Yahweh IS our healer… today!!!
Let us obey YAHWEH! Let us:

9 Sing to Him! Make melody to Him!
Meditate on all His marvelous works!


17 “Now these signs shall fully follow in those who believe: In My name they shall be casting out demons; they will be speaking in new languages; 18 they will be picking up serpents; and if they should be drinking anything deadly, it should under no circumstances be harming them; they will be placing hands on those who are ailing, and ideally will they be having it.”



Cliff Notes of "TO BE COMPLETED"
Time 0.00 minutes
- Speaking in tongues IS THE PROOF of the baptism of the holy spirit!
- 3-day fast from speaking to people (to hear Yahweh alone)!
- Yahweh said to me, “Connect the dots.”
- No religion. No lies of the world.
- Yahweh’s proof of current day healings, miracles…
- Yeshua will baptize in holy spirit and fire (Luke 3:16).
Time 5.13 minutes
- The Apostle Paul concerned of others, “Did you obtain holy spirit on believing?”
- Why focus on the Apostle Paul’s question.
Time 9.58 minutes
- All sin, even the Apostle Peter and others…
- Go TO the nations!
- Familiarity with Yeshua.
Time 15.05 minutes
- Again, ALL sin. Moses, King David, the Apostles, God’s Generals, myself… ALL.
- Yahweh directed me to share my sins also… in KEEPING THE FAITH through the UN-thinkable… (others may learn from my own mistakes, Praise Yahweh!).
Time 19.59 minutes
- IF you find yourself resisting this revelation, may I suggest you get with Yahweh…
- Light Up the Scriptures studies by Dr. Tom Taylor, diligent study of these revelations.
- Expecting Pentecost myself… Acts 2:1-6.
Time 25.12 minutes
- Tongues… you cannot babble until you speak in tongues. No Biblical proof for this!
- The spirit gave languages to DECLAIM!
- Prayer to Father.
- Tarry for Pentecost in your own life. Yahweh IS faithful! Amen.
Time 28.11 minutes
- The truth will be making you free. John 8:32
- MORE revelations and teachings of Yahweh:
- >>> Miraculous Healings TODAY!
- >>> Baptism of the Spirit!
- >>> Plus MANY more…
- Test the spirits! Are YOU truly living in Yahweh’s peace today? REALLY?
- Find out on the Peace~O~Meter
- BE FREE! Climb out of the box of lies!
- Repent! The kingdom of heaven is near!
- Live in the Apostolic faith… TODAY!
- ARE YOU RADICAL ENOUGH to believe every word of Yeshua?
- Blessings…
- I look forward to ALL the future holds! MIRACLES! SIGNS! WONDERS!

12 “Verily, verily, I am saying to you, he who is believing in Me, the works which I am doing he also will be doing, and greater than these will he be doing, for I am going to the Father. 13 And whatever you should be requesting in My name, this I will be doing, that the Father should be glorified in the Son. 14 If you should ever be requesting anything of Me in My name, this I will be doing.”

His Word DECLARES that WE will do these things… WE, YOU AND ME! WE, we who are believing, will heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out demons and set captives free! YOU AND ME! Amen. Here today, I share true accounts of MIRACULOUS HEALINGS! Amen.

Father, Papa in Heaven,
We come to You today, LOOKING to You, Your glory,
Your power, Your might, YOUR MAJESTY!
Open our hearts, our minds, our bodies and our spirits. We do our part, THANK YOU for doing YOURS!
We lay down ALL the past, ALL that we may have believed, ALL that has occurred, (today and every day).
We FOCUS our minds on YOU and YOU ALONE!
Thank You for teaching us today.
THANK YOU for teaching us and showing us YOUR WAYS! YOUR HOLY WAYS!
Glory to YOU! Our Yahweh, our Father!
In Yeshua’s name I pray,

First, before the personal testimonies here on earth today… I am led to read to you about one man in the Bible who had faith in a BIG, ALL-POWERFUL, MIRACULOUS HEALING YAHWEH! This is one of my VERY FAVORITE Scriptures. It is written:

5 Now at His entering into Capernaum, a centurion came to Him, entreating Him 6 and saying, “Lord, my boy is prostrate in the house, a paralytic, dreadfully tormented.” 7 And he is saying to him, “I, coming, will cure him.”
8 And answering, the centurion averred, “Lord, I am not competent that Thou mayest enter under my roof, but only say the word and my boy will be healed! 9 For I also am a man set under authority, having soldiers under me, and I am saying to this one, ‘Go,’ and he is going, and to another, ‘Come,’ and he is coming, and to my slave, ‘Do this,’ and he is doing it.” 10 Now, hearing it, Jesus marvels. And He said to those following, “Verily, I am saying to you, With no one in Israel so much faith did I find. 11 Now I am saying to you that many from the east and the west shall be arriving and reclining with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of the heavens, 12 yet the sons of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness. There shall be lamentation and gnashing of teeth.”
13 And Jesus said to the centurion, “Go! As you believe let it come to be with you!” And healed was the boy in that hour. And the centurion, returning into his house in the same hour, found the boy sound.

(Time 6:26)
Yahweh TRULY does ALL THINGS! Praise His Holy Name!
“Only say the word…” YES! Amen! This is what Yahweh does! When we read the Bible, we learn THE WAYS of Yahweh! Spoken words HEAL! Healing occurs in different ways in the Bible, one of them is spoken words at a distance! Amen!
My past mentor would say, “When you read the Bible, take it for yourself!”
The SAME YAHWEH! The SAME ALMIGHTY CREATOR! The SAME One Who said, “Let there be YOU!” He is with you! TODAY! ONLY RECEIVE! Yes! Amen! The Father is standing RIGHT HERE with me, in this room, holding my hand. He IS STANDING with you, holding YOUR hand! THANK YOU FATHER!
Belief is the same as FAITH! Faith is KNOWING something WILL OCCUR, that is not currently occurring…

1 Now faith is an assumption of what is being expected, a conviction concerning matters which are not being observed;

Faith. TRUSTING IT WILL OCCUR. Not hoping. Not wondering. KNOWING! Amen. I have this Scripture image in my home… right now. Today!

KNOW, BE (or become) CONVINCED that what you are about to hear, real life accounts of MIRACULOUS INSTANT HEALINGS… KNOW, be (or become) convinced that THIS WILL OCCUR IN YOUR LIFE ALSO! Amen.
Also, and VERY IMPORTANTLY, my faith can heal you, in Yeshua’s name!
I BELIEVE! I KNOW YAHWEH HEALS! I KNOW HE HEALS ALL! Yes, multiple times in the Word Yeshua tells people that their faith has healed them. Absolutely. BUT, since He does not say this every time… then it is NOT always required. NOT 100%. No. Now, if each person had to have their own faith, then it would not be possible to raise the dead. Because, there is NO POSSIBLE WAY that a dead person can have faith. THEY ARE DEAD! So… borrow my faith! Be healed in Yeshua’s name by my faith! Amen! PRAISE YAHWEH! PRAISE HIS GLORIOUS NAME!
Now, as I have shared before, I believed a LIE for over 33 years of my life…
(Time 10:00)
Just as John G. Lake
regarding lies taught about miracles:
Compiled by Roberts Liardon
Chapter 9 – An Address to the People of the Inland Empire (Sermon – By John. G. Lake, Overseer)
We contend, by the Word of God, that the world and the church have been robbed of the presence, power, and blessing of Jesus Christ, a present Healer, because the church has falsely taught that the days of miracles are past. The days of miracles never passed, only in the soul that lost its faith in God. Where faith is, there ever will be the evidence of God’s mighty power to save and heal.
Compiled by Roberts Liardon, page 143
Remember Mark 16 that I just read? Yeshua stated that SIGNS SHALL FOLLOW in those who believe! PRAISE YOU FATHER! Thank You for showing us what to look for… whom to follow. TRUTH! Amen! LOOK FOR SIGNS… for this shows true believers! Faithful followers! Amen.
Come as a child:
Yahweh heals cancer through the hands
of a little six-year-old girl!
by John G. Lake
Chapter Title – “Adventures in God”
I was sitting one day in the home of the DeValeras in Krugersdorp, South Africa, when a man arrived who had traveled all over the country. He had been following me from place to place, trying to catch up with me. He suffered a sunstroke which had affected his mind and he also had developed a large cancer.
He came into the house and proved to be a friend of the family. In a little while a six year old child who had been sitting near me went across the room, climbed on the man’s knees, put her hands on the cancer on his face, and prayed. I saw the cancer wither. In half an hour, the thing had disappeared. The wound was still there, but in a few days it was healed. After the child had laid her hands on top of his head, he arose, saying, “Oh! The fire that has been in my brain has gone out,” and his mind was normal. Power belongeth unto God (Psalm 62:11). The simplest soul can touch God and live in the very presence of God and in His power.
It is almost sadness to my soul that men should be astonished and surprised at an ordinary, tangible evidence of the power of God.
by John G. Lake, pages 6-7
ONLY RECEIVE! Father in Heaven, You heal cancer… by words spoken from a little child! Faith of a little child! Yahweh created light BY HIS WORDS! Yahweh SPOKE and the world was created, read Genesis 1! We are created in Yahweh’s image! Like Him! (Genesis 1:26) Thus… exactly as HIS words create, so also OUR words create! AMEN!
Anyone can do this! ANY believer! A young child, an old grandpa, and ALL ages in-between! Faith as that of a little child! Amen. PRAISE YOU FATHER!

1 Now in that hour the disciples came to Jesus, saying, “Who, consequently, is greatest in the kingdom of the heavens?” 2 And, calling a little child to Him, He stands it in their midst, 3 and said, “Verily, I am saying to you, If you should not be turning and becoming as little children, you may by no means be entering into the kingdom of the heavens. 4 Who, then, will be humbling himself as this little child, he is the greatest in the kingdom of the heavens.”

(Time 15:18)
We humble ourselves, we come as LITTLE CHILDREN! BELIEVING! Looking to YOU and YOU ALONE! PRAISE YOU FATHER! Amen.
Lay hands on YOURSELF
Not one SINGLE “gifted” person is needed to personally pray for you, or to lay hands on you… for YOUR OWN MIRACULOUS and INSTANT HEALING!
I am not saying this does not occur. It does. Yes.
Listen to this:
God’s Generals – Why They Succeeded and Why Some Failed
by Roberts Liardon
Chapter 7 – Smith Wigglesworth – “Apostle of Faith”
Smith’s international ministry, begun in 1914, was in full swing by 1920. Though the persecution against him was strong, it never seemed to be a major issue in his ministry. Unlike some ministries, there is more written about his great strength and miracles than of his troubles and persecution. Perhaps this is due to his extraordinary faith. He brushed off the criticism like dust off his coat, never allowing it a moment of pleasure.
In Sweden in 1920, the medical profession and local authorities thought they would “harness” the ministry of Wigglesworth, prohibiting him from laying hands on the people. But he wasn’t concerned. He knew God would answer faith, not method. After he conducted the meeting, he instructed over twenty thousand people to “lay their hands on themselves” and believe for healing as he prayed. Multitudes received instant manifestation.
God’s Generals – Why They Succeeded and Why Some Failed
by Roberts Liardon, pages 218-219
Receive YOUR HEALING! Amen!

Father, Papa in Heaven,
Your Word declares that YOU ARE
THANK YOU for standing in OUR midst!
Your Word declares that where two or three
are gathered together IN YOUR NAME,
that YOU WILL DO that which is agreed upon.
Father, we speak and agree, in Yeshua’s holy name,
we command ANY spirit that is NOT of YOUR HOLY SPIRIT
to leave, be cast out and never return.
We command any and ALL sickness, pain and disease to leave,
and to never return.
We declare HEALING and MIRACULOUS INSTANT HEALTH in every single person hearing this, watching this, or reading this.
Disease. GONE. HEALED!
Emotions and memories. FREE! HEALED! REJOICING!
All hurt. GONE. HEALED!
We raise our eyes to our Glorious, Holy, All-Powerful,
All-Healing, Miracle-Giving Father in Heaven.
We keep our minds on the Creator, El Shaddai,
our Holy Father in Heaven.
We raise our arms in worship to our Magnificent, Glorious, Miracle-Granting Abba, Daddy, Father in Heaven.
Bless His Holy Name!
We receive HIS miracles today!
We receive HIS healing in our bodies today!
In Yeshua’s holy name… WE ARE HEALED!
Seal it, I pray. Amen.
Glory to our Yahweh and Father alone!

(Time 20:23)
to heal YOU!
Yahweh would like to heal you. Is that okay?
God’s Generals – Healing Evangelists
by Roberts Liardon
Chapter 5 – Charles & Frances Hunter – “If We Can Do It,
You Can Do It”
Section title: A Miraculous Day
The Tuesday morning church service was full of people eagerly anticipating what God would do there that night. But God wasn’t going to wait for the evening. He was ready to move right then… Before long, Bob Jr. walked to the front of the assembly with good news: Mary had accepted Jesus as her Savior.
He stuttered his way through that statement, just as he had stuttered all of his life. Charles walked up to the microphone and said, “Bob, Jesus would like to heal your stuttering. Is that okay?”
Eagerly, Bob responded, “Okay!”
Charles prayed for him, saying, “Father, sweep through Bob’s entire life and erase from his memory anything negative which caused the stuttering and, in Jesus’ name, heal him.”
“Now, Bob,” Frances said, “step to the microphone and read from the Word of God.”
Opening to the center of the Bible, he read four verses with no stuttering! The morning service exploded with applause for the Lord!
That evening, Bob Jr. shared his testimony before the overflowing crowd without a single slip or stutter. A round of joyful applause arose from the congregation because Bob had been healed by the power of God when Jesus passed by.
God’s Generals – Healing Evangelists
by Roberts Liardon, pages 239-240 of 297 (Kindle)
JUST as Yeshua had compassion on ALL who were ailing and oppressed of wickedness, so He has COMPASSION FOR YOU! RECEIVE YOUR MIRACULOUS HEALING TODAY! Amen!
If the Hunters could heal…
so can Grandma,
God’s Generals – Healing Evangelists
by Roberts Liardon
Chapter 5 – Charles & Frances Hunter – “If We Can Do It,
You Can Do It”
Section title: Marked For His Purpose
As two of God’s generals, the Hunters served a powerful purpose in bringing God’s message of healing to the nations. Before the Hunters, people who desired healing went to see the “gifted ones,” including Kathryn Kuhlman, Oral Roberts, William Branham, and A. A. Allen. These godly servants had truly received gifts of healing from the Holy Spirit.
But in His eternal plan, God was ready for a shift of focus. He used the Hunters to transform the course of the healing ministry, making people realize that ordinary believers can be used to heal the sick. If the Hunters could heal, so could Grandma; so could young Johnny.
God’s Generals – Healing Evangelists
by Roberts Liardon, pages 239-242 of 297 (Kindle)
Yes and AMEN!!!
It is written:

17 “Now these signs shall fully follow in those who believe: In My name they shall be casting out demons; they will be speaking in new languages; 18 they will be picking up serpents; and if they should be drinking anything deadly, it should under no circumstances be harming them; they will be placing hands on those who are ailing, and ideally will they be having it.”

(Time 25:20)

12 “Verily, verily, I am saying to you, he who is believing in Me, the works which I am doing he also will be doing, and greater than these will he be doing, for I am going to the Father. 13 And whatever you should be requesting in My name, this I will be doing, that the Father should be glorified in the Son. 14 If you should ever be requesting anything of Me in My name, this I will be doing.”

I will say it AGAIN and AGAIN! THOSE WHO BELIEVE will be followed up by GREAT signs and wonders! Look CAREFULLY at these Scriptures. Yeshua did NOT say only to His chosen Apostles. NO. HE SAID in he/she who is believing in HIM!
BELIEF is the only pre-requisite for signs and wonders to follow you and me!
No seminary. No special anointing. No. None!
A believer can speak LIFE and HEALTH and HEALING in Yeshua’s name into anyone… into unbelievers, and believers as well! BOTH!
Now, listen to this miracle! I LOVE THE MARVELOUS WAYS OF YAHWEH!
Yahweh guides our path…
to speak HEALING and FREEDOM!
Driving down the interstate, all of a sudden, one of the tires blew out. I quickly and carefully pulled the motorhome onto the shoulder. The road service assistance through the insurance company said they do not change tires anywhere near the interstate, but would tow us to a mechanic. It was the back tire that had blown out, so the motorhome could not be towed, it would need a VERY LARGE flatbed truck to carry it.
We waited…
ALL OF A SUDDEN, MIRACULOUSLY, a man pulled up behind us in his truck, he was a local mechanic and he KNEW that big insurance companies did not allow tires to be changed by or near the interstate. He said his wife was driving by and saw us, and called to tell him to come help us. (He said he does this often, he helps stranded vehicles on the interstate.) PRAISE YAHWEH! BLESS HIM! So he himself bravely helped remove the spare and change the tire. PRAISE YAHWEH!
We were sent an ANGEL to help us, when insurance companies would not. YAHWEH IS SO GOOD! We thanked the man. We encouraged him. We asked what we could pray for him about. He said his health. So, RIGHT THERE we STOOD WITH HIM and spoke LIFE and HEALTH and PEACE in Yeshua’s name into him. We thanked him again and gave him some money for the courageous and kind job he had done.
Following on with this account… we drove slowly and cautiously to the closest town and spent the night in a Walmart parking lot. We found a mechanic early the next morning and got a new tire. PRAISE YAHWEH they had one that fit! THANK YOU FATHER! He is into the details! AMEN!
We spoke to the owner who was working that day because his manager was in the hospital with a serious health condition. We stood with him (the owner) and spoke MIRACULOUS HEALING and COMPLETE HEALTH for his manager. We gave a Healing Broadcast flyer to give to this man in the hospital.
(Time 30:10)
We spoke with the owner more, sharing our journeys in life, the goodness and mercies of Yahweh! He shared a bit of his life with us, and we encouraged him to be strong, obedient and faithful to Yahweh! AMEN! He gladly received our kindness and encouragement, as well as a copy of KEEPING THE FAITH through the UN-thinkable…
We also gave a few employees who helped us there a copy of the book as well. PRAISE YAHWEH for His children… they are EVERYWHERE! AMEN!
Months later, we received a text from the owner, asking how our motorhome was. (Interesting!) “What is Yahweh up to?” we thought!
Driving near this same town weeks later, I felt led to stop by and ask the owner how he is doing and ask what we can pray to our Yahweh in heaven for him for. So… we followed the spirits guiding!
We got off the highway and drove to his business. We were led into his office. Interesting!?! (When sharing with the front desk employees that we were there to see the owner, we expected him to walk into the lobby…)
We were led into his office, and he COULD NOT BELIEVE WE were standing there in his office! He said he was going to call us THAT DAY and ask for prayer. He shared that he had a dense fog and could not think straight. He was scared because 12 years ago he had beaten Lupus… but that it had returned and he was going in for tests and bloodwork, and he felt strange, and more…
Right then and there we STOOD WITH HIM, spoke LIFE and FREEDOM and a CLEAR MIND over him. We cast out any spirit not of the holy spirit, in Yeshua’s name. We commanded LIFE and HEALTH into his body! (Read Mark 16:15-18 and John 14:12-14.) AMEN!
His eyes watered. He could not believe we were STANDING THERE IN HIS OFFICE! We said, “THIS is how Yahweh works! HIS WAYS ARE GLORIOUS! AMEN!”
He looked at us and said, “I feel better already! The fog is gone. My head is clear!”
We spoke on the phone weeks later, and he shared that the bloodwork showed the Lupus is COMPLETELY GONE! NO SIGN OF IT! “PRAISE THE LIVING ELOHIM,” WE SAID! PRAISE YAH! FREEDOM IS SO GOOD! TRUE FREEDOM AND MIRACULOUS HEALING IN YAHWEH!
Unbeliever and cynic…
God’s Generals – Healing Evangelists
by Roberts Liardon
Chapter 5 – Charles & Frances Hunter – “If We Can Do It,
You Can Do It”
Section title: The Powerful Charismatic Revival
One young man who attended a meeting led by the Hunters was initially cynical about the “emotionalism” around him. But when he saw a close friend healed of a back injury before his very eyes, he cried out for the Lord to save him. This young man accepted Christ, was slain in the Spirit, and was set free from a life of drugs, alcohol, crime, and witchcraft as he lay in God’s presence.
Overjoyed at being part of God’s movement, Frances declared,
This is what the Holy Spirit is doing today as He sweeps across the world! He is wooing people into a real love relationship with Jesus! And as hearts are opening up, God is pouring out His Spirit more and more. We are beginning to fulfil the purpose for which we were put on this earth – to have fellowship with God! We’re falling in love with Jesus!
God’s Generals – Healing Evangelists
by Roberts Liardon, pages 261-262 of 297 (Kindle)
(Time 35:21)
PRAISE YOU FATHER! PRAISE YOU for Your power, Your healing power, Your drug and alcohol setting-free power! Your crime and witchcraft setting-free power! YOU GIVE FREEDOM! FREEDOM FROM ALL that is not pure and holy to You! FREEDOM FROM ALL that would stop us from having a pure relationship with you!
Thank You Father! THANK YOU for pouring YOUR SPIRIT into us! HOLY ARE YOU!
THANK YOU for giving us purpose… YOUR highest and best for OUR lives, the ultimate purpose for which YOU created us! PRAISE YOUR HOLY NAME! Amen.
Why suffer?
Another miraculous instant healing testimony I will share with you, it was written and given to me from MC, (originally from England), they wrote:
“Why was I suffering when I knew Yahweh will heal me?!?”
I had been suffering from flu-like symptoms, and as I had always done (through habit no less!) before I even knew of, yet further believed the Scriptures, I had accepted sickness as “just another illness to persevere through,” like it was “just a normal part of life.”
Yahweh brought to my mind that I knew about the power of His healing. Praise Him for His patience with me. You had shared this with me so often. I recently read the God’s Generals book, where one of them threw the Bible at the fireplace and it opened at Acts 10, verse 38 declaring that “Yahweh anoints Yeshua as healer of all those who are tyrannized over by the Adversary.”
I had read that Scripture hundreds of times. I knew it happened… back then. You said, “Receive it now!” Now I get it. It showed up in my life now. I got to thinking, “Why am I suffering when I know Yahweh will heal me?!?” Ludicrous! The illness I was feeling, (and now I understand the same goes for any disease), is just a wicked spirit attempting to derail me from the Truth and healing power of Yahweh. Your words came to mind, “Go straight to the Father. Speak His healing power into existence, into your cells.” I did! You had recited the Scripture countless times in your teachings, Yeshua’s own words, “Now these signs shall fully follow in those who believe: …they will be placing hands on those who are ailing, and ideally will they be having it.” (from Mark 16)
Yahweh healed me, through my own prayer, I spoke out loud, “In the Holy Name of the Messiah Yeshua, I command any spirit that is not of the Holy Spirit to come out away from me, and Yahweh’s healing power to pour over me and into me. I am healed. Amen.” I got up, went to make myself a cup of tea and within minutes, I was unaware of any illness or discomfort. Praise Yah for His Healing Power! Bless you, Tamra, for being His faithful daughter in revealing the Truth to me.
MC (from England)
I love hearing others’ accounts of our ALL-POWERFUL, ALL-GIVING, MIRACULOUS HEALING Father! Thank you for sharing YOUR miracle with us, MC. Thank you. Bless you.
Praise YAHWEH, OUR HEALER, EL SHADDAI for touching our lives, our hearts, healing every cell of our being, healing past hurts. HEALING ALL! ALL IS POSSIBLE WITH HIM! Amen.
(Time 40:08)
Yahweh says:
“You are healed!”
Yahweh heals WHILE just sitting in our seats… listening to prayer… listening to His Word taught! PRAISE HIS HOLY NAME! Amen.
by John G. Lake
Chapter Title – “Dominion”
She (Miss K) came down to the Tabernacle to drill the children for their Christmas entertainment. On her way home, she fainted on the street and was carried to the emergency hospital. They examined her there…
They were in the act of taking her to St. Luke’s when she became conscious and said, “No, sir! No more operations for me, even if I die.”
When they asked her what she wanted to do, she told them she was coming to my home. That was on Saturday, November 27th.
On Sunday afternoon, November 28th, she was sitting in the audience. As prayer was being offered, she said it seemed as though a hand was laid upon her body (abdomen) and another hand on her head. Then a Voice said, “You are healed.”
She left the Audience Room and became perfectly normal, and has remained a normal woman ever since.
by John G. Lake, pages 56
You can read the ENTIRE account on pages 54-56.
What wisdom, what strength of this woman to TRUST YAHWEH ALONE!
Yahweh heals EVERYONE!:
Bless Him!
Yahweh miraculously and instantly heals a man who does not even believe in miraculous healings… his daughter believes though and so does John G. Lake! Amen. Praise Yahweh!
by John G. Lake
Chapter Title – “More Adventures in God”
One day as I was hurrying down Pacific Avenue on the way to my meeting at the Free Methodist Church, I passed Mr. Mitchell’s home and his daughter, waved to me.
She had seen me coming and said to her father, “I see Mr. Lake, and I am going to call him in.”
Mr. Mitchell replied, “No, don’t do it. I don’t take any stock in that kind of stuff.”
Though I knew nothing of these circumstances, I would have paid no attention if I had. I am Scotch.
When I entered their home, I said, “Mr. Mitchell, I have no time to talk to you.”
I threw off my overcoat and hat, and knelt to pray. He indicated it was his knee, I laid my hands on his knee and began to pray. As I did, I was conscious that he was healed.
I said, “Mr. Mitchell, stick out your leg.” He did.
“Get up and walk.” He did. As he walked, he kept saying, “I don’t understand. I don’t understand.” He came back and sat down, still saying, “I don’t understand.” “What is it you do not understand, brother?”
“Why, I cannot understand God’s healing me. I am not a Christian.”
I said, “Is it possible you have not yet given your heart to God?” He said, “It is.” “Then, brother, in the name of the Lord, let us do it now.”
So he, his dear daughter, and another lady, knelt with me and all three yielded their hearts to the Lord Jesus Christ.
As he sat in his chair, I told him of the healing of another man and how the bones would grind in his hip.
Mr. Mitchell said, “That is like my shoulder.”
This is when I first learned he had a bad shoulder, so I called his daughter again, and we prayed for his shoulder.
Then I said, “Put up your arm, brother.”
When he raised his arm, I asked him if it was perfectly free.
He replied, “Perfectly free.”
By 8:30 p.m. the tumor that had been on his knee for ten years had totally disappeared.
The next morning, he went to the printing office, presented himself to the editor, and said, “Mr. Scott, I am the man the Lord has healed.” And the newspaper editor wrote up a statement about the man’s healing.
The same day he spaded his entire garden. The day after, he went to work for a plasterer where he continued work.
The day of miracles had not passed as of this incident. March, 1922, in Forest Grove, Oregon.
by John G. Lake, pages 48-49
(Time 45:47)
PRAISE YOU FATHER! YOU are SO VERY KIND, SO VERY COMPASSIONATE, SO VERY PATIENT with us here on earth… Your creation, Your children. THANK YOU!
Out of the box of lies…
and into TRUTH!
Yahweh’s word IS TRUTH! Every word! Amen.
by John G. Lake
Chapter Title – “How I Came To Devote My Life To The Ministry of Healing”
My wife, who had been slowly dying for years, suffering untold agonies, was the last of the four to receive God’s healing touch. But, oh, before God’s power came upon her, I realized as never before the character of consecration God was asking, and what a Christian should give to God.
Day by day, death silently stole over her. Then the final hours came. A brother minister who was present walked over and stood at her bedside. Then returning to me with tears in his eyes, he said, “Be reconciled to let your wife die.”
I thought of my babies. I thought of her whom I loved as my own soul, and a flame burned in my heart. I felt as if God had been insulted by such a suggestion! Yet I had many things to learn.
In the midst of my soul storm, I returned home, picked up my Bible from the mantelpiece, and threw it on the table. If ever God caused a man’s Bible to open to a message his soul needed, surely He did it then for me.
The Book opened at the 10th chapter of Acts, and my eyes fell on the 38th verse, which read, God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the DEVIL; for God was with Him.
Like a flash from the blue, these words pierced my heart: Oppressed of the devil! So, God was not the author of sickness! And the people whom Jesus healed had not been made sick by God!
Hastily taking a reference to another portion of the Word, I read the words of Jesus in Luke 13:16. Ought not this woman… whom SATAN HATH BOUND, lo, these eighteen years, be loosed from this bond? Once again Jesus attributed sickness to the devil.
What a faith sprang up in my heart! What a flame of knowledge concerning the Word of God and the ministry of Jesus went over my soul! I saw as never before why Jesus healed the sick: He was doing the will of His Father; and in doing His Father’s will, He was destroying the works of the devil (Hebrews 2:14).
I said in my soul, This work of the devil this destruction of my wife’s life in the name of Jesus Christ shall cease, for Christ died and Himself took our infirmities and bare our sicknesses.
We decided on 9:30 am as the time when prayer would be offered for my wife’s recovery. Again, I telephoned and telegraphed friends to join me in prayer.
At 9:30 I knelt at her deathbed and called on the living God. The power of God came upon her, thrilling her from head to feet. Her paralysis left, her heart became normal, her cough ceased, her breathing became regular, and her temperature became normal. The power of God was flowing, through her, seemingly as blood flows through veins.
As I prayed, I heard a sound from her lips not the sound of weakness as before, but a strong, clear voice. She cried out, “Praise God, I am healed!” With that, she caught hold of the bed clothing, threw it back, and in a moment was standing on the floor.
What a day! Will I ever forget it? The power of God thrilled our souls, and the joy of God possessed, our hearts because of her recovery.
The news spread throughout the city, the state, and the nation. Newspapers discussed it and our home became a center of inquiry. People traveled great distances to see and talk with her. She was flooded with letters.
A new light dawned in our souls. The church had diligently taught us that the days of miracles had passed; and believing this, eight members of the family had been permitted to die. But, now, with the light of truth flashing in our hearts, we saw that as a lie, no doubt invented by the devil and diligently heralded as truth by the church, thus robbing mankind of its rightful inheritance through the blood of Jesus.
People came to our home, saying, “Since God has healed you, surely He will heal us. Pray for us.” We were forced into it. God answered, and many were healed.
Many years have passed since then, but no day has gone by in which God has not answered prayer. I have devoted my life, day and night, to this ministry; all people have been healed not by ones and twos, nor by hundreds, or even by thousands, but by tens of thousands.
by John G. Lake, pages 38-40
(Time 52:35)
THANK YOU FOR TRUTH! We receive truth in our hearts, in our minds, in our bodies, and in our spirits! THANK YOU FATHER! Amen. Amen. Amen.
The Word declares that Yahweh is the same yesterday, today and for the eons!

6 For I, Yahweh, do not alter…

8 Jesus Christ, yesterday and today, is the Same One for the eons also.

10 “Are you not believing that I am in the Father and the Father is in Me? The declarations which I am speaking to you I am not speaking from Myself. Now the Father, remaining in Me, He is doing His works.”

YOUR WILL is always done! Amen.
IF you are waiting
for your healing:
Praise Yahweh for HIS strategy for the victory in ALL THINGS! Amen.
IF you are still waiting for YOUR MIRACULOUS HEALING, listen to THIS prayer spoken to open someone to RECEIVE healing themselves!
by John G. Lake
Chapter Title – “Adventures in God”
One day a woman came to the Healing Rooms in the old Rookery Building in Spokane. She could not raise her arm. She said she had an open sore on her side and could get no help from physicians. She added that she had no faith in doctors, in man, in God, or in Jesus Christ but asked if I could help her.
I prayed for her three times with no results. After the third time I said to God, “God, her soul is closed. Open her soul that she might receive.”
The next morning as she was putting up her hair, she suddenly discovered that she was using the bad arm and had it raised up to her head. She felt her side, and the open sore was gone.
Immediately, she telephoned to tell us about it.
I said, “Sister, come down here. There are people waiting to hear your testimony.”
How much faith does God require of a person who comes and asks?
by John G. Lake, pages 25-26
(Time 56:22)
Thank You for YOUR PATIENCE with us! THANK YOU for YOUR compassion for us! BLESS YOU! BLESS YOU FATHER!
Thank You for YOUR SPIRIT always guiding! GUIDING John G. Lake in what to pray… in what to ASK for! PRAISE YOU FATHER! Amen.

13 “Yet whenever that may be coming—the spirit of truth—it will be guiding you into all the truth, for it will not be speaking from itself, but whatsoever it should be hearing will it be speaking, and of what is coming will it be informing you. 14 That will be glorifying Me, seeing that of Mine will it be getting, and informing you. 15 All, whatever the Father has, is Mine. Therefore I said to you that of Mine is it getting, and will be informing you.”

THANK YOU for the gift of YOUR SPIRIT!
THANK YOU for the anointing of YOUR SPIRIT! THANK YOU for baptizing us in YOUR HOLY SPIRIT! PRAISE YOU FATHER! Amen.
continuous pain.
Doctors said, “No cure!”
ONE of my own MIRACULOUS INSTANT HEALINGS from Yahweh occurred back in July of 2011. Now, when I was around 19-years-young (that would have been in 1997), I met a man who was raised in a Catholic family, professed his faith in Yahweh… and I dated and married him. Now, before I got married, the Spirit showed me multiple times NOT to get married. However, I did not want to hurt this man’s feelings, and “leave him at the altar,” so I went through with the marriage. Not long after, I was bedridden for an entire month from excruciating back pains. It felt like a knife in my back, constantly. Horrific pain. The doctors said I had a depleted disc in my sacrum. They also said there was:
Now, I did not understand what a “depleted disc” was, so the doctors explained it to me like this, they said: “It is like a jelly donut. The jelly is COMPLETELY GONE. Your bones are literally rubbing against each other.” They said to me again and again, “There is NO CURE for this.”
11 long and painful years later, one day, YAHWEH SPOKE TO ME! Now, understand, until only a few months prior to that, I had not even realized that Yahweh speaks to people… today!
Yahweh said to me:
“Light cannot live with darkness.”
(Time 1:00:10)
At first, I was shocked. Shocked that He spoke to me… I remember this profound, divine moment vividly when my Father in Heaven spoke. I remember the exact place I was standing, the room in which I was standing, every discernible detail, even the direction I was facing, the sun streaming in the windows. Everything.
Today, looking back, I now realize that because I had sinned, because I had dis-obeyed Yahweh with the person I chose to marry; now, JUST LIKE in the books of Ezra and Nehemiah, Yahweh was requiring me to get divorced.

10 Then Ezra the priest arose and said to them: You yourselves have offended and located in your houses foreign women, thus adding to the guilt of Israel. 11 So now make confession to Yahweh Elohim of your fathers and get His approval, and separate yourselves from the peoples of the land and from the foreign women.
12 The entire assembly responded and avowed with a loud voice: Just so; it is on us to act according to your word.

Yahweh required His children to SEPARATE THEMSELVES from unbelievers whom they had married, they had married AGAINST FATHER’S WILL. So, to then get His, Yahweh’s, approval, Yahweh required them to get divorced.
Just as Yahweh was requiring me to separate myself from unbelief, from darkness.
Also, since I had dis-obeyed Yahweh, he could NOT protect me from pain and disease, He could NOT bless me. My actions took me on a road that I CHOSE. Me. Just as Yahweh declares simply and clearly:

26 See! I am setting before you today blessing and malediction: 27 the blessing if you should hearken to the instructions of Yahweh your Elohim that I am enjoining on you today, 28 and the malediction if you should not hearken to the instructions of Yahweh your Elohim, and you withdraw from the way that I am enjoining on you today, by going after other elohim whom you have not known.

Yeshua also says it, as recorded in the New Testament:

14 “You are My friends, if you should be doing whatever I am directing you.”

I have to share here, since I was raised in a Lutheran Church, I had been taught that “divorce is worse than murder.” Literally. Even though Yahweh Himself demands, as in Ezra and Nehemiah, when people married those who did NOT follow Him! He commanded divorce! I will not go into the detail today of the EFFORT and PRAYER and STRUGGLE it took me to get beyond this lie from religion, that “divorce is worse than murder,” and to obey Yahweh’s instruction!
Well, here is the MIRACULOUS PART! WHEN I finally got the courage to obey Yahweh, (meaning when I STOPPED people-pleasing, and began TRULY Yah-pleasing), when I finally decided to OBEY Yahweh, the day after I SPOKE OUTLOUD my decision to get a divorce, I WAS INSTANTLY and MIRACULOUSLY HEALED!
I was SO EXCITED to realize that I was COMPLETELY HEALED… that I did a somersault on the wooden floor, just to prove my complete healing! PRAISE YOU FATHER! HOLY IS YOUR NAME! THANK YOU for miraculously, instantly and completely healing me! OH GLORY TO YOUR NAME FATHER!
(Time 1:05:15)
My little girl, about 4-years-young at the time, joyously did somersaults with me! LAUGHING WITH DELIGHT AND GLEE together! She was SO SURPRISED and HAPPY her mama was on the floor… doing SOMERSAULTS together with her! PRAISE YAHWEH! GLORY TO HIS NAME! Oh… what glorious joy He gives!
I will say it again and again! I will SHOUT it from the rooftops.
No matter the amount of pain you feel. No matter what doctors may say. YAHWEH HEALS! He miraculously REPLACED the “jelly in my donut!” The depleted disk in my sacrum. No more excruciating pain! None!
He healed me… He WILL heal you also!
And, to share with you… I am ALSO HEALED and COMPLETELY FREE from a myriad of other pains, torments, illnesses, and diseases, including:
- Plantar Fasciitis (horrendous foot-arch pain)
- Horrible and VERY painful arthritis in my knees (which began when I was about 20-years-young)
- Migraine headaches
- Swimmer’s ear (or earaches)
- Pains for years after knee surgery
- Tendinitis in my Achilles’ tendon (begun as a teenager from running track and hurdles)
- Weak ankles from multiple sprains from being in sports when younger
- As I just shared, the depleted disk in my sacrum
- Anxiety and depression (of which I was on medications… anti-depressants, for years and years)
- PTSD (mental torment following the trauma of being raped at knifepoint)
- In chapter one of KEEPING THE FAITH through the UN-thinkable… a real account by Tamra Jean, I share HOW Yahweh healed me from PTSD. This was not a miraculous and instant healing, this took a little longer than an instant, but I AM COMPLETELY HEALED, FREE FROM MENTAL TORMENT and rejoicing in ALL THINGS! ALL! YES all! Praise Yahweh! Amen.
- If you would like a free copy of the book, fill out the contact form on BeHealedToday.org or on WhereTheSpiritOfTheLordis.com, let me know this is what you would like and reference this “Personal Testimonies” video or transcript, and I will email you a FREE PDF copy of the book. Bless you!
Continuing on with the list of pains I am FREE from:
- Heart burn
- Terrible cramps during my period
- Colds, sickness, flu
- Suicidal thoughts
- Also, my left arm unable to lift, stretch or move my elbow more than 5 inches (NOW I brush my hair with both hands again! Praise Yahweh!)
Today, and for YEARS I have now lived in COMPLETE HEALTH, EVERY DAY! That list I just shared, is ALL that I had been cured of, MIRACULOUSLY healed from!
I live in HEAVEN’S VIEW, divine and perfect health!
And I WILL continue to until my last breath, or until I am rising to meet Yeshua in the clouds! As I shared before, I am not perfect. I sin. I sometimes worry. And, when I do, I can feel pain in my head, light headaches, and sometimes other aches in my body. BUT, when I feel this, I KNOW that in some area, I am NOT trusting Yahweh. So, I confess my sin. I repent. I relax. I read the Word. I pray and speak truth over myself. And Yahweh makes me whole again! PRAISE YOU FATHER!
(Time 1:05:15)
YAHWEH protects me! Yahweh will protect YOU! HIS WILL is for us to live HEALTHY and HEALED continuously and continually… superabundantly! AMEN!

10 “The thief is not coming except that he should be stealing and sacrificing and destroying. I came that they may have life eonian, and have it superabundantly.”

This does not only mean superabundance in heaven… NO! He is talking about LIFE HERE ON EARTH as well! Superabundant health! TODAY! AMEN!

5 You shall not fear the alarm at night,
Or the arrow that flies by day,
6 Neither the plague that walks in gloom,
Nor the sting that devastates at high noon.
7 A thousand may fall at your side,
And ten thousand at your right hand;
It shall not come close to you.

from emotional,
physical and
sexual abuse,
trauma and pain
Now, Yahweh has also placed it on my heart to share another miraculous healing with you, that of my daughter. (Father, Thank You for Your peace and strength. Amen.) Years ago, when my daughter was 4-years-young, I filed for a divorce. It was a long, drawn out, horrific ordeal. I had been a stay-at-home-mom since the birth of my daughter. Sadly, the courts had granted the biological dad custody during the week. After I lived on my own, I would thus only see my daughter when she would stay with me on the weekends.
I began noticing strange and unusual things occurring with my daughter. She would speak of things that a 4-year-old Christian child should not know about, nor say or feel. One weekend, my daughter woke up at 11 pm SCREAMING. She screamed uncontrollably for an HOUR STRAIGHT. Even with her in my arms, holding her and rocking her… nothing I did would console her. In my desperation, my daughter’s screams still filling the air, I called a miraculous healing ministry center that I knew of on the phone right then! They offered fly-in help, and I was scheduled 5 days of intense care with this ministry. Their program and expertise was impeccable, and most importantly their faith and healing and miracles following them up were directly from Yahweh above! THEY KNEW YAHWEH! He did miracles through them! Amen. (JUST as it is written in Mark 16:17-18.)
Now, the odd sign in my daughter here and there, with symptoms surfacing, were leading my suspicions into disarray. Her mannerisms as well as both her visible and emotional state of mind suggested many other strange things had been happening to my daughter. TOO MANY “little things” were apparent to doubt them any longer. I took my daughter to the doctor, and my worst fear was confirmed.
My daughter was showing signs of abuse, (alleged abuse I must legally say).
(Time 1:15:07)
My daughter was visibly and audibly suffering. She had a HUGE GASH on her leg, complained of terrible stomach pains and cramping, as well as having a rampant yeast infection. She was now only 5-years-young at the time! The life in her spirit (the twinkle in her eyes, the spark previously brightening up in her soul like fireworks) was now completely snuffed out. Her middle-of-the-night-wakings in utter terror were regular. The list goes on and on…
I went to the police station and filed a report. Then I went to the courthouse and obtained legal permission to bring my daughter for a week out of state to the miraculous healing center where I had set up an appointment for my daughter.
My emotions still a wreck when we first arrived at the healing ministry center, my heart constantly breaking at the mere sight of my daughters beyond miserable countenance. They prayed for us constantly. Out loud, in their minds, and in the spirit. Bless them Father in Heaven! (Please know, I am not fully describing everything here… just the basic facts to share this MIRACLE with you all!) They provided organic, herbal salves and topical creams (no pharmaceuticals nor drugs) Praise Yah!; also they fed us healthy meals and snacks, (fresh organic fruits and vegetables), and they took us on nature and Biblical outings.
This all-encompassing treatment, even before the end of that week, healed my daughter of all the emotional and physical pains and hurts listed above. ALL! MIRACULOUSLY! Including the fact that she was sleeping soundly again, consistently, throughout the entire night! She felt completely safe again! Free! Free from abuse! Healed!
The relief to my heart… inexpressible.
Most importantly, the JOY (the twinkle, the sparkle) in her EYES and LIFE in her SPIRIT reignited as well! Praise Yahweh! She began SINGING constantly again! OH GLORY TO YOU FATHER! (I am almost in tears here, remembering the visible, energy rich JOY twinkling in her eyes again. The miraculous return to LIFE in her SPIRIT that week was exhilarating! Ezekiel 37 occurred in front of my eyes! Praise His Holy Name!)
Now, honestly, I would rather not share this account. However, since emotional, physical and sexual abuse are so rampant in this wicked world, I share this to give MIRACULOUS EXPECTATION to you, and to all others! YAHWEH HEALS! HE IS SO GOOD! PRAISE HIS HOLY NAME! It is not only physical ailments that He heals… He heals emotional pains and He heals sexual abuse trauma as well! He heals our HEARTS! He heals our minds and memories! He heals our emotions! He heals our SPIRITS! PRAISE HIS HOLY NAME! GLORY TO YOU FATHER!
Just as Yahweh MIRACULOUSLY healed my daughter, physically, mentally, and emotionally, so I pray HIS MIRACULOUS HEALING POWER OVER YOU! HE HEALS! IN ALL AREAS! ALL IS POSSIBLE WITH YAHWEH! ALL! Amen. “Only believe!”
GREATER than these
will you do:
Yahweh’s word IS TRUTH! What he speaks… OCCURS! Amen.
(Time 1:20:07)
by John G. Lake
Chapter Title – “Adventures in God”
Edward Lion was a native man… He was illiterate and knew nothing whatever of our conception of scholarship.
But God anointed that man with the faith of God and a measure of the Holy Ghost so intense that on one occasion when a multitude of sick folk had been brought into a valley, the power of God came upon him and he went upon the mountainside, stretched out his hands over the sick below, and poured out his heart to God.
In a minute, hundreds were healed! Healing power fell upon them.
There is no such instance recorded in the New Testament…
by John G. Lake, page 17

12 “Verily, verily, I am saying to you, he who is believing in Me, the works which I am doing he also will be doing, and greater than these will he be doing, for I am going to the Father. 13 And whatever you should be requesting in My name, this I will be doing, that the Father should be glorified in the Son. 14 If you should ever be requesting anything of Me in My name, this I will be doing.”

THANK YOU for YOUR ANOINTING ON US! THANK YOU for YOUR miraculous healing in us! PRAISE YOU FOR YOUR POWER, YOUR GLORY! YOU! Amen. Thank You for YOUR COMPASSION for us! THANK YOU for healing us all! Amen.
Yahweh’s divine science:
John G. Lake had multiple scientists do experiments with him (or actually on him), showing the ALMIGHTY POWER OF YAHWEH! At the end of the experiments, here is what Yahweh showed:
by John G. Lake
Chapter Title – “Adventures in God”
I said to them, “Gentlemen, I want you to see one more thing. Go down in your hospital and bring back a man who has inflammation in the bone. Take your instrument and attach it to his leg. Leave enough space to get my hand on his leg. You can attach it to both sides.”
When the instrument was ready, I put my hand on the man’s shin and prayed like Mother Etter’ prays: no strange prayer, but the cry of my heart to God.
I said, “God, kill the devilish disease by Your power. Let the Spirit move in him; let it live in him.”
Then I asked, “Gentlemen, what is taking place?” They replied, “Every cell is responding.”
It is so simple: The life of God comes back into the part that is afflicted; immediately the blood flows; the closed, congested cells respond; and the work is done!
That is God’s divine science.
Oh, beloved, when you pray, something is happening in you! It is not a myth; it is the action of God.
The Almighty God, by the Spirit, comes into your soul, takes possession of your brain and manifests Himself in the cortex cells of your brain. When you wish and will, either consciously or unconsciously, the fire of God, the power of God, that life of God, that nature of God, is transmitted from the cortex cells of your brain and throbs through your nerves down through your person, into every cell of your being into every cell of your brain, your blood, your flesh, and your bone, into every square inch of your skin, until you are alive with God!
That is divine healing.
by John G. Lake, pages 13-14
(Time 1:25:05)
Thank You for granting EACH OF US listening or reading these testimonies of YOUR MIRACLE POWERS… Thank You for HEALING EACH OF US! PRAISE YOU HOLY FATHER! PRAISE YOU! Amen.
How the Spirit works!
Yahweh’s ways are BEYOND OUR comprehension! PRAISE HIS HOLY NAME!
I love learning and knowing HIS WAYS!
by John G. Lake
Chapter Title – “Dominion”
In my church in South Africa we published a paper in 10,000 lots. We would have the printers send them to the church, and we would lay them out on the front platform in packages of 100 and 200. At the evening service I would call certain people from the congregation (that I knew to be in contact with the living God) to come and kneel around the packages and lay their hands on them.
We asked God to not only bless the reading matter in the paper that the message of Christ should come through the words printed on the paper, but that the paper itself become filled with the Spirit of God, just as the handkerchiefs became filled with the power of God. (Acts 19:12)
I could show you thousands of letters from people in all parts of the world, telling me that the Spirit of God came upon them when they received our paper. Not only were they healed, but the joy of God came into their hearts and many were saved.
One woman wrote from South America: “I received your paper. When I took it into my hands, my body began to vibrate so, I could hardly sit on the chair. I did not understand it. I laid the paper down, and after a while took it up again. As soon as I had it in my hands, I shook again. The third time I picked up the paper, the Spirit of God came upon me so powerfully, I was baptized in the Holy Ghost.”
Beloved, do you see that this message and this quality of the Spirit contains the thing that confuses all the philosophers and all the practice of philosophy in the world? It shows the clearest distinction, which characterizes the real religion of Jesus Christ. It is distinct from all other religions and all other ministries.
The ministry of Christianity is the ministry of the Spirit. It is the Spirit of God that inhabits the words, that speaks to the spirit of another and reveals Christ in and through him.
by John G. Lake, pages 53-54
Place your hands on the device you are listening to… or the paper or document that you are reading. We here at Heaven’s View Ministry have PRAYED OVER THIS VIDEO, THIS AUDIO, THIS PDF TRANSCRIPT. Yahweh’s spirit IS HERE! Yahweh’s spirit IS IN THIS! BE HEALED! RECEIVE HIS SPIRIT!
Yes.. even
raising the DEAD!
by John G. Lake
Chapter Title – “Adventures in God”
I was absent from the city of Spokane for a time and, when I returned, Mrs. Lake was not at home. It was just time to leave for my afternoon service when someone came in and said, “Your secretary, Mrs. Graham, is in the throes of death. Your wife is with her.”
Immediately I hurried to the place. One of my ministers’ wives met me at the door and said, “You are too late; she is gone.”
As I stepped inside, the minister was coming out of the room. He said, “She has not breathed for a long time.” But looking on that woman, I thought of how God Almighty had raised her out of death three years before; how He had miraculously given her back her womb, ovaries, and tubes which had been removed in operations; how she had married and conceived a child.
As these thoughts arose, my heart flamed!
I took that woman up off the pillow and called upon God for the lightnings of heaven to blast the power of death and deliver her. I commanded her to come back and stay. She came back after having not breathed for 23 minutes!
We have not yet learned to keep in living touch with the powers of God. Once in a while our souls rise, and we see the flame of God accomplish this wonder and that. But, beloved, Jesus Christ lived in the presence of God every hour of the day and night. Never a word proceeded from the mouth of Jesus Christ, but that which was God’s Word. He said, The words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life (John 6:63).
When you and I are lost in the Son of God and the fires of Jesus burn in our hearts, as they did in His, our words will be the words of Spirit and of Life. There will be no death in them. Beloved, we are on the way.
by John G. Lake, pages 10-11
(Time 1:31:58)
“Only believe!” Let’s be radical! Believe EVERY word of the Bible! Then, as John. G. Lake and others… GO DO IT! Amen!

12 “Verily, verily, I am saying to you, he who is believing in Me, the works which I am doing he also will be doing, and greater than these will he be doing, for I am going to the Father. 13 And whatever you should be requesting in My name, this I will be doing, that the Father should be glorified in the Son. 14 If you should ever be requesting anything of Me in My name, this I will be doing.”

And… what did Yeshua do? HE RAISED THE DEAD! Remember Lazarus?

38 Jesus, then, again muttering in Himself, is coming to the tomb. Now it was a cave, and a stone was laid on it. 39 Jesus is saying, “Take away the stone.”
Martha, the sister of the deceased, is saying to Him, “Lord, he is already smelling, for it is the fourth day.”
40 Jesus is saying to her, “Did I not say to you that, if ever you should be believing, you should be seeing the glory of God?” 41 They, then, take away the stone. Yet Jesus lifts up His eyes and said, “Father, I thank Thee that Thou hearest Me. 42 Now I was aware that Thou art hearing Me always, but because of the throng standing about I said it, that they should be believing that thou dost commission Me.” 43 And, saying these things, He clamors with a loud voice, “Lazarus! Hither! Out!” 44 And out came he who had died, bound feet and hands with winding sheets, and his countenance had been bound about with a handkerchief. Jesus is saying to them, “Loose him and let him go!”
45 Many of the Jews, then, who come to Mary and gaze at what Jesus does, believe in Him. 46 Yet some of them came away to the Pharisees, and told them how much Jesus does.

(Time 1:35:02)
YAHWEH IS SO GLORIOUS! He answers prayer in His SUPERABUDNANCE of power! And, as it is written, HE gives SUPERABUNDANTLY to all that we request! BLESS HIM! PRAISE HIM! Amen.

20 For Now to Him Who is able to do superexcessively above all that we are requesting or apprehending, according to the power that is operating in us, 21 to Him be glory in the ecclesia and in Christ Jesus for all the generations of the eon of the eons! Amen!

Father in Heaven,
THANK YOU for each and every one of YOUR GLORIOUS miraculous healings and powerful miracles… TODAY!
Thank You for YOUR FAITHFULNESS to us… even when we are faithless, YOU ARE FAITHFUL!
THANK YOU for healing ALL who come here, all who look to YOU for YOUR MIRACULOUS POWER!
THANK YOU for pouring YOURSELF and YOUR SPIRIT over us! WE WORSHIP YOU! And YOU alone!
Come, holy spirit, come!
We raise our arms in worship to YOU, our Magnificent, Glorious, Miracle-Granting Abba, Daddy, Father in Heaven.
Bless Your Holy Name!
We joyously and rejoicingly receive YOUR miracles today!
In Yeshua’s holy name we pray… Seal it, I pray.
Amen. Amen. Amen.


10 “Are you not believing that I am in the Father and the Father is in Me? The declarations which I am speaking to you I am not speaking from Myself. Now the Father, remaining in Me, He is doing His works.
11 “Believe Me that I am in the Father and the Father in Me; yet if not, believe Me because of the works themselves. 12 Verily, verily, I am saying to you, he who is believing in Me, the works which I am doing he also will be doing, and greater than these will he be doing, for I am going to the Father. 13 And whatever you should be requesting in My name, this I will be doing, that the Father should be glorified in the Son. 14 If you should ever be requesting anything of Me in My name, this I will be doing. 15 If you should be loving Me, you will be keeping My precepts.
16 “And I shall be asking the Father, and He will be giving you another consoler, that it, indeed, may be with you for the eon — 17 the spirit of truth, which the world can not get, for it is not beholding it, neither is knowing it. Yet you know it, for it is remaining with you and will be in you.”

Amen. Amen.
Go in peace and complete health. Amen!
(Time 1:39:25)

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- Plus many more revelations and teachings as and when Yahweh and His spirit are revealing them to me to herald and declaim. Praise Yahweh!

Miraculous Healing Services and Broadcasts TODAY!

- Be healed today through our Yahweh-led miraculous healing services and broadcasts!
- The Apostolic Faith IS ALIVE TODAY! Yahweh heals… TODAY!
- Receive your own personal healing from Yahweh! (Our Glorious Father works through replays also! HE IS YAHWEH! ALL IS POSSIBLE WITH HIM! Amen!)
Receive your own personal healing from Yahweh!

Test the spirits (read 1 John 4:1)… fact check and spirit check everything you see, hear and read. INCLUDING the heraldings and teachings here at Heaven’s View Ministry!
Also, test your OWN spirit:
Are you truly living in Yahweh's peace?

Come and BE FREE!

Live in FREEDOM!
Live in TRUTH!
The Kingdom of Heaven is near!
Get ready!
Remain Ready!
Be committed!
and receive the wreath of life!
Be healed! Today!
Live in the
Apostolic Faith… TODAY!
Yahweh heals…
Yahweh sets the captives free…
Yahweh binds
the broken of heart…
Yahweh raises the dead…
Praise His Holy Name!
You are invited to BE RADICAL as Yeshua is calling us to be!
LEARN THE TRUTH in the Bible, not from any mis-translations, nor human interpretations leading to misapplications of the truth…
Just as when Yeshua walked the earth and healed others!
I myself was miraculously healed of a “depleted disk in my sacrum.” Excruciating back pain for years! (Sitting, standing, lying down, I was UNABLE to find comfort… living with pain like a knife in my back constantly…) “No cure,” the doctors said. Well, Yahweh instantly healed! PRAISE HIS HOLY NAME!
Be baptized in the spirit…
KNOW Yahweh and walk in His power.
Join us in obeying His every word, living radically and completely SOLD-OUT for YAHWEH, EL SHADDAI, the CREATOR of everything…
Are you radical enough?
to take Yahweh {God} at His word!
Are you?
Join us at Heaven’s View Ministry, today!

I am called by Yahweh, to be His conduit, for Him to work miraculous healings through my prayers for you (like Peter, Paul, as well as Stephen). Just as Yeshua Himself stated:

12 “Verily, verily, I am saying to you, he who is believing in Me, the works which I am doing he also will be doing, and greater than these will he be doing, for I am going to the Father. 13 And whatever you should be requesting in My name, this I will be doing, that the Father should be glorified in the Son.”

I am called to comfort, to speak, and to serve you!
How may I help you?
Come JOIN US at
Heaven’s View Ministry!

Amen and Amen.
See you soon!
I look forward to
ALL the future holds!
Miracles, signs, and wonders!
Praise His Holy Name!