
Biblical Discipleship

Radical followers... walking worthily!

Radical followers...
walking worthily!

Invitation for YOU to have a FREE helping hand
as we walk through the cramped gate
and on this narrowed way...




Heaven's View - Where the Spirit of the Lord is

12 …become a model for the believers, in word, in behavior, in love, in faith, in purity… 15 In these be, that your progress may be apparent to all.

1 Timothy 4:12 and 15
(Concordant Literal Version)

~ Do you DESIRE to follow Yahweh… and are made fun of by your friends and family?

~ Are you surrounded by evil? Even in your own home?

~ Do you long for a closer walk with Yahweh?

~ Do you desire to speak to a fellow faith-filled follower of Yeshua, and have DEEP BIBLICAL conversations?

~ Do you desire for someone to help call you HIGHER! Showing you the way by their LIFESTYLE?

~ Do you desire help and a STRONG CHARACTER to walk with you along your journey? One who understands the importance of living completely for and to YAHWEH, and HIM ALONE?

~ Do you desire TRUTH to be shared with you, no lies, no opinions, no selfishness, no greed… TRUTH!?!

~ Do you desire a guide who has LIVED THROUGH hardships, not just someone who reads and “knows” about them? (Yahweh’s will be done in and through my life, I say. I am here FOR YOU!)

~ Do you desire HONEST help, not people-pleasing, not saying nice things just to make you feel good… TRUTH. (Even when it does not always feel good?)

I offer you my time and support, a helping hand... just as Yahweh {God} sent others to help me, (bold and strong faith-keepers, mentors, authors, ministers), so I am here to help you for free on this narrow way! Praise Yahweh {God}!
Heaven's View - Where the Spirit of the Lord is

3 Blessed is the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of pities and God of all consolation, 4 Who is consoling us in our every affliction to enable us to be consoling those in every affliction, through the consolation with which we ourselves are being consoled by God, 5 seeing that, according as the sufferings of Christ are superabounding in us, thus, through Christ, our consolation also is superabounding.

2 Corinthians 1:3-5
(Concordant Literal Version)

FREE one-on-one discipleship:

Phone, online video,
or in person…
Guidance in increased strength,
faith, and commitment to the
on your narrow walk!



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    The Apostolic Faith IS ALIVE TODAY!

    JOIN fellow sold-out disciples!

    WALK with YAHWEH!


    DO His will, with signs and wonders following you up!
    (Live out Mark 16:17-18)

    Increase your belief (or faith)!

    YOU do your part… and YAHWEH will do His! Amen.

    I look forward to your NEW future! Set FREE! Strong! FAITHFUL! Living in the realm of the miraculous! Amen!

    May you find and fulfill the purpose for which you were created by Yahweh!

    Blessings beyond…
    Tamra Jean