Speaking in tongues IS the proof of baptism of the holy spirit! Not only that… Yahweh showed me, it is a MUST to raise up and meet Yeshua in the clouds.
Recently, a dear, fellow, radical, faith-keeper asked me, “Can you rise up and meet Yeshua in the clouds when He comes, if you do not speak in tongues?” (Now, Glory to Yahweh, I have learned that this is ONE WAY Yahweh speaks, through others’ questions.)
I was on a 3-day fast from speaking out loud to people… FREEING me from clutter and words of human beings, even fellow believers, true family, those in my own home! (This includes outside of the home as well! Shopping, if eating at a restaurant, everywhere.) And thus, opening myself to hear YAHWEH ALONE. It is SO GLORIOUS when I do this with the Father! Bless Him! (I do this fast once per month now!) Praise His Holy Name!
And Yahweh showed me, “Connect the dots!” My interpretation of this is: Study the Scriptures. KNOW what My Son said! Know ALL that My obedient children did! Study the Word! Be of noble character! Examine ALL the Scriptures, as the Bereans! (Read Acts 17:11) Do not follow man-made traditions of religion, nor lies of the world, but:

15 Endeavor to present yourself to God qualified, an unashamed worker, correctly cutting the word of [the] truth.


Cliff Notes of "Can you rise up..."
Time 0.00 minutes
- Speaking in tongues IS THE PROOF of the baptism of the holy spirit!
- 3-day fast from speaking to people (to hear Yahweh alone)!
- Yahweh said to me, “Connect the dots.”
- No religion. No lies of the world.
- Yahweh’s proof of current day healings, miracles…
- Yeshua will baptize in holy spirit and fire (Luke 3:16).
Time 5.13 minutes
- The Apostle Paul concerned of others, “Did you obtain holy spirit on believing?”
- Why focus on the Apostle Paul’s question.
Time 9.58 minutes
- All sin, even the Apostle Peter and others…
- Go TO the nations!
- Familiarity with Yeshua.
Time 15.05 minutes
- Again, ALL sin. Moses, King David, the Apostles, God’s Generals, myself… ALL.
- Yahweh directed me to share my sins also… in KEEPING THE FAITH through the UN-thinkable… (others may learn from my own mistakes, Praise Yahweh!).
Time 19.59 minutes
- IF you find yourself resisting this revelation, may I suggest you get with Yahweh…
- Light Up the Scriptures studies by Dr. Tom Taylor, diligent study of these revelations.
- Expecting Pentecost myself… Acts 2:1-6.
Time 25.06 minutes
- The spirit gave languages to DECLAIM!
- Prayer to Father.
Time 26.43 minutes
- The truth will be making you free. John 8:32
- MORE revelations and teachings of Yahweh:
- HeavensViewMinistry.org
- >>> Miraculous Healings TODAY!
- >>> Baptism of the Spirit!
- >>> Plus MANY more…
- BeHealedToday.org
- >>> Miraculous Healing Services and Broadcasts!
- >>> Receive YOUR miraculous healing TODAY!
- Test the spirits… test all teachings… including THESE biblical teachings!
- Test your own spirit! Are YOU truly living in Yahweh’s peace today? REALLY?
- Find out on the Peace~O~Meter
- BE FREE! Climb out of the box of lies!
- Repent! The kingdom of heaven is near!
- Live in the Apostolic faith… TODAY!
- ARE YOU RADICAL ENOUGH to believe every word of Yeshua?
- Blessings…
- I look forward to ALL the future holds! MIRACLES! SIGNS! WONDERS!

2 But we spurn the hidden things of shame, not walking in craftiness, nor yet adulterating the word of God, but, by manifestation of the truth, commending ourselves to every man’s conscience in God’s sight.

1 Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see if they are of God, for many false prophets have come out into the world. 2 In this you know the spirit of God: every spirit which is avowing Jesus Christ, having come in flesh, is of God…

Again, do not follow man-made traditions of religion, nor lies of the world.
Know… that the spirit WILL guide you into all truth.

13 Yet whenever that may be coming — the spirit of truth —it will be guiding you into all the truth, for it will not be speaking from itself, but whatsoever it should be hearing will it be speaking, and of what is coming will it be informing you.

31 Jesus, then, said to the Jews who have believed Him, “If ever you should be remaining in My word, you are truly My disciples, 32 and you will know the truth, and the truth will be making you free.”

8 Jesus Christ, yesterday and today, is the Same One for the eons also.

I am reading God’s Generals, Why They Succeeded and Why Some Failed, by Roberts Liardon. Yahweh directed me, instructed me to read, deeply study, and immerse myself in this book.
Incredible book! So helpful… where Yahweh’s proof of: Heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out demons, set the captives free… IT’S ALIVE TODAY! This book is a study of anointed men and women of Yahweh, whom He worked healings, miracles, signs and wonders, throughout the world, bringing glory to HIS name. Bringing the Apostolic Faith, the miracles in the book of Acts, into the world NOW! Today!
Yahweh said, “Connect the dots, Tamra.” As Charles Parham correctly taught straight from the inspired Word, speaking in tongues IS THE BIBLICAL PROOF of the baptism of the holy spirit.
The Apostle Paul would ask, his FIRST question… “Did you receive the spirit on believing?”

1 Now it occurred while Apollos is in Corinth, Paul, passing through the upper parts, comes down to Ephesus and, finding some disciples, 2 said to them, “Did you obtain holy spirit on believing?” Yet they to him, “Nay, neither hear we if there is holy spirit.” 3 Yet he said, “Into what, then, are you baptized?” Yet they say “Into John’s baptism.” 4 Yet Paul said, “John baptizes with the baptism of repentance, telling the people that in the One coming after him they should be believing, that is, in Jesus.” 5 Now, hearing this, they are baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. 6 And at the placing of Paul’s hands on them, the holy spirit came on them. Besides, they spoke languages and prophesied.

Thus… to raise up, to meet Yeshua in the clouds, when He descends and we ascend to meet Him in the clouds, (most people would say, to go to heaven), ONE MUST SPEAK IN TONGUES!
you RECEIVE the baptism of the spirit!
So, contrary to the popular belief that one must only believe (with no requirement to speak in tongues) to meet Yeshua in the clouds… Paul writes that WHEN one believes, they RECEIVE the baptism with PROOF of speaking
in tongues!
John the Baptist said of Yeshua, and of the baptism of holy spirit, the following in:

16 John answers, saying to all, “I, indeed, in water am baptizing you. Yet coming is One stronger than I, the thong of Whose sandals I am not competent to loose. He will be baptizing you in holy spirit and fire…”

Yeshua Himself said:

4 And, being foregathered, He charges them not to be departing from Jerusalem, but to be remaining about for the promise of the Father, “which you hear of Me, 5 seeing that John, indeed, baptizes in water, yet you shall be baptized in holy spirit after not many of these days.”

2 “Did you obtain holy spirit on believing?”

Now, I feel a strong unction of the spirit to add here…
One may wonder or ask, “Why focus SO MUCH on the Apostle Paul’s question?”
Well, here is a refreshing revelation I learned from Dr. Tom Taylor, who faithfully gave many, many years of his life to the Father in Heaven. Dr. Tom Taylor wrote a book titled, You Think YOU Have It Tough?, sharing a vision the Lord took him on, when he (Tom) was complaining of his life on this earth. This is a must read, in my opinion.
Dr. Tom Taylor has shared revelations of Yahweh, some of them straight from the Throne of El Shaddai! One of such bold, and Scripturally proven revelations is how he follows a line from Yeshua’s teachings (in the New Testament) to Paul’s teachings, revelations of Yahweh’s secrets, encapsulated in his writings….
The Apostle Paul was taught by Yeshua Himself (see Galatians 1:11-12). And, Paul was the first Apostle chosen by Yahweh… after Yeshua rose up into heaven and was seated at the right hand of the Father!
Dr. Tom Taylor’s most recent teachings revealed his view of an extreme difference between the “original Apostles” and the Apostle Paul. He (Tom) saw that Peter and the others missed, (or more pointedly or directly stated, I will say here, disobeyed), some important instructions and directions from Yeshua Himself.
Following Yeshua’s own horrific death and glorious resurrection, Yeshua Himself commissioned ALL Apostles to speak TO THE NATIONS! He said, “GO!” He did not say, “Remain in Jerusalem or Israel all the days of your life.”

19 “Going, then, disciple all the nations…”

Not only that… Yahweh GAVE languages to ALL the apostles at Pentecost! What if THIS was Yahweh’s leading to them, as to which nations they each should go to, I ask or wonder? For I myself have learned as “Yahweh’s ways are not our ways,” (read Isaiah 55:9), so we must LEARN His ways! LEARN how He talks to us. LEARN how He guides us! Pay attention to the spirit, the still small voice, (read 1 Kings 19:9-13).
But, as Paul states in Galatians 2:7-8, that Peter was for the “Circumcision” and Paul for the “Uncircumcision.” And, in Peter’s own letters he writes at the beginning, “to the chosen expatriates,” meaning, to Jews who had been dispersed from Israel, (read 1 Peter 1:1 and 2 Peter 3:1). To me, IF Peter (and the other apostles) had obeyed the instruction of Yeshua’s to GO TO THE NATIONS, then they would more than likely also have written letters to other nations, just as the Apostle Paul did from his travels and obediently spreading the Word to the nations. (Romans. Corinthians. Galatians. Ephesians. Philippians. Colossians. Thessalonians.)
How did that occur? What happened to Yeshua’s direct instruction before He ascended… for the disciples to go TO THE NATIONS?
Now, while at first I did not agree with this revelation of his (Dr. Tom Taylor’s) from Yahweh right away, (because… I myself was stuck in religious traditions and teachings), his leadings of the spirit, and then teachings on this are accurate. I myself have “tested the spirit” (read and studied the Gospels and Acts, diligently studying the words of Yeshua, and also the entire New Testament, on words of both Paul, as well as the other apostles), and my spirit is in peace, and more than that, is now in total agreement with this revelation and wisdom.
My humble opinion, following much prayer and fearful trembling, for to even hint that “the original Apostles” had sinned, cut me from my childhood learnings from religion, that these men were almost “gods” themselves, YET the spirit brought to my mind the Scripture that ALL have sinned, ALL, (read Romans 3:23 and 1 John 1:8-10). Thus… my humble opinion, fully agreeing with Dr. Tom Taylor, that Peter and the other “original” Apostles became stuck in a “comfort zone” and “traditions,” as the Apostle Paul himself rebuked Peter for shrinking back from eating with the uncircumcised, and for leading OTHERS into this sin also, (read Galatians 2:11-17).
Also, upon deep study of the Bible, as well as teachings of Dr. Tom Taylor in Light Up the Scriptures, I find Biblical proof that Peter and the other original Apostles (who walked with Yeshua Himself), remained in the previous teachings of Yeshua and John the Baptist, during their previous ministries on earth, of water baptism. Did they simply forget Yeshua’s direction and “new commandment” to baptize IN spirit?
(Time 15:05)
For example, in Acts 10:44-48, where AFTER people received holy spirit when Peter was speaking to them… THEN Peter said, “There can not be anyone to forbid water, so that these are not to be baptized, who obtained the holy spirit even as we.” I ask, “Why did Peter say that?”
What about the words of John the Baptist? Again:

16 John answers, saying to all, “I, indeed, in water am baptizing you. Yet coming is One stronger than I, the thong of Whose sandals I am not competent to loose. He will be baptizing you in holy spirit and fire…”

Let me mention one thing here… (something you may already know and realize yourself), that I am no longer surprised to realize and see that Peter made a mistake. He is human! Look back at the Old Testament! Look at Moses, King David, and all others in the Bible, they sinned! And, Yahweh DIRECTED Moses (and other writers of the Bible) to INCLUDE sins and missing the marks of His own people, just as Yahweh DIRECTED Moses (and other writers of the Bible) to INCLUDE obedience, and successes in the Word. It is ALL for our teaching! IF only obedience and “good” was written about, it would NOT be all truth! For again, humans sin.
Peter was rebuked by Yeshua multiple times… so, contrary to what I found was implied in religion… after Yeshua rose into heaven, all of the Apostles sinned. They were STILL human, and thus not perfect!
I appreciate how Roberts Liardon states multiple times in his book, God’s Generals, Why They Succeeded and Why Some Failed, that he does not write “negative” things of followers of Yahweh to put them down or judge them. NO! It is to LEARN from them! I personally believe this is also WHY Yahweh Himself led Moses (and all writers of the Word) to share ALL… both obedience and disobedience… and the consequences of each.
Praise Yahweh for HIS WAYS!
Bless HIS holy name! Amen!
Praise Yahweh for HIS WAYS!
Bless HIS holy name! Amen!
Now, please note, I do not point this out, thinking “I am better.” No. I make mistakes myself. It has taken me over 10 YEARS to un-learn lies I once believed, to now hear and heed HIS voice, HIS unctions, HIS SPIRIT showing and guiding me into all the truth! GLORY TO YAHWEH ON HIGH! BLESS HIS HOLY NAME! And, I am not perfect, nor will I ever be. I am human…
When Yahweh impressed upon me to write KEEPING THE FAITH through the UN-thinkable… a real account of my life… I also was to include MISTAKES I MADE, (dis-obedience), as well as examples of my obedience to Yahweh. BOTH! The truth! The glorious, and the ugly. Also, I was to include good and ugly of others’ actions as well… I squirmed a bit, confessing my (and others’) shortcomings… but soon realized that OTHERS can and will LEARN from my own mistakes… and from others’ mistakes. OTHER fellow faithful followers may have an easier walk, from learning from me. PRAISE YAHWEH!
Yahweh brought the Scripture to my mind:

13 “Enter through the cramped gate, for broad is the gate and spacious is the way which is leading away into destruction, and many are those entering through it. 14 Yet what a cramped gate and narrowed way is the one leading away into life, and few are those who are finding it.”

Everyone sins! Every human misses the mark… yes, even including the chosen Apostles, including Paul. He himself wrote:

19 For it is not the good that I will that I am doing, but the evil that I am not willing, this I am putting into practice.

(Time 19:59)
If you find yourself fighting this revelation, this fact, may I suggest that you “get with Yahweh,” seek His truth. Look to see if it is a man-made tradition you are holding onto. I myself have learned, it is best to walk WITH Yahweh, than to be found fighting Him. It comes to mind what a few of the “Generals” in the book, God’s Generals, said to the people when they spoke, declared and declaimed truths of the Word… they would say, “Read the Scriptures! You are not fighting me, but Yahweh Himself. Truth!” Humbly submitted, for your prayerful consideration.
So, back to the study here, contrary to “the original Apostles,” Paul got it! Praise Yahweh! He did not have past teachings and familiarity with Yeshua on earth to bust through… He ONLY KNEW Yeshua after having been knocked to the ground, spoken to, and taught by the RISEN LORD HIMSELF! (And, for another teaching… notice all the “secrets” Paul reveals in his writings! Amen!)
Now, again, I share ALL of this… because of the UTMOST IMPORTANCE of his (Paul’s) question to the believers he met… “Did you receive holy spirit upon believing?”
Also, please know, I do not agree with ALL of Dr. Tom Taylor’s ideas and his pronouncements of revelations from Yahweh, however, many I DO agree with! The same with Roberts Liardon, Charles Parham, (and the many other teachings and writings I point to on my website in the “Other Resources” section at WhereTheSpiritOfTheLord.com).
Now, I will share with you that my spirit soars over MANY of Dr. Tom Taylor’s teachings. I was honored to be an original participant of his 3 and 1/2 year Bible study called Light Up the Scriptures. My point of sharing all of this is to say, he was anointed by Yahweh Himself! Chosen to reveal missed truths in the Word, missed from mis-interpretations of the Bible itself over the years, and religious mis-interpretations of a few important, serious topics. He had a fresh, non-religious perspective in the Light Up the Scriptures Bible study, no long-held man-made rules nor human opinions, only truths… he would say. Praise Yahweh!
Recently, Yahweh led me, along with another faithful, radical, sold-out follower of Yahweh, to deeply study and transcribe these Light Up the Scriptures studies and audio recordings diligently for 2+ years! We both have been called to leave the secular business world, and give our lives, our hours, our breaths to Yahweh alone! Praise His Holy Name!
My prayer, my plea to Yahweh, is for Him to reveal His secrets to me… to share with me what both Yeshua and Paul referred to when they would say: “You are not able to handle mature teachings.” (Read John 16:12-15, 1 Corinthians 3:1-3 and Hebrews 5:12-14)

1 And at the fulfillment of the day of Pentecost they were all alike in the same place. 2 And suddenly there came out of heaven a blare, even as of a violent, carrying blast, and it fills the whole house where they were sitting. 3 And seen by them were dividing tongues as if of fire, and one is seated on each one of them. 4 And they are all filled with holy spirit, and they begin to speak in different languages, according as the spirit gave them to declaim.
5 Now there were dwelling in Jerusalem, Jews, pious men from every nation under heaven. 6 Now when this sound occurs, the multitude came together and was confused, for each one hears them speaking in his own vernacular.

4 And they are all filled with holy spirit, and they begin to speak in different languages, according as the spirit gave them to declaim.

(Time 25:06)
Declaim means, (in my own words), speak powerfully, speak fluently… not learn one word at a time. And, according to Thayer’s Greek Lexicon “declaim” means: to speak out, speak forth, pronounce, not a word of everyday speech, but one “belonging to dignified and elevated discourse.”
Praise Yah for truth!
Receiving the baptism of the spirit, as at Pentecost… in biblical times, this has NOT changed, as some believe and teach. Again, KNOW the truth. Study diligently as the Bereans. BE of noble character. Pray for a spirit of discernment. Amen!
I pray:

Pour Your spirit out on us! Grant us Your baptism of the spirit, just like Pentecost! We long to know You in this realm, in this sphere. We will speak to You, we will receive knowledge from You in a secret language, one that You created! For Your ways are not our ways. We say “YES!” to Your ways, “YES!” and “AMEN!”
Pour Your spirit over Your children, Father. Anoint us!
We Praise You! In Yeshua’s holy name,

(Time 26:43)

Thank you for joining us here at Heaven’s View Ministry!

Find more revelations and teachings from Yahweh, including:

Miraculous Healings TODAY!

Baptism of the Spirit!

Plus many more…

- Miraculous Healings TODAY!
- The importance and truth of the baptism in the spirit!
- Plus many more revelations and teachings as and when Yahweh and His spirit are revealing them to me to herald and declaim. Praise Yahweh!

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- The Apostolic Faith IS ALIVE TODAY! Yahweh heals… TODAY!
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Receive your own personal healing from Yahweh!

Test the spirits (read 1 John 4:1)… fact check and spirit check everything you see, hear and read. INCLUDING the heraldings and teachings here at Heaven’s View Ministry!
Also, test your OWN spirit:
Are you truly living in Yahweh's peace?

Come and BE FREE!

Live in FREEDOM!
Live in TRUTH!
The Kingdom of Heaven is near!
Get ready!
Remain Ready!
Be committed!
and receive the wreath of life!
Be healed! Today!
Live in the
Apostolic Faith… TODAY!
Yahweh heals…
Yahweh sets the captives free…
Yahweh binds
the broken of heart…
Yahweh raises the dead…
Praise His Holy Name!
You are invited to BE RADICAL as Yeshua is calling us to be!
LEARN THE TRUTH in the Bible, not from any mis-translations, nor human interpretations leading to misapplications of the truth…
Just as when Yeshua walked the earth and healed others!
I myself was miraculously healed of a “depleted disk in my sacrum.” Excruciating back pain for years! (Sitting, standing, lying down, I was UNABLE to find comfort… living with pain like a knife in my back constantly…) “No cure,” the doctors said. Well, Yahweh instantly healed! PRAISE HIS HOLY NAME!
Be baptized in the spirit…
KNOW Yahweh and walk in His power.
Join us in obeying His every word, living radically and completely SOLD-OUT for YAHWEH, EL SHADDAI, the CREATOR of everything…
Are you radical enough?
to take Yahweh {God} at His word!
Are you?
Join us at Heaven’s View Ministry, today!

I am called by Yahweh, to be His conduit, for Him to work miraculous healings through my prayers for you (like Peter, Paul, as well as Stephen). Just as Yeshua Himself stated:

12 “Verily, verily, I am saying to you, he who is believing in Me, the works which I am doing he also will be doing, and greater than these will he be doing, for I am going to the Father. 13 And whatever you should be requesting in My name, this I will be doing, that the Father should be glorified in the Son.”

I am called to comfort, to speak, and to serve you!
How may I help you?
Come JOIN US at
Heaven’s View Ministry!

Amen and Amen.
See you soon!
I look forward to
ALL the future holds!
Miracles, signs, and wonders!
Praise His Holy Name!