this also. I encouraged her to GUARD her faith. To let NOTHING and NO ONE, not even a spouse (or family member), stand between her and Father. To focus on YAHWEH alone, and not join others in pointless things (including watching tv, etc), wasting time… sin.
It came to my mind to share with her how years prior, Yahweh gave me a dream that I had just drowned. NOT that I was drowning. No. That I had just drowned. I was dead. And I immediately made DRASTIC CHANGES IN MY LIFE to place Yahweh FIRST. 100%. Placing Him above EVERYONE else. Placing Him above ALL else. (I had been watching pointless and purposeless videos with another person in the house, and was people-pleasing them, instead living 100% PURELY and for YAHWEH ALONE!) So, I stopped. I changed. I left… I moved out! (I did not desire to die, to drown. NO!) I heard and heeded Yahweh’s warning. YES AND AMEN! As it is written:
Indeed El does speak once,
And twice, yet no one regards it,
In a dream, a vision of the night,
When stupor falls upon men,
In slumberings on their bed;
Then He reveals matters to the ear of men,
And He dismays them with admonitions,
To withdraw a human from his deed,
And that He may obliterate pride in a master.
He keeps back his soul from the pit
And his life from passing into the unseen.
Father then led me to tell her that IF she keeps going down the path she is currently on: sitting with her spouse and watching television that her spirit does NOT desire to watch, (not getting rid of the television all together from the house), not standing strong in spending alone time with Yahweh reading and praying but people-pleasing her husband instead of Yah-pleasing, working at a job where she knows the words she tells patients lies of drugs healing instead of ONLY telling them that YAHWEH HEALS, etc… IF she continues on this path, she will die spiritually.
She nodded and agreed with much that I said. She shared that she already decided to QUIT the nursing job and Yahweh will show what to do, and He will provide for her! (IN FACT Yahweh just that day gave her inheritance money to take care of her needs!) GLORIOUS! BLESS YAHWEH! WOW! AMEN! She said she will spend focused alone time with Father, reading and studying and praying, placing HIM FIRST in her life! PRAISE YAHWEH!
I asked her to look ahead into her life these next weeks and months and tell me what could tempt her to NOT LIVE OUT the changes she has decided to make in her life. She rattled off quite a few possible distractions: family (children and grandchildren), spouse and his actions as well as his re-actions to her new choices, friends and old habits, etc. I strongly spoke to WATCH OUT and to put on her panoply (Ephesians 6:10-20) and to fight and WIN in her newly declared commitment and life FOR YAHWEH! AMEN! I said she can call me ANY TIME! I am her real family, according to Yeshua’s words! (Matthew 12:46-50) I continued, that I am here to help her… pray, read, encourage, correct, guide, give advice, share victories in YAHWEH! AMEN! PRAISE THE LIVING AND LOVING ELOHIM!
I prayed over her. I spoke STRENGTH and LIFE and HEALTH into her, in Yeshua’s name! As I was about to go she said, “I feel completely better. My neck and head are cured!” (When I began speaking to her that day she spoke of pain in her neck and head.) PRAISE THE LIVING YAHWEH FOR HIS HEALING! HE IS SO GOOD! HE HEALS ALL! AMEN!
Bless her Father! GLORY TO YOUR NAME! Amen.
Missouri, USA
We decided to go on a 2.5 day vacation! REST! RELAXATION! Reading the Bible! No work. No ministry. No people. ONLY READING THE WORD! AMEN!
Well… Yahweh had OTHER plans! AMEN! When we pulled up and “checked in” to the basic campsite by the lake at a lovely state park, a volunteer drove up and spoke to us. When they saw “BeHealedToday.org” and “HeavensViewMinistry.org” written on the sides of the motorhome they PRAISED YAHWEH!
So, I went outside to speak to them! I gave them a book, KEEPING THE FAITH through the UN-thinkable…, and shared how AMAZING Yahweh is and how I now get to live FOR HIM! After repenting and climbing out of all the miserable problems I got myself into 20 years ago, and now OBEYING YAHWEH and HIS LEADING, life is now GLORIOUS and AMAZING WITH FATHER! AMEN!
She was SO excited! She was a TRUE believer also. LIVING the Word, not only reading it. AMEN! She joyously thanked me so much for the book. She shared how surprised she was to meet me, that I was LIVING THE WORD and giving this book FREELY just as the Bible says in Matthew 10:8b, “Gratuitously you got; gratuitously be giving.” I said, “Of course! We LIVE the Bible! We OBEY the Bible!” Amen!
Later that afternoon, while sitting by the fire and just beginning dinner, a man walked up and said that he was the husband of the woman who I had given the book to earlier that day. He said he HAD to come by! He shared that he felt (in the spirit) that SOMETHING was different in the campground, and had to go and see!
PRAISE YAHWEH! He gets things by the spirit! PRAISE YAHWEH!
He shared how he and his wife are called by Yahweh to get back on the road, to travel around and share the GOSPEL with others! To help others! To feed the hungry! TO LIVE THE WORD! AMEN! He said how VERY ENCOURAGED he was to see others ACTUALLY DOING this also for Yahweh!
We spoke for quite a while! Then, his teenage daughter came looking for him… then his wife came over and his older teenage son also! BLESS THEM ALL FATHER! We all spoke for some time, sharing the GLORIOUSNESS OF YAHWEH and HIS WAYS! LIVING FOR EL SHADDAI! AMEN! PRAISE HIS HOLY NAME!
The next morning, Father woke me up at 3:45am, and I knew it was for this couple, this family. I spent time with Father, asking Him what it was that He woke me up so early for. He showed me. I made notes of all that I was to do, to say, to give, to speak, and to pray over and into this couple. PRAISE YAH for HIS KINDNESS and HIS FONDNESS for HIS CHILDREN! AMEN!
Much later that morning we invited them over, and gave a Concordant Literal New Testament to the husband (as we only had ONE left). We gave them a copy of The Tongue – A Creative Force by Charles Capps also. The wife excitedly shared with us how she had already begun reading the book, KEEPING THE FAITH through the UN-thinkable…, the moment she received it, in fact! She shared how it was a gift from Yahweh! A needed key in her life! she said. PRAISE YAH! She was already on chapter 4! She had read it the day before as well as at night, and had woken up early that morning and kept reading it! She shared how she was taking pictures of the pages and texting them to others whom she knew. I told her to please send them ALL the link for a FREE PDF COPY of the book! (I said to her as I so often say to many others, that I wrote this book to HELP others, not to make money. So… FREELY GIVE IT TO ALL! PRAISE YAHWEH!)
We spoke with them for hours, sharing with them the many words that the Father had shown me to speak into their lives. Everything from correction to encouragement. (Just as it is written in 2 Timothy 4:2, “Herald the word. Stand by it, opportunely, inopportunely, expose, rebuke, entreat, with all patience and teaching.“) Also, Yahweh had shown me to place my hands on their heads and pray over them and bless them. Amen. I obeyed! Yes Father!
We told them that ANYTHING they need, we are here to speak, pray, study the Word, help them on their walk on this narrow path. AMEN! They were so grateful! They were SO JOYOUS to meet others in this country who are truly OBEYING and DOING and LIVING the Word! (Not just sitting in church and hearing a sermon and saying “Amen.”) PRAISE YAHWEH! I know that there are OTHERS too that are truly and obediently LIVING the Word! Yahweh told Elijah that He (Yahweh) let remain 7,000 who had not bowed the knee to Baal. (Read 1 Kings 19:18, actually all of 1 Kings 19!) THUS, YAHWEH also has a remnant who have not bowed the knee to sin, here in the USA! (And around the world! Yes and Amen!)
The next day, the husband stopped by for a few minutes before they were leaving, and he shared with us how Yahweh had years prior blessed them with some money, and they had bought a house, with the idyllic view, mountains, grass fields… beautiful! Well, one day he had a dream or a vision, he was sitting on the porch, looking at the sunset and a man sat just behind his shoulder. They spoke of the INCREDIBLE VIEW! Then, the man said, “It is costing many souls to live here.” And then he disappeared. The husband shared that they decided to repent and GET BACK to living and traveling for Yahweh and helping His children across the USA. They now live in an older motorhome with their two home-schooled teenage children. LIVING FOR YAHWEH ALONE! AMEN!
Bless them Father, their whole family, and ALL whose lives they help and serve IN YOUR NAME! AMEN!
Father knows all that will occur in the future! AMEN!
Weeks later… we found out that they had not listened to the warning I had given them from the Father, to not go to see family, blood-relatives. The woman shared with me that they were “recovering from battles” and that “I was right about not going.” BLESS THEM FATHER! STRENGTHEN THEM!
I share this here, not to show I was right, but to teach YAHWEH’S WAYS! I do not enjoy waking up at 3:45am on my “vacation” time. I do not enjoy correcting and warning and rebuking others. NO! BUT, I gave my entire life to Yahweh! ALL My words! Every breath! YES AND AMEN! And, if He directs me to give a word of caution to someone… I obey! I WILL BE FOUND FAITHFUL TO YAHWEH! I will live and do John 15:14, “You are My friends, if you should be doing whatever I am directing you.” Yes Father.
BLESS THIS COUPLE FATHER! Open their eyes to see YOU! Open their ears to hear YOU! Open ALL of our eyes to see YOU ALONE! Open ALL of our ears to hear YOU ALONE! (Myself included in all of this. I am not perfect. No! I miss the mark sometimes, I sin also.) PRAISE YAHWEH FOR HIS GRACE, MERCY AND KINDNESS! AMEN!
Missouri, USA
Early one morning, sharing my faith at a local sporting goods store, a woman shopping there caught my attention and Yahweh impressed upon my spirit to SPEAK to her! So, I walked over to her and just began speaking, just as Yahweh had shown me to. I had a paperback copy of KEEPING THE FAITH through the UN-thinkable… with me so I asked if she would like a copy. I shared a bit about my journey in life, how I was raised in religion with some truth and some lies. (She nodded her head.) I shared how Yahweh SPOKE TO ME one day in the middle of a church service and said to me, “Everyone here is dead.” She just stared at me, listening to every word I felt led by Yahweh to speak. I shared how HARD that was for me, because religion was SO ENGRAINED IN ME, (from a little child, as well as my own decision to continue in religion for years as an adult). I was SO CONFUSED for I was taught that you HAD to go to church, for THAT is where Yahweh is! And, I shared how I thought, “But everyone here is SINGING so joyously, and reading their Bibles!” BUT, YAHWEH SAID THEY WERE ALL DEAD. (Spiritually He meant.) So, hard as it was in my mind, I left the church! I consistently and determinedly worshiped Yahweh, singing songs to Him, spending alone time with Him every day… wondering what this all looked like outside of 4 walls?
The woman then shared how her son was in a local church school, and some things had occurred there that should not have. She said she was IN THE MIDST of making a decision on where her son should go to school the next year.
Yahweh had me share more about my life with her, about family turning against me because I STOPPED people-pleasing, and how it was my own fault, for I am the one who “painted a lie” of my life to them, so when I finally began obeying YAHWEH, and stopped people-pleasing, they did NOT LIKE THAT! AT ALL! So, I walked away from them also. Keeping my eyes FOCUSED on Yahweh alone! Committed! Determined! Faithful to HIM! AMEN! PRAISE HIS GLORIOUS NAME!
I spoke with this woman for quite some time. I told her I LOVE speaking about Yahweh and HIS WAYS and learning to hear and obey HIM! She smiled. I gave her my phone number and offered her any help I could give, speaking, praying, worshiping Yahweh… any time!
She thanked me for speaking to her. She said, “My eyes have been opened to some truths that I wish I did not know, but need to know. Thank you.”
Bless her Father!
STRENGTHEN HER to follow you 100%!
Missouri, USA
Driving into St Louis one day, I parked the motorhome near a small playground with a big grassy area with houses lining the other side of the street. (I did NOT desire to drive into the big city with a long/wide motorhome!) After parking, and turning off the engine, I was sitting in the front seat… and a woman walked up and asked what I was doing. She continued, saying that they are changing this neighborhood and they do not want drugs here, so if I do drugs I should leave. I told her why I was parked here just for a bit, and then said, “I serve Yahweh {God}! I do not do drugs! Our websites are written all around the vehicle, BeHealedToday.org and HeavensViewMinistry.org.” She brightened up, and shared that she reads the Bible but is confused about some Scriptures. We spoke for a bit and then I asked if she would like a book, KEEPING THE FAITH through the UN-thinkable… She said yes and thank you! I then invited her to come into the house and continue speaking. She said she had to finish her exercising (walking around the park) and she would come in when she was done… if i was still here.
She finished her exercising and came into the motorhome. She looked around at all of the Scriptures on the cupboards, on the walls, etc. We spoke a bit longer, and Yahweh impressed on my heart to encourage her to remain faithful to the end! And Yahweh showed me to shared with her the importance of WATCHING what she speaks, because our words create! (Read Genesis 1:3 and 1:26.)
We both KNEW it was Yahweh above Who brought me here to park in front of her house and Him Who made her bold to speak to me and protect her neighborhood! She cried. She hugged me! She cried tears of JOY, for she knew this was a meeting set up by our Kind Father in heaven! PRAISE HIS HOLY and GLORIOUS NAME!
I gave her a few extra books, for others she had mentioned in our conversation, telling her she can give this book to ANYONE! Also, I was led to tell her that I will mail her more books for free! She was SO glad to have met… she thanked me and hugged me again! YAHWEH BLESS HER! I also gave her a copy of the book, The Tongue – A Creative Force by Charles Capps. I prayed over her and spoke health and healing and blessings over her and all that she does and all whom she helps! Tears of joy filled her eyes! BLESS HER FATHER! She left… turning to me to wave good-bye again.
A few minutes later she came out of her house with a picture she had painted, it had three colorful stripes on it with “JESUS” written in large letters across it. She gave it to me, SO GRATEFUL for our meeting and the blessings Father led me to give her. She has SUCH A BEAUTIFUL AND GIVING HEART! BLESS HER FATHER!
A few days later I sent her a message letting her know that the audio recording of chapter 10 of the book, KEEPING THE FAITH through the UN-thinkable…, is completed now if she would like to listen to it when she gets to that chapter!
Her lovely and kind response was as follows:
“Thanks For your Love ❤️ and Support My Dear Sister. Yessss, it has been a pleasure to meet you it was just what I needed and I did not know it 🙏🏾 my life has not been the same since I walked on your Home RV. It was nothing but Yahweh that directed You and Your Home to my Home 🏠 . I know that you have been praying for me and I can’t thank God enough for all of the Love ❤️ and the blessings that’s been to me since. I love 💕 the books and read them at night when the love of God is strong in my heart, so that can let the miracles of the words come to my heart ❤️. I know I will see you again. You are such a beautiful Blessing to this world 🌎”
PRAISE YAHWEH for HIS setting up divine appointments!
Not long after, having messaged her again, she shared how she reads both of the books EVERY day. And she took pictures of highlights in the books, and notes she is taking from her learnings from the books! PRAISE YAHWEH! BLESS HER FATHER! Then, she also shared with me that she bought both books on Amazon (The Tongue – A Creative Force and KEEPING THE FAITH through the UN-thinkable…) and sent them to her niece who is in prison.
I am in touch with this kind woman regularly! (She is a retired firefighter.) She repeatedly shares with me how grateful she is for the book, KEEPING THE FAITH, how she “Loves the book” and how her life is CHANGING ever since we met in front of her house. She shared how she feels Yahweh’s PEACE and LOVE so much more throughout her day! PRAISE YAHWEH! And, she shared how her niece also is changing since receiving the books. PRAISE YAHWEH! PRAISE YAH!
Missouri, USA
One summer morning, while I was sitting at the table inside our motorhome reading the Bible and studying the Word, I saw a couple walk down the hill on the road in front of our spot at the campground. I prayed to Father, “Let them look at the websites BeHealedToday.org and HeavensViewMinistry.org on our front windows!” Two minutes later I heard a knock on the door! It was THIS same couple! They shared that the man had cancer and they were right now on their way to Houston for his surgery on Sunday. They asked for prayer. I immediately raised my arms to Yahweh in heaven, asked if I could place my hand on the man’s head, and spoke LIFE OF YAHWEH and HEALING in Yeshua’s name over him! I said, “JUST as Ezekiel spoke into dead bones and they came alive and the Father’s breath of life went into them, SO I SPEAK YOUR LIFE into this son of Your’s, Father! Amen.”
They shared how they had called the elders of the church to pray over him. They shared how he had cancer years ago, and he was healed. Then, he went in for tests and the doctors said it was back.
I told them about the book, The Tongue – A Creative Force, by Charles Capps. I shared how VERY IMPORTANT IT IS to obey 1 Thessalonians 4:11, “Be AMBITIOUS to be quiet!” WATCH our words. Words create! JUST as Yahweh created light, Genesis 1:3, and we are created in His image, Genesis 1:26a, so OUR words create also! I said, do NOT ever say, “my __________” (name of sickness or disease).” NO! SPEAK HEALTH AND HEALING AND LIFE OF YAHWEH!
I invited them into the motorhome, shared with them how RADICALLY we LIVE the Scriptures. We speak ONLY of Scriptures! We have NO television. NONE! We have Scriptures on ALL OF OUR WALLS! We read and study the Bible. We talk about the Bible! WE LIVE the Bible! I encouraged them to go to BeHealedToday.org and EMBED the TRUTH of the Scriptures into them! To listen to (or watch) all of the MIRACULOUS HEALING service broadcasts!
I shared with them how John G. Lake believed and taught that going to the doctors is a sin! (The man nodded, and agreed. The wife just stared at me, listening.)
I will add here, though I did not speak this part to them that day… look at Asa and how Yahweh was angry with him for going to worldly healers, read 2 Chronicles 14:11. Worldly doctors are THE SAME as healers in the Old Testament! We are to turn to YAHWEH ALONE! No human. ESPECIALLY no unbelieving, worldly human! Also, as it states in Jeremiah 17:5, “Thus says Yahweh: Cursed is the master who trusts in humanity, And who makes flesh his arm…” We are to TRUST IN YAHWEH! And in HIM ALONE! Amen! Further, it states in James 5:14-16, for anyone sick to call the elders to pray over them! Elders who are BELIEVERS IN YAHWEH! AMEN! Plus, Yeshua said where two agree IT IS DONE! (Matthew 18:19-20)
I encouraged them to read the book, JOHN G. LAKE ON HEALING, compiled by Roberts Liardon. They took a picture of the book cover, for it was lying right there on the table! (I was JUST YESTERDAY reading chapter one again! PRAISE YAHWEH!)
I asked them to let me know of the PROOF OF his MIRACULOUS HEALING from the Father! AMEN! SHARE your miracle I said! They agreed!
Bless them Father! THANK YOU for healing him, Father! PRAISE YOU!