4 ~ Off and on...
I feel at peace, only as much
as I worry.
Yes please, help me!

you took the first step!
(Many do not even take the time to change… to DO DIFFERENTLY to obtain a better life that they desire.)
Well done!
Years ago… I was here too. But, with effort and determination, I have created new habits, and now mostly live in peace! HIS TRUE PEACE! Amen!

A few humble learnings from my own walk... fears and failures as well as secret keys for the strategy for the victory in every area of life:

Finding true peace is the key in life… and living in PEACE CONTINUOUSLY is what I personally aim for!
I obtained peace
in the midst of life!

3 of the 12
found in the book

KEEPING THE FAITH through the unthinkable you are going through…

Prophesy! Prophesy! Prophesy!

Yahweh {God} SPOKE and the world was CREATED.

Speak what you desire… NOT what you have or are currently seeing or experiencing.
Yahweh {God} did not speak what He saw (darkness and chaos), He spoke into existence what He desired to create.
DO NOT complain… PROPHESY!
It takes WORK on your part, dealing with mind chatter and embedded fear…
BUT you CAN do it! Praise Yahweh {God}!
If your conscious mind does not believe an affirmation, simply add the words, "What if..." in front of the affirmation, opening your mind to receive the affirmation instead of blocking it.
So… what positivity will
YOU prophesy (speak)
into YOUR life today?

No Condemnation!

I had memorized this Scripture as a child… however I had not SEEN examples of it lived out in my life. Certainly not that I remember… not toward me anyway.
The “old program” of knowing the words but not living the feeling of freedom still ran rampant throughout my body. So… I sat down at my computer, and studied the entire chapter of Romans 8.
I looked up EVERY SINGLE word in the first verse alone and wrote about them. I wanted to immerse myself in this, in “no condemnation.” I wanted to FEEL IT in every cell of my body. I wrote down all that I found for EVERY WORD of this first verse. (Then, I proceeded to do almost the same for the entire chapter.)
It was WELL WORTH IT. I finally got it! Yahweh {God} cleansed my cells of fear, doubt and guilt with a bristle brush… and I FELT PEACE flowing through every cell of my being! Yahweh {God} opened my eyes! He did “surgery” on me, and removed the religious teaching from the past. Bless Him! NO CONDEMNATION! So lovely, beyond words!
To get yours, go to: Concordant.org >>>
- FREE New Testament Online
- FREE Download PDF of the Concordant Literal Version of the Old Testament
- Or buy the printed Concordant Literal Versions of the New and Old Testaments

Tapping into the Subconscious!

After reading The Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton Ph.D., knowing a little about NLP and the subconscious… a thought came to me, (Praise Yahweh {God}!), how great it would be to create a video with Scriptures, in between which inserting subliminal embedded messages that flash so quickly that only the subconscious has time to read them, each containing positive and Scriptural beliefs that I want to EMBED IN MY SUBCONSCIOUS that I may not totally believe in my conscious at the time.
For me, for example:
- “Yahweh {God} loves you right now. Today.
Where you are and who you are.” - “Yahweh {God} delights in you!”
While writing the book, sharing my journey, I realized that the “Be quiet Tamra” embedded belief from a young age was still programmed into me. SO… I created a video to help DELETE this negative, harmful program. Praise Yah {God} it helped!
I wrote MUCH of my book in joy, health and peace, despite most of the memories that I had to temporarily revisit… grateful to be fulfilling my calling and deep desire to help others… just as Yahweh {God} sent others to help me!
WATCH the 3-minute snippet preview for yourself!

Don’t get weirded out about this! (My mind was a little cautious when this idea first came to me…)
As I share in chapter 15 of the book, KEEPING THE FAITH through the UN-thinkable…, in the 12 Tips and Tools section:
Tapping into the Subconscious
After reading The Biology of Belief by Dr. Bruce Lipton, knowing a little about NLP and the subconscious… a thought came to me, (Praise Yahweh {God}!), how great it would be to create a video with Scriptures, in between which inserting subliminal embedded messages that flash so quickly that only the subconscious has time to read them, each containing positive and Scriptural beliefs that I want to EMBED IN MY SUBCONSCIOUS that I may not totally believe in my conscious at the time.
For me, for example:
- “Yahweh {God} loves you right now. Today.
Where you are and who you are.” - “Yahweh {God} delights in you!”
While writing the book, sharing my journey, I realized that the “Be quiet Tamra” embedded belief from a young age was still programmed into me. SO… I created a video to help DELETE this negative, harmful program. Praise Yah {God} it helped!
I wrote MUCH of my book in joy, health and peace, despite some of the memories that I had to temporarily revisit… grateful to be fulfilling my calling and deep desire to help others… just as Yahweh {God} sent others to help me!
IF you have a hard time believing some things, like “Yahweh {God} loves me” and “Yahweh {God} sings over me,” from low self-esteem, or from lies being taught you about God, etc… THIS will help your subconscious receive the truth that YAHWEH {GOD} DOES LOVE YOU and that YAHWEH {GOD} DOES SING OVER YOU! (Read Isaiah 43:4 and Zephaniah 3:17 and other Scriptures.)
Dr. Bruce Lipton reveals that the conscious and the subconscious learn in DIFFERENT ways (as I quote in my book). Thus, I created this video… It worked for me, as I shared above! This is the ONLY reason I am sharing it with you, my fellow faith-keeper!
Watch this repeatedly… for best results at least once per day. Let me know how it helps you!
Blessings beyond…
Tamra Jean
In case you are wondering, the red-letter-flashing elements of this 12-minute video are comprised of the following statements:
- I am safe in Yahweh’s arms.
- I give out peace and thus attract peace to myself.
- Yahweh (God) IS good, kind and loving!
- Yahweh {God} sings over me.
- His peace lives IN me continually!
- I am happy and live in peace.
- Yahweh’s (God’s) peace escorts me, every day, every moment.
- Living in spirit is living in peace with Yahweh (God).
- Yahweh {God} loves me today, just as I am.
- Yahweh {God} is good, all of the time.
- Everything I do is led by Yahweh {God}.
- I live at peace with myself, I forgive myself.
- I live cleansed in Yahweh’s {God’s} arms.
- Peace flows out of the abundance in my heart.
- I am strong. I am courageous. I live in peace.
- I am joyful with my focus on Yahweh {God}.
- Peace surrounds me in every area of life.
- Peace and only peace is IN me.

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May you find and fulfill the purpose for which you were created by Yahweh!
Blessings beyond…
Tamra Jean