Keep Yeshua’s Birthday Holy, and, Bible mistranslations revealed.

Be Healed TODAY! - Heavens View Ministry - MIRACULOUS INSTANT HEALINGS "Keep Yeshua's Birthday Holy -and- Bible mistranslations revealed." - Healing Service Broadcast - through Tamra Jean - December 12, 2024

Happy Birthday Yeshua!

Holy is YESHUA {Jesus}!

Do you celebrate Yeshua’s birthday? How? IN TRUTH? In purity?

Or has Santa broken into your home and taken over?

Did you realize that “Santa” has the same letters as “Satan”? What do you think is behind “Santa”?



NO CONDEMNATION!<br />Are you TRULY living every day in Romans 8:1?

1 Nothing, consequently, is now condemnation to those in Christ Jesus. Not according to flesh are they walking, but according to spirit, 2 for the spirit’s law of life in Christ Jesus frees you from the law of sin and death. Romans 8:1-2 (Concordant Literal Version) While I memorized this Scripture from a very young […]

The TRUTH Test

Find out how worthily you are walking in faith, in Christ… REALLY! This is “The TRUTH Test!” and teaching study that includes ALL of the questions that I ask myself, digging deep with a magnifying glass… making sure that I truly and completely belong to the Father! (Not just in words, but in actions! Amen.) […]


Be Healed TODAY! - MIRACULOUS HEALING Service Broadcast - REPLAY - "FORGIVENESS ...the path to FREEDOM" - June-25-2024 --- HEAVEN'S VIEW MINISTRY - through Tamra Jean

Yahweh offers to all HIS TRUE FREEDOM!

Treat others how we desire to be treated! Amen.

When we forgive others… we ourselves will also be forgiven by Yahweh! (Everyone sins.)

Forgive even the unforgivable.

Yahweh showed me how to forgive even the young man who raped me at knifepoint at age 17. NOW I LIVE IN PEACE and FREEDOM!

You can also! AMEN!

GLORIOUS Psalms of Praise!

Be Healed TODAY! - MIRACULOUS HEALING Service Broadcast "GLORIOUS Psalms of Praise!" - REPLAY - May 29, 2024 - HEAVEN'S VIEW MINISTRY - through Tamra Jean

Yahweh’s benignity is SO VAST and SO GLORIOUS!

Benignity is: mercifulness, kindness and bountifulness!

PRAISE Yahweh for His mercifulness!

PRAISE Yahweh for HIs kindness!

PRAISE Yahweh for His bountifulness!

Let us SING PRAISES TO YAHWEH… worshipping Him in spirit and in truth!

Amen! Amen! AMEN!

Good is not good enough… <br />to enter into the kingdom of Heaven!

Be Healed TODAY! -LIVE HEALING Service Broadcast - Heaven's View Ministry - "GOOD is not good enough to enter into the kingdom of Heaven!" - LIVE Broadcast through Tamra Jean - April 30, 2024

TRUTH! Not opinion!

Do you KNOW what the Bible says? REALLY?

Do you STUDY it yourself, as the Bereans? Do you (do we) have a NOBLE character?

What does the Bible say about getting to heaven?

NOT what a teacher or preacher has said… NO!

What does the Bible say?

It is the responsibility of EVERY PERSON to know TRUTH themselves! To study the Word of Truth! AMEN!

Miraculous Instant Healings <br /><em>It is written!</em><br /><span style="font-size:0.8em;">New Testament Scriptures</span><br /><div style="font-size:0.6em; margin-top:-8px;">4-Part Series (Part 1)</div>

Preachings and Teachings - Heavens View Ministry - through Tamra Jean - New Testament Scriptures on healing - Part 1 of 4 - Matthew and Mark

Part 1 of 4: Matthew and Mark Let us get to know Yahweh and His character! We KNOW His word is truth, (read John 17:17)! And, we know that He heals! He IS our healer, (read Exodus 15:26)! He healed through Yeshua, Emmanuel, Yahweh WITH us! He heals MIRACULOUSLY! INSTANTLY! Praise His Holy Name!   […]

Yahweh is waiting ON US! We are NOT waiting on Him!

Be Healed TODAY! - Heaven's View Ministry - LIVE HEALING Service Broadcast - Yahweh is waiting on us! We are NOT waiting on Him" 1 Samuel 10:7 - LIVE Broadcast through Tamra Jean - March 13, 2024


Yahweh gives us ALL that we ask for… what we speak! It is HIS delight to do this!

Let us STOP waiting for instructions from Him… to speak healing, to set captives free, to cast out demons, to give His FREEDOM to others!

Let us DO as other faithful followers of Yahweh, STANDING for Yahweh, DOING for Yahweh, LIVING ON PURPOSE for Yahweh! Amen!